
214 wiersze
7.7 KiB

import os
import subprocess
import log
import dataset
import system
import tasks
class ODMApp:
''' ODMApp - a class for ODM Activities
def __init__(self, args):
# Internal app config
self.args = args
self.project_path = os.path.abspath(args['images_src'])
# Initialize odm photos = []
# Task manager
# configure and schedule tasks
self.task_manager = tasks.ODMTaskManager(self)
# Run all tasks given an starting point
def run_all(self, initial_task, final_task):
# found ids for tasks
t_dict = tasks.tasks_dict
initial_task_id = [k for k in t_dict if t_dict[k]==initial_task][0]
final_task_id = [k for k in t_dict if t_dict[k]==final_task][0]
if initial_task_id > final_task_id:
log.ODM_ERROR('Initial task must be lower than final')
# setup task manager
self.task_manager.initial_task_id = int(initial_task_id)
self.task_manager.final_task_id = int(final_task_id)
# run defined pipeline
class ODMPhoto:
""" ODMPhoto - a class for ODMPhotos
def __init__(self, path, args):
# general purpose
self.path = path
self.path_file = None
# useful attibutes
self.file_name = None
self.width = None
self.height = None
self.ccd_width = None
self.focal_length = None
self.focal_length_px = None
# other attributes
self.file_size = None
self.file_date = None
self.camera_make = None
self.camera_model = None
self.date_time = None
self.resolution = None
self.flash_used = None
self.exposure_time = None
self.aperture = None
self.focus_distance = None
self.iso_equiv = None
self.white_balance = None
self.light_source = None
self.metering_mode = None
self.exposure = None
self.exposure_mode = None
self.exposure_bias = None
self.orientation = None
self.gps_latitude = None
self.gps_longitude = None
self.gps_altitude = None
self.jpg_quality = None
# parse values
self.parse_jhead_values(self.path, args)
# compute focal lenght into pixels
# TODO(edgar): compute global min/max
# def compute_min_max()
# min_width = min(min_width, width)
# max_width = max(max_width, width)
# min_height = min(min_height, heigth)
# max_height = max(max_height, height)
## populate & update max/mins
#if objODMJob.minWidth == 0:
#objODMJob.minWidth = self.width
#if objODMJob.minHeight == 0:
#objODMJob.minHeight = self.height
#if objODMJob.minWidth < self.width:
#objODMJob.minWidth = self.minWidth
#objODMJob.minWidth = self.width
#if objODMJob.minHeight < self.height:
#objODMJob.minHeight = objODMJob.minHeight
#objODMJob.minHeight = self.height
#if objODMJob.maxWidth > self.width:
#objODMJob.maxWidth = objODMJob.maxWidth
#objODMJob.maxWidth = self.width
#if objODMJob.maxHeight > self.height:
#objODMJob.maxHeight = objODMJob.maxHeight
#objODMJob.maxHeight = self.height
def compute_focal_length(self):
if self.focal_length is not None and self.ccd_width is not None:
# compute the focal lenth in pixels
if self.width > self.height:
self.focal_length_px = \
self.width * (self.focal_length / self.ccd_width)
self.focal_length_px = \
self.height * (self.focal_length / self.ccd_width)
log.ODM_DEBUG('Loaded %s | dimensions: %s x %s | focal: %smm | ccd: %smm' % \
(self.file_name, self.width, self.height, self.focal_length, self.ccd_width))
log.ODM_WARNING('No CCD width or focal length found for image file: \n' +
self.file_name + ' camera: \"' + self.camera_model)
def parse_jhead_values(self, _path, args):
# load ccd_widths from file
ccd_widths = system.get_ccd_widths()
# start pipe for jhead
src_process = subprocess.Popen(['jhead', _path],
std_out, std_err = src_process.communicate()
# split lines since the output has not a standard format
std_out = std_out.decode('ascii')
std_out = std_out.splitlines()
# loop overl lines
for line in std_out[:-1]:
# split line in two parts and catch keys and values
key, val = [x.strip() for x in line.split(':')][:2]
# parse values to attributes
if key == 'File name':
self.path_file = val
self.file_name = dataset.extract_file_from_path_file(val)
elif key == 'File size': self.file_size = val
elif key == 'File date': self.file_date = val
elif key == 'Camera make': self.camera_make = val
elif key == 'Camera model': self.camera_model = val
elif key == 'Date/Time': self.date_time = val
# parse resolution field
elif key == 'Resolution':
width, height = val.split(' x ')[:2]
self.width = int(width)
self.height = int(height)
# parse resolution field
elif key == 'Flash used':
self.flash_used = bool(val)
# parse force-focal
elif key == 'Focal length':
if args.get('force_focal') is not None:
self.focal_length = args['force_focal']
self.focal_length = float(val.split(' ')[0][:-2])
# parse force-ccd
elif key == 'CCD width':
if args.get('force_ccd') is not None:
self.ccd_width = args['force_ccd']
self.ccd_width = float(val[:-2])
elif key == 'Exposure time': self.exposure_time = val
elif key == 'Aperture': self.aperture = val
elif key == 'Focus dist.': self.focus_dist = val
elif key == 'ISO equiv.': self.iso_equiv = val
elif key == 'Whitebalance': self.white_balance = val
elif key == 'Light Source': self.light_source = val
elif key == 'Metering Mode': self.metering_mode = val
elif key == 'Exposure': self.exposure = val
elif key == 'Exposure Mode': self.exposure_mode = val
elif key == 'Exposure bias': self.exposure_bias = val
elif key == 'Orientation': self.orientation = val
elif key == 'GPS Latitude': self.gps_latitude = val
elif key == 'GPS Longitude': self.gps_longitude = val
elif key == 'GPS Altitude': self.gps_altitude = val
elif key == 'JPEG Quality': self.jpg_quality = val
log.ODM_WARNING('Unknown key: %s' % key)
# find ccd_width from file if needed
if self.ccd_width is None:
key = [x for x in ccd_widths.keys() if self.camera_model in x][0]
if key is not None:
self.ccd_width = float(ccd_widths[key])
log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find ccd_width in file')