
131 wiersze
5.0 KiB

import argparse
import datetime
import os
class Parameters:
input = None
output = None
start = None
end = None
output_resolution = None
blur_percentage = None
blur_threshold = None
distance_threshold = None
black_ratio_threshold = None
pixel_black_threshold = None
use_srt = None
timezone = None
frame_format = None
stats_file = None
limit = None
def __init__(self, args):
# "input" -> path to input video file(s), use ',' to separate multiple files")
# "output" -> path to output directory")
# "start" -> start frame index")
# "end" -> end frame index")
# "output-resolution" -> Override output resolution (ex. 640x480)")
# "blur-threshold" -> blur measures that fall below this value will be considered 'blurry'. Good value is 300
# "distance-threshold" -> distance measures that fall below this value will be considered 'similar'")
# "black-ratio-threshold" -> Set the threshold for considering a frame 'black'. Express the minimum value for the ratio: nb_black_pixels / nb_pixels. Default value is 0.98")
# "pixel-black-threshold" -> Set the threshold for considering a pixel 'black'. The threshold expresses the maximum pixel luminance value for which a pixel is considered 'black'. Good value is 0.30 (30%)")
# "use-srt" -> Use SRT files for extracting metadata (same name as video file with .srt extension)")
# "limit" -> Maximum number of output frames
# "frame-format" -> frame format (jpg, png, tiff, etc.)")
# "stats-file" -> Save statistics to csv file")
if (not self.ValidateParameters(args)):
print("Invalid parameters")
if not os.path.exists(args["output"]):
self.input = args["input"].split(",")
self.output = args["output"]
self.start = args["start"] if args["start"] else 0
self.end = args["end"] if args["end"] else None
self.limit = args["limit"] if args["limit"] else None
self.blur_threshold = args["blur_threshold"] if args["blur_threshold"] else None
self.distance_threshold = args["distance_threshold"] if args["distance_threshold"] else None
self.black_ratio_threshold = args["black_ratio_threshold"] if args["black_ratio_threshold"] else None
self.pixel_black_threshold = args["pixel_black_threshold"] if args["pixel_black_threshold"] else None
self.use_srt = args["use_srt"]
self.frame_format = args["frame_format"]
self.output_resolution = tuple(map(int, args["output_resolution"].split("x"))) if args["output_resolution"] else None
self.stats_file = args["stats_file"] if args["stats_file"] else None
# We will resize the image to this size before processing
self.internal_width = 800
self.internal_height = 600
# Validate parameters
def ValidateParameters(self, args):
# input can be a list of files comma separated, check for each file
files = args["input"].split(",")
for file in files:
if not os.path.exists(file):
print("Input file does not exist: " + file)
return False
if not os.path.exists(args["output"]):
if args["start"] and args["start"] < 0:
print("Start frame index must be greater than 0")
return False
if args["limit"] and args["limit"] < 0:
print("Limit must be greater than 0")
return False
if args["end"]:
if args["end"] < 0:
print("End frame index must be greater than 0")
return False
if args["start"] is not None and args["end"] < args["start"]:
print("End frame index must be greater than start frame index")
return False
if args["blur_threshold"] and args["blur_threshold"] < 0:
print("Blur threshold must be greater than 0")
return False
if args["distance_threshold"] and args["distance_threshold"] < 0:
print("Distance threshold must be greater than 0")
return False
if args["black_ratio_threshold"] and (args["black_ratio_threshold"] < 0 or args["black_ratio_threshold"] > 1):
print("Black ratio threshold must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0")
return False
if args["pixel_black_threshold"] and (args["pixel_black_threshold"] < 0 or args["pixel_black_threshold"] > 1):
print("Pixel black threshold must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0")
return False
if args["output_resolution"]:
segs = args["output_resolution"].split("x")
if (len(segs) != 2):
print("Output resolution must be in the format WxH")
return False
if (int(segs[0]) <= 0 or int(segs[1]) <= 0):
print("Output resolution must be in the format WxH")
return False
return True