
165 wiersze
6.8 KiB

import os
import shutil
import rasterio
import numpy as np
import math
from opendm import log
from opendm import io
from opendm import concurrency
from opendm import get_image_size
from opendm import system
from skimage.feature import canny
from skimage.draw import line
from skimage.graph import route_through_array
def write_raster(data, file):
profile = {
'driver': 'GTiff',
'width': data.shape[1],
'height': data.shape[0],
'count': 1,
'dtype': 'float32',
'transform': None,
'nodata': None,
'crs': None
with, 'w', **profile) as wout:
wout.write(data, 1)
def compute_cutline(orthophoto_file, crop_area_file, destination, max_concurrency=1, tmpdir=None, scale=1):
if io.file_exists(orthophoto_file) and io.file_exists(crop_area_file):
log.ODM_INFO("Computing cutline")
# if tmpdir and not io.dir_exists(tmpdir):
# system.mkdir_p(tmpdir)
scale = max(0.0001, min(1, scale))
scaled_orthophoto = None
if scale < 1:
log.ODM_INFO("Scaling orthophoto to %s%% to compute cutline" % (scale * 100))
scaled_orthophoto = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(io.related_file_path(orthophoto_file, postfix=".scaled")))
# Scale orthophoto before computing cutline"gdal_translate -outsize {}% 0 "
"-co NUM_THREADS={} "
"--config GDAL_CACHEMAX {}% "
"{} {}".format(
scale * 100,
orthophoto_file = scaled_orthophoto
# open raster
with as f:
rast =
_, height, width = rast.shape
number_lines = int(max(8, math.ceil(min(width, height) / 256.0)))
print("num lines: %s" % number_lines)
line_hor_offset = int(width / number_lines)
line_ver_offset = int(height / number_lines)
if line_hor_offset <= 2 or line_ver_offset <= 2:
log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot compute cutline, orthophoto is too small (%sx%spx)" % (width, height))
# Compute canny edges on first band
edges = canny(rast[0])
# Initialize cost map
cost_map = np.full((height, width), 1, dtype=np.float32)
# Write edges to cost map
cost_map[edges==True] = 0 # Low cost
# Write vertical "barrier, floor is lava" costs
vertical_lines = [((i, 0), (i, height - 1)) for i in range(line_hor_offset, width - line_hor_offset, line_hor_offset)]
vertical_points = []
pad_x = int(line_hor_offset / 2.0)
for i in range(0, len(vertical_lines)):
a,b = vertical_lines[i]
vertical_points.append(((a[0] - pad_x , a[1]), (b[0] - pad_x, b[1])))
a,b = vertical_lines[-1]
vertical_points.append(((a[0] + pad_x , a[1]), (b[0] + pad_x, b[1])))
for a, b in vertical_lines:
rr,cc = line(*a, *b)
cost_map[cc, rr] = 9999 # Lava
# Calculate route
for a, b in vertical_points:
line_coords, cost = route_through_array(cost_map, (a[1], a[0]), (b[1], b[0]), fully_connected=True, geometric=True)
print(a, b)
print("Cost: %s" % cost)
for p in line_coords:
cost_map[p[0], p[1]] = 5000
write_raster(cost_map, '/datasets/brighton2/cc_cost_map.tif')
log.ODM_WARNING("We've been asked to compute cutline, but either %s or %s is missing. Skipping..." % (orthophoto_file, crop_area_file))
# def compute_cutline(orthophoto_file, crop_area_file, destination, max_concurrency=1, tmpdir=None, scale=1):
# if io.file_exists(orthophoto_file) and io.file_exists(crop_area_file):
# from opendm.grass_engine import grass
# log.ODM_INFO("Computing cutline")
# if tmpdir and not io.dir_exists(tmpdir):
# system.mkdir_p(tmpdir)
# scale = max(0.0001, min(1, scale))
# scaled_orthophoto = None
# if scale < 1:
# log.ODM_INFO("Scaling orthophoto to %s%% to compute cutline" % (scale * 100))
# scaled_orthophoto = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(io.related_file_path(orthophoto_file, postfix=".scaled")))
# # Scale orthophoto before computing cutline
#"gdal_translate -outsize {}% 0 "
# "-co NUM_THREADS={} "
# "--config GDAL_CACHEMAX {}% "
# "{} {}".format(
# scale * 100,
# max_concurrency,
# concurrency.get_max_memory(),
# orthophoto_file,
# scaled_orthophoto
# ))
# orthophoto_file = scaled_orthophoto
# try:
# ortho_width,ortho_height = get_image_size.get_image_size(orthophoto_file, fallback_on_error=False)
# log.ODM_INFO("Orthophoto dimensions are %sx%s" % (ortho_width, ortho_height))
# number_lines = int(max(8, math.ceil(min(ortho_width, ortho_height) / 256.0)))
# except:
# log.ODM_INFO("Cannot compute orthophoto dimensions, setting arbitrary number of lines.")
# number_lines = 32
# log.ODM_INFO("Number of lines: %s" % number_lines)
# gctx = grass.create_context({'auto_cleanup' : False, 'tmpdir': tmpdir})
# gctx.add_param('orthophoto_file', orthophoto_file)
# gctx.add_param('crop_area_file', crop_area_file)
# gctx.add_param('number_lines', number_lines)
# gctx.add_param('max_concurrency', max_concurrency)
# gctx.add_param('memory', int(concurrency.get_max_memory_mb(300)))
# gctx.set_location(orthophoto_file)
# cutline_file = gctx.execute(os.path.join("opendm", "grass", "compute_cutline.grass"))
# if cutline_file != 'error':
# if io.file_exists(cutline_file):
# shutil.move(cutline_file, destination)
# log.ODM_INFO("Generated cutline file: %s --> %s" % (cutline_file, destination))
# gctx.cleanup()
# return destination
# else:
# log.ODM_WARNING("Unexpected script result: %s. No cutline file has been generated." % cutline_file)
# else:
# log.ODM_WARNING("Could not generate orthophoto cutline. An error occured when running GRASS. No orthophoto will be generated.")
# else:
# log.ODM_WARNING("We've been asked to compute cutline, but either %s or %s is missing. Skipping..." % (orthophoto_file, crop_area_file))