
266 wiersze
14 KiB

import ecto
from opendm import io
from opendm import log
from opendm import types
from opendm import system
from opendm import context
class ODMGeoreferencingCell(ecto.Cell):
def declare_params(self, params):
params.declare("gcp_file", 'path to the file containing the ground control '
'points used for georeferencing.The file needs to '
'be on the following line format: \neasting '
'northing height pixelrow pixelcol imagename', 'gcp_list.txt')
params.declare("use_gcp", 'set to true for enabling GCPs from the file above', False)
params.declare("img_size", 'image size used in calibration', 2400)
def declare_io(self, params, inputs, outputs):
inputs.declare("tree", "Struct with paths", [])
inputs.declare("args", "The application arguments.", {})
inputs.declare("photos", "list of ODMPhoto's", [])
inputs.declare("reconstruction", "list of ODMReconstructions", [])
outputs.declare("reconstruction", "list of ODMReconstructions", [])
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD Georeferencing Cell')
# get inputs
args = self.inputs.args
tree = self.inputs.tree
# define paths and create working directories
# in case a gcp file it's not provided, let's try to generate it using
# images metadata. Internally calls jhead.
if not self.params.use_gcp and \
not io.file_exists(tree.odm_georeferencing_coords):
log.ODM_WARNING('Warning: No coordinates file. ' \
'Generating coordinates file in: %s' % tree.odm_georeferencing_coords)
# odm_georeference definitions
kwargs = {
'bin': context.odm_modules_path,
'imgs': tree.dataset_resize,
'imgs_list': tree.opensfm_bundle_list,
'coords': tree.odm_georeferencing_coords,
'log': tree.odm_georeferencing_utm_log
# run UTM extraction binary'{bin}/odm_extract_utm -imagesPath {imgs}/ ' \
'-imageListFile {imgs_list} -outputCoordFile {coords} ' \
'-logFile {log}'.format(**kwargs))
except Exception, e:
log.ODM_ERROR('Could not generate GCP file from images metadata.' \
'Consider rerunning with argument --odm_georeferencing-useGcp' \
' and provide a proper GCP file')
return ecto.QUIT
# check if we rerun cell or not
rerun_cell = args['rerun'] is not None \
and args['rerun'] == 'odm_georeferencing'
if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_textured_model_obj_geo) or \
not io.file_exists(tree.odm_textured_model_ply_geo) or rerun_cell:
# odm_georeference definitions
kwargs = {
'bin': context.odm_modules_path,
'bundle': tree.opensfm_bundle,
'imgs': tree.dataset_resize,
'imgs_list': tree.opensfm_bundle_list,
'model': tree.odm_textured_model_obj,
'pc': tree.pmvs_model,
'log': tree.odm_georeferencing_log,
'coords': tree.odm_georeferencing_coords,
'pc_geo': tree.odm_textured_model_ply_geo,
'geo_sys': tree.odm_textured_model_txt_geo,
'model_geo': tree.odm_textured_model_obj_geo,
'size': self.params.img_size,
'gcp': io.join_paths(tree.root_path, self.params.gcp_file),
if self.params.use_gcp and \
io.file_exists(tree.odm_georeferencing_coords):'{bin}/odm_georef -bundleFile {bundle} -inputCoordFile {coords} ' \
'-bundleResizedTo {size} -inputFile {model} -outputFile {model_geo} ' \
'-inputPointCloudFile {pc} -outputPointCloudFile {pc_geo} ' \
'-logFile {log} -georefFileOutputPath {geo_sys} -gcpFile {gcp} ' \
'-outputCoordFile {coords}'.format(**kwargs))
else:'{bin}/odm_georef -bundleFile {bundle} -inputCoordFile {coords} ' \
'-inputFile {model} -outputFile {model_geo} ' \
'-inputPointCloudFile {pc} -outputPointCloudFile {pc_geo} ' \
'-logFile {log} -georefFileOutputPath {geo_sys}'.format(**kwargs))
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid georeferenced model in: %s' \
% tree.odm_textured_model_ply_geo)
# update images metadata
geo_ref = types.ODM_GeoRef()
for idx, photo in enumerate(
geo_ref.utm_to_latlon(tree.odm_georeferencing_latlon, photo, idx)
# convert ply model to LAS reference system
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD Georeferencing Cell - Finished')
return ecto.OK if args['end_with'] != 'odm_georeferencing' else ecto.QUIT
def odm_georeferencing():
"""Run odm_georeferencing"""
print "\n - running georeferencing - " + now()
os.mkdir(jobOptions["jobDir"] + "/odm_georeferencing")
if not args.odm_georeferencing_useGcp:
run("\"" + BIN_PATH + "/odm_extract_utm\" -imagesPath " + jobOptions["srcDir"] + "/ -imageListFile " \
+ jobOptions["jobDir"] + "/pmvs/list.rd.txt -outputCoordFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "/odm_georeferencing/coordFile.txt")
run("\"" + BIN_PATH + "/odm_georef\" -bundleFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "/pmvs/bundle.rd.out -inputCoordFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "/odm_georeferencing/coordFile.txt -inputFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "-results/odm_texturing/odm_textured_model.obj -outputFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "-results/odm_texturing/odm_textured_model_geo.obj -inputPointCloudFile " \
+ jobOptions["jobDir"] + "-results/option-0000.ply -outputPointCloudFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "-results/option-0000_georef.ply -logFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "/odm_georeferencing/odm_georeferencing_log.txt -georefFileOutputPath " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "-results/odm_texturing/odm_textured_model_geo_georef_system.txt")
elif os.path.isfile(jobOptions["srcDir"] + "/" + args.odm_georeferencing_gcpFile):
run("\"" + BIN_PATH + "/odm_georef\" -bundleFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "/pmvs/bundle.rd.out -gcpFile " + jobOptions["srcDir"] + "/" + args.odm_georeferencing_gcpFile \
+ " -imagesPath " + jobOptions["srcDir"] + "/ -imagesListPath " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "/pmvs/list.rd.txt -bundleResizedTo " + str(jobOptions["resizeTo"]) + " -inputFile " \
+ jobOptions["jobDir"] + "-results/odm_texturing/odm_textured_model.obj -outputFile " \
+ jobOptions["jobDir"] + "-results/odm_texturing/odm_textured_model_geo.obj -outputCoordFile " \
+ jobOptions["jobDir"] + "/odm_georeferencing/coordFile.txt -inputPointCloudFile " \
+ jobOptions["jobDir"] + "-results/option-0000.ply -outputPointCloudFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "-results/option-0000_georef.ply -logFile " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "/odm_georeferencing/odm_georeferencing_log.txt -georefFileOutputPath " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "-results/odm_texturing/odm_textured_model_geo_georef_system.txt")
print "Warning: No GCP file. Consider rerunning with argument --odm_georeferencing-useGcp false --start-with odm_georeferencing"
print "Skipping orthophoto"
args.end_with = "odm_georeferencing"
if "csString" not in jobOptions:
if "csString" in jobOptions and "utmEastOffset" in jobOptions and "utmNorthOffset" in jobOptions:
images = []
with open(jobOptions["jobDir"] + "/pmvs/list.rd.txt") as f:
images = f.readlines()
if len(images) > 0:
with open(jobOptions["jobDir"] + "/odm_georeferencing/coordFile.txt") as f:
for lineNumber, line in enumerate(f):
if lineNumber >= 2 and lineNumber - 2 < len(images):
tokens = line.split(' ')
if len(tokens) >= 3:
x = float(tokens[0])
y = float(tokens[1])
z = float(tokens[2])
filename = images[lineNumber - 2]
run("echo " + str(x + jobOptions["utmEastOffset"]) + " " \
+ str(y + jobOptions["utmNorthOffset"]) + " " + str(z) \
+ " | cs2cs " + jobOptions["csString"] + " +to +datum=WGS84 +proj=latlong > " \
+ jobOptions["jobDir"] + "/odm_georeferencing/latlong.txt")
with open(jobOptions["jobDir"] + "/odm_georeferencing/latlong.txt") as latlongFile:
latlongLine = latlongFile.readline()
tokens = latlongLine.split()
if len(tokens) >= 2:
exifGpsInfoWritten = False
lonString = tokens[0] # Example: 83d18'16.285"W
latString = tokens[1] # Example: 41d2'11.789"N
altString = ""
if len(tokens) > 2:
altString = tokens[2] # Example: 0.998
tokens = re.split("[d '\"]+", lonString)
if len(tokens) >= 4:
lonDeg = tokens[0]
lonMin = tokens[1]
lonSec = tokens[2]
lonSecFrac = fractions.Fraction(lonSec)
lonSecNumerator = str(lonSecFrac._numerator)
lonSecDenominator = str(lonSecFrac._denominator)
lonRef = tokens[3]
tokens = re.split("[d '\"]+", latString)
if len(tokens) >= 4:
latDeg = tokens[0]
latMin = tokens[1]
latSec = tokens[2]
latSecFrac = fractions.Fraction(latSec)
latSecNumerator = str(latSecFrac._numerator)
latSecDenominator = str(latSecFrac._denominator)
latRef = tokens[3]
exivCmd = "exiv2 -q"
exivCmd += " -M\"set Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude " + latDeg + "/1 " \
+ latMin + "/1 " + latSecNumerator + "/" + latSecDenominator + "\""
exivCmd += " -M\"set Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef " + latRef + "\""
exivCmd += " -M\"set Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude " + lonDeg + "/1 " \
+ lonMin + "/1 " + lonSecNumerator + "/" + lonSecDenominator + "\""
exivCmd += " -M\"set Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef " + lonRef + "\""
altNumerator = arcDenominator = 0 # BUG: arcDenominator is never used
if altString:
altFrac = fractions.Fraction(altString)
altNumerator = str(altFrac._numerator)
altDenominator = str(altFrac._denominator)
exivCmd += " -M\"set Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude " + altNumerator + "/" + altDenominator + "\""
exivCmd += " -M\"set Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef 0\""
exivCmd += " " + filename
exifGpsInfoWritten = True
if not exifGpsInfoWritten:
print(" Warning: Failed setting EXIF GPS info for " \
+ filename + " based on " + latlongLine)
if "epsg" in jobOptions and "utmEastOffset" in jobOptions and "utmNorthOffset" in jobOptions:
lasCmd = "\"" + BIN_PATH + "/txt2las\" -i " + jobOptions["jobDir"] + \
"-results/option-0000_georef.ply -o " + jobOptions["jobDir"] \
+ "-results/pointcloud_georef.laz -skip 30 -parse xyzRGBssss -set_scale 0.01 0.01 0.01 -set_offset " \
+ str(jobOptions["utmEastOffset"]) + " " + str(jobOptions["utmNorthOffset"]) + " 0 -translate_xyz " \
+ str(jobOptions["utmEastOffset"]) + " " + str(jobOptions["utmNorthOffset"]) \
+ " 0 -epsg " + str(jobOptions["epsg"])
print(" Creating geo-referenced LAS file (expecting warning)...")
if args['--end-with'] != "odm_georeferencing":