import argparse from opendm import context from opendm import io from opendm import log from yaml import safe_load from appsettings import SettingsParser import sys # parse arguments processopts = ['resize', 'opensfm', 'slam', 'cmvs', 'pmvs', 'odm_meshing', 'odm_25dmeshing', 'mvs_texturing', 'odm_georeferencing', 'odm_orthophoto'] with open(io.join_paths(context.root_path, 'VERSION')) as version_file: __version__ = def alphanumeric_string(string): import re if re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$', string) is None: msg = '{0} is not a valid name. Must use alphanumeric characters.'.format(string) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return string class RerunFrom(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, processopts[processopts.index(values):]) parser = SettingsParser(description='OpenDroneMap', usage='%(prog)s [options] ', yaml_file=open(context.settings_path)) def config(): parser.add_argument('--images', '-i', metavar='', help='Path to input images'), parser.add_argument('--project-path', metavar='', help='Path to the project folder') parser.add_argument('name', metavar='', type=alphanumeric_string, help='Name of Project (i.e subdirectory of projects folder)') parser.add_argument('--resize-to', # currently doesn't support 'orig' metavar='', default=2400, type=int, help='resizes images by the largest side') parser.add_argument('--skip-resize', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skips resizing of images') parser.add_argument('--start-with', '-s', metavar='', default='resize', choices=processopts, help=('Can be one of: ' + ' | '.join(processopts))) parser.add_argument('--end-with', '-e', metavar='', default='odm_orthophoto', choices=processopts, help=('Can be one of:' + ' | '.join(processopts))) rerun = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() rerun.add_argument('--rerun', '-r', metavar='', choices=processopts, help=('Can be one of:' + ' | '.join(processopts))) rerun.add_argument('--rerun-all', action='store_true', default=False, help='force rerun of all tasks') rerun.add_argument('--rerun-from', action=RerunFrom, metavar='', choices=processopts, help=('Can be one of:' + ' | '.join(processopts))) parser.add_argument('--video', metavar='', help='Path to the video file to process') parser.add_argument('--slam-config', metavar='', help='Path to config file for orb-slam') parser.add_argument('--force-focal', metavar='', type=float, help=('Override the focal length information for the ' 'images')) parser.add_argument('--force-ccd', metavar='', type=float, help='Override the ccd width information for the images') parser.add_argument('--min-num-features', metavar='', default=4000, type=int, help=('Minimum number of features to extract per image. ' 'More features leads to better results but slower ' 'execution. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--matcher-threshold', metavar='', default=2.0, type=float, help=('Ignore matched keypoints if the two images share ' 'less than percent of keypoints. Default:' ' %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--matcher-ratio', metavar='', default=0.6, type=float, help=('Ratio of the distance to the next best matched ' 'keypoint. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--matcher-neighbors', type=int, metavar='', default=8, help='Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS ' 'exif data. Set to 0 to skip pre-matching. ' 'Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, ' 'set both to 0 to not use pre-matching. OpenSFM ' 'uses both parameters at the same time, Bundler ' 'uses only one which has value, prefering the ' 'Neighbors parameter. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--matcher-distance', metavar='', default=0, type=int, help='Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching ' 'images based on GPS exif data. Set both ' 'matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip ' 'pre-matching. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--use-fixed-camera-params', action='store_true', default=False, help='Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundler') parser.add_argument('--opensfm-processes', metavar='', default=1, type=int, help=('The maximum number of processes to use in dense ' 'reconstruction. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--use-25dmesh', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use a 2.5D mesh to compute the orthophoto. This option tends to provide better results for planar surfaces. Experimental.') parser.add_argument('--use-pmvs', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use pmvs to compute point cloud alternatively') parser.add_argument('--cmvs-maxImages', metavar='', default=500, type=int, help='The maximum number of images per cluster. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pmvs-level', metavar='', default=1, type=int, help=('The level in the image pyramid that is used ' 'for the computation. see ' ' for ' 'more pmvs documentation. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--pmvs-csize', metavar='', default=2, type=int, help='Cell size controls the density of reconstructions' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pmvs-threshold', metavar='', default=0.7, type=float, help=('A patch reconstruction is accepted as a success ' 'and kept if its associated photometric consistency ' 'measure is above this threshold. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--pmvs-wsize', metavar='', default=7, type=int, help='pmvs samples wsize x wsize pixel colors from ' 'each image to compute photometric consistency ' 'score. For example, when wsize=7, 7x7=49 pixel ' 'colors are sampled in each image. Increasing the ' 'value leads to more stable reconstructions, but ' 'the program becomes slower. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pmvs-min-images', metavar='', default=3, type=int, help=('Each 3D point must be visible in at least ' 'minImageNum images for being reconstructed. 3 is ' 'suggested in general. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--pmvs-num-cores', metavar='', default=context.num_cores, type=int, help=('The maximum number of cores to use in dense ' 'reconstruction. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--mesh-size', metavar='', default=100000, type=int, help=('The maximum vertex count of the output mesh ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--mesh-octree-depth', metavar='', default=9, type=int, help=('Oct-tree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, ' 'increase to get more vertices, recommended ' 'values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--mesh-samples', metavar='= 1.0>', default=1.0, type=float, help=('Number of points per octree node, recommended ' 'and default value: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--mesh-solver-divide', metavar='', default=9, type=int, help=('Oct-tree depth at which the Laplacian equation ' 'is solved in the surface reconstruction step. ' 'Increasing this value increases computation ' 'times slightly but helps reduce memory usage. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--mesh-remove-outliers', metavar='', default=2, type=float, help=('Percentage of outliers to remove from the point set. Set to 0 to disable. ' 'Applies to 2.5D mesh only. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--mesh-wlop-iterations', metavar='', default=35, type=int, help=('Iterations of the Weighted Locally Optimal Projection (WLOP) simplification algorithm. ' 'Higher values take longer but produce a smoother mesh. ' 'Applies to 2.5D mesh only. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-data-term', metavar='', default='gmi', choices=['gmi', 'area'], help=('Data term: [area, gmi]. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-outlier-removal-type', metavar='', default='gauss_clamping', choices=['none', 'gauss_clamping', 'gauss_damping'], help=('Type of photometric outlier removal method: ' '[none, gauss_damping, gauss_clamping]. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-skip-visibility-test', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Skip geometric visibility test. Default: ' ' %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-skip-global-seam-leveling', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Skip global seam leveling. Useful for IR data.' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-skip-local-seam-leveling', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip local seam blending. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--texturing-skip-hole-filling', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Skip filling of holes in the mesh. Default: ' ' %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-keep-unseen-faces', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Keep faces in the mesh that are not seen in any camera. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-tone-mapping', metavar='', choices=['none', 'gamma'], default='none', help='Turn on gamma tone mapping or none for no tone ' 'mapping. Choices are \'gamma\' or \'none\'. ' 'Default: %(default)s ') parser.add_argument('--gcp', metavar='', default=None, help=('path to the file containing the ground control ' 'points used for georeferencing. Default: ' '%(default)s. The file needs to ' 'be on the following line format: \neasting ' 'northing height pixelrow pixelcol imagename')) parser.add_argument('--use-exif', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Use this tag if you have a gcp_list.txt but ' 'want to use the exif geotags instead')) parser.add_argument('--dem', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use this tag to build a DEM using a progressive ' 'morphological filter in PDAL.') parser.add_argument('--dem-sample-radius', metavar='', default=1.0, type=float, help='Minimum distance between samples for DEM ' 'generation.\nDefault=%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dem-resolution', metavar='', type=float, default=2, help='Length of raster cell edges in X/Y units.' '\nDefault: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dem-radius', metavar='', type=float, default=0.5, help='Radius about cell center bounding points to ' 'use to calculate a cell value.\nDefault: ' '%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-resolution', metavar=' 0.0>', default=20.0, type=float, help=('Orthophoto ground resolution in pixels/meter' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-target-srs', metavar="", type=str, default=None, help='Target spatial reference for orthophoto creation. ' 'Not implemented yet.\n' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-no-tiled', action='store_true', default=False, help='Set this parameter if you want a stripped geoTIFF.\n' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-compression', metavar='', type=str, choices=['JPEG', 'LZW', 'PACKBITS', 'DEFLATE', 'LZMA', 'NONE'], default='DEFLATE', help='Set the compression to use. Note that this could ' 'break gdal_translate if you don\'t know what you ' 'are doing. Options: %(choices)s.\nDefault: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-bigtiff', type=str, choices=['YES', 'NO','IF_NEEDED','IF_SAFER'], default='IF_SAFER', help='Control whether the created orthophoto is a BigTIFF or ' 'classic TIFF. BigTIFF is a variant for files larger than ' '4GiB of data. Options are %(choices)s. See GDAL specs: ' ' for more info. ' '\nDefault: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--build-overviews', action='store_true', default=False, help='Build orthophoto overviews using gdaladdo.') parser.add_argument('--zip-results', action='store_true', default=False, help='compress the results using gunzip') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print additional messages to the console\n' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--time', action='store_true', default=False, help='Generates a benchmark file with runtime info\n' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='OpenDroneMap {0}'.format(__version__), help='Displays version number and exits. ') args = parser.parse_args() # check that the project path setting has been set properly if not args.project_path: log.ODM_ERROR('You need to set the project path in the ' 'settings.yaml file before you can run ODM, ' 'or use `--project-path `. Run `python ' ' --help` for more information. ') sys.exit(1) return args