#!/usr/bin/python from opendm import log from opendm import config from opendm import system from opendm import io import ecto import os from scripts.odm_app import ODMApp if __name__ == '__main__': args = config.config() log.ODM_INFO('Initializing OpenDroneMap app - %s' % system.now()) # Add project dir if doesn't exist args.project_path = io.join_paths(args.project_path, args.name) if not io.dir_exists(args.project_path): log.ODM_WARNING('Directory %s does not exist. Creating it now.' % args.name) system.mkdir_p(os.path.abspath(args.project_path)) # If user asks to rerun everything, delete all of the existing progress directories. # TODO: Move this somewhere it's not hard-coded if args.rerun_all: log.ODM_DEBUG("Rerun all -- Removing old data") os.system("rm -rf " + args.project_path + "/images_resize " + args.project_path + "/odm_georeferencing " + args.project_path + "/odm_meshing " + args.project_path + "/odm_orthophoto " + args.project_path + "/odm_texturing " + args.project_path + "/opensfm " + args.project_path + "/smvs") # create an instance of my App BlackBox # internally configure all tasks app = ODMApp(args=args) # create a plasm that only contains the BlackBox plasm = ecto.Plasm() plasm.insert(app) # execute the plasm plasm.execute(niter=1) log.ODM_INFO('OpenDroneMap app finished - %s' % system.now())