
253 wiersze
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from opendm import context
from opendm.system import run
from opendm import log
from osgeo import ogr
import json, os
from opendm.concurrency import get_max_memory
class Cropper:
def __init__(self, storage_dir, files_prefix = "crop"):
self.storage_dir = storage_dir
self.files_prefix = files_prefix
def path(self, suffix):
@return a path relative to storage_dir and prefixed with files_prefix
return os.path.join(self.storage_dir, '{}.{}'.format(self.files_prefix, suffix))
def crop(gpkg_path, geotiff_path, gdal_options, keep_original=True):
if not os.path.exists(gpkg_path) or not os.path.exists(geotiff_path):
log.ODM_WARNING("Either {} or {} does not exist, will skip cropping.".format(gpkg_path, geotiff_path))
return geotiff_path
log.ODM_INFO("Cropping %s" % geotiff_path)
# Rename original file
# path/to/odm_orthophoto.tif --> path/to/odm_orthophoto.original.tif
path, filename = os.path.split(geotiff_path)
# path = path/to
# filename = odm_orthophoto.tif
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
# basename = odm_orthophoto
# ext = .tif
original_geotiff = os.path.join(path, "{}.original{}".format(basename, ext))
os.rename(geotiff_path, original_geotiff)
kwargs = {
'gpkg_path': gpkg_path,
'geotiffInput': original_geotiff,
'geotiffOutput': geotiff_path,
'options': ' '.join(map(lambda k: '-co {}={}'.format(k, gdal_options[k]), gdal_options)),
'max_memory': get_max_memory()
run('gdalwarp -cutline {gpkg_path} '
'-crop_to_cutline '
'{options} '
'{geotiffInput} '
'{geotiffOutput} '
'--config GDAL_CACHEMAX {max_memory}%'.format(**kwargs))
if not keep_original:
except Exception as e:
log.ODM_WARNING('Something went wrong while cropping: {}'.format(e.message))
# Revert rename
os.rename(original_geotiff, geotiff_path)
return geotiff_path
def merge_bounds(input_bound_files, output_bounds, buffer_distance = 0):
Merge multiple bound files into a single bound computed from the convex hull
of all bounds (minus a buffer distance in meters)
geomcol = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection)
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('GPKG')
srs = None
for input_bound_file in input_bound_files:
ds = driver.Open(input_bound_file, 0) # ready-only
layer = ds.GetLayer()
srs = layer.GetSpatialRef()
# Collect all Geometry
for feature in layer:
ds = None
# Calculate convex hull
convexhull = geomcol.ConvexHull()
# If buffer distance is specified
# Create two buffers, one shrinked by
# N + 3 and then that buffer expanded by 3
# so that we get smooth corners. \m/
if buffer_distance > 0:
convexhull = convexhull.Buffer(-(buffer_distance + BUFFER_SMOOTH_DISTANCE))
convexhull = convexhull.Buffer(BUFFER_SMOOTH_DISTANCE)
# Save to a new file
if os.path.exists(output_bounds):
out_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(output_bounds)
layer = out_ds.CreateLayer("convexhull", srs=srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)
feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn()
feature = ogr.Feature(feature_def)
feature = None
# Save and close output data source
out_ds = None
def create_bounds_geojson(self, pointcloud_path, buffer_distance = 0, decimation_step=40):
Compute a buffered polygon around the data extents (not just a bounding box)
of the given point cloud.
@return filename to GeoJSON containing the polygon
if not os.path.exists(pointcloud_path):
log.ODM_WARNING('Point cloud does not exist, cannot generate bounds {}'.format(pointcloud_path))
return ''
# Do decimation prior to extracting boundary information
decimated_pointcloud_path = self.path('decimated.las')
run("pdal translate -i \"{}\" "
"-o \"{}\" "
"decimation "
"--filters.decimation.step={} ".format(pointcloud_path, decimated_pointcloud_path, decimation_step))
if not os.path.exists(decimated_pointcloud_path):
log.ODM_WARNING('Could not decimate point cloud, thus cannot generate GPKG bounds {}'.format(decimated_pointcloud_path))
return ''
# Use PDAL to dump boundary information
# then read the information back
boundary_file_path = self.path('boundary.json')
run('pdal info --boundary --filters.hexbin.edge_size=1 --filters.hexbin.threshold=0 {0} > {1}'.format(decimated_pointcloud_path, boundary_file_path))
pc_geojson_boundary_feature = None
with open(boundary_file_path, 'r') as f:
json_f = json.loads(
pc_geojson_boundary_feature = json_f['boundary']['boundary_json']
if pc_geojson_boundary_feature is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not determine point cloud boundaries")
# Write bounds to GeoJSON
bounds_geojson_path = self.path('bounds.geojson')
with open(bounds_geojson_path, "w") as f:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": pc_geojson_boundary_feature
# Create a convex hull around the boundary
# as to encompass the entire area (no holes)
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('GeoJSON')
ds = driver.Open(bounds_geojson_path, 0) # ready-only
layer = ds.GetLayer()
# Collect all Geometry
geomcol = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection)
for feature in layer:
# Calculate convex hull
convexhull = geomcol.ConvexHull()
# If buffer distance is specified
# Create two buffers, one shrinked by
# N + 3 and then that buffer expanded by 3
# so that we get smooth corners. \m/
if buffer_distance > 0:
convexhull = convexhull.Buffer(-(buffer_distance + BUFFER_SMOOTH_DISTANCE))
convexhull = convexhull.Buffer(BUFFER_SMOOTH_DISTANCE)
# Save to a new file
bounds_geojson_path = self.path('bounds.geojson')
if os.path.exists(bounds_geojson_path):
out_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(bounds_geojson_path)
layer = out_ds.CreateLayer("convexhull", geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)
feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn()
feature = ogr.Feature(feature_def)
feature = None
# Save and close data sources
out_ds = ds = None
# Remove decimated point cloud
if os.path.exists(decimated_pointcloud_path):
return bounds_geojson_path
def create_bounds_gpkg(self, pointcloud_path, buffer_distance = 0, decimation_step=40):
Compute a buffered polygon around the data extents (not just a bounding box)
of the given point cloud.
@return filename to Geopackage containing the polygon
if not os.path.exists(pointcloud_path):
log.ODM_WARNING('Point cloud does not exist, cannot generate GPKG bounds {}'.format(pointcloud_path))
return ''
bounds_geojson_path = self.create_bounds_geojson(pointcloud_path, buffer_distance, decimation_step)
summary_file_path = os.path.join(self.storage_dir, '{}.summary.json'.format(self.files_prefix))
run('pdal info --summary {0} > {1}'.format(pointcloud_path, summary_file_path))
pc_proj4 = None
with open(summary_file_path, 'r') as f:
json_f = json.loads(
pc_proj4 = json_f['summary']['srs']['proj4']
if pc_proj4 is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not determine point cloud proj4 declaration")
bounds_gpkg_path = os.path.join(self.storage_dir, '{}.bounds.gpkg'.format(self.files_prefix))
# Convert bounds to GPKG
kwargs = {
'input': bounds_geojson_path,
'output': bounds_gpkg_path,
'proj4': pc_proj4
run('ogr2ogr -overwrite -f GPKG -a_srs "{proj4}" {output} {input}'.format(**kwargs))
return bounds_gpkg_path