
39 wiersze
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# orthophoto_file: input GeoTIFF raster file
# crop_area_file: input vector polygon file delimiting the safe area for processing
# number_lines: number of cutlines on the smallest side of the orthophoto for computing the final cutline
# max_concurrency: maximum number of parallel processes to use
# memory: maximum MB of memory to use
# ------
# output: If successful, prints the full path to the cutlines file. Otherwise it prints "error"
# Import orthophoto (green band only)
r.external band=2 input="${orthophoto_file}" output=ortho --overwrite
# Import crop area input="${crop_area_file}" output=crop_area --overwrite
g.region vector=crop_area
# Generate cutlines --overwrite input=ortho output=cutline number_lines=${number_lines} edge_detection=zc no_edge_friction=20 lane_border_multiplier=1000000 tile_width=1024 tile_height=1024 overlap=20 processes=${max_concurrency} memory=${memory}
#v.out.ogr input=cutline output="cutline_raw.gpkg" format=GPKG
# Select cutlines that are within crop area ainput=cutline binput=crop_area output=result operator=within
# Export
v.out.ogr input=result output="result.gpkg" format=GPKG
# Merge all geometries, select only the largest one (remove islands)
ogr2ogr -f GPKG -overwrite -explodecollections -dialect SQLite -sql "SELECT ST_Union(geom) FROM result ORDER BY ST_AREA(geom) DESC LIMIT 1" cutline.gpkg result.gpkg
# Add new line output in case the last command didn't.
echo ""
if [ -e "cutline.gpkg" ]; then
echo "$$(pwd)/cutline.gpkg"
echo "error"