import log import system import dataset import types from scripts.resize import resize from scripts.opensfm import opensfm # Define pipeline tasks tasks_dict = { '1': 'resize', '2': 'opensfm', '3': 'cmvs', '4': 'pmvs', '5': 'odm_meshing', '6': 'odm_texturing', '7': 'odm_georeferencing', '8': 'odm_orthophoto', '9': 'zip_results' } class ODMTaskManager(object): """docstring for ODMTaskManager""" def __init__(self, odm_app): self.odm_app = odm_app self.initial_task_id = 0 self.current_task_id = 0 self.final_task_id = len(tasks_dict) self.tasks = self.init_tasks(tasks_dict, self.odm_app) def init_tasks(self, _tasks_dict, _odm_app): # dict to store tasks objects tasks = {} # loop over tasks dict for key, in _tasks_dict: # instantiate and append ODMTask task_name = _tasks_dict[key] tasks[key] = ODMTask(key, task_name) # setup tasks if task_name == 'resize': # setup this task command = resize inputs = { 'project_path': _odm_app.project_path, 'args': _odm_app.args, 'photos': } elif task_name == 'opensfm': # setup this task command = opensfm inputs = { 'project_path': _odm_app.project_path, 'args': _odm_app.args, 'photos': } elif task_name == 'cmvs': # setup this task command = None inputs = {} elif task_name == 'pmvs': # setup this task command = None inputs = {} elif task_name == 'odm_meshing': # setup this task command = None inputs = {} elif task_name == 'odm_texturing': # setup this task command = None inputs = {} elif task_name == 'odm_georeferencing': # setup this task command = None inputs = {} elif task_name == 'odm_orthophoto': # setup this task command = None inputs = {} elif task_name == 'zip_results': # setup this task command = None inputs = {} else: log.ODM_ERROR('task_name %s is not valid' % task_name) # setup task configuration task = tasks[key] task.command = command task.inputs = inputs return tasks def run_tasks(self): #curr_task = self.tasks['resize'] #self.tasks['resize'] for id in range(self.initial_task_id, self.final_task_id + 1): # catch task with current id task = self.tasks[str(id)] # update task tracking log.ODM_INFO('Running task %s: %s' % (, self.current_task_id = # run task task.state = if task.state == 2: log.ODM_INFO('Succeeded task %s: %s - %s' % (,, else: log.ODM_ERROR('Aborted task %s: %s' % (, class ODMTask(object): """docstring for ODMTask""" def __init__(self, id, name): # task definition = id = name # task i/o self.command = None self.inputs = {} # Current task state (0:waiting, 1:running, 2:succeded: 3:failed) # By default we set a task in waiting state self.state = 0 # Launch task def run(self): # while doing something self.state = 1 return self.launch_command() def launch_command(self): if self.command is None: log.ODM_ERROR('Call method for task %s not defined' % return 3 # failed # run conmmand try: succeed = self.command(**self.inputs) return 2 if succeed else 3 # 2:succeed, 3:failed except Exception, e: log.ODM_ERROR(str(e)) return 3 # failed