import ecto, shutil, os, glob from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import context class ODMSmvsCell(ecto.Cell): def declare_params(self, params): params.declare("threads", "max number of threads", context.num_cores) params.declare("alpha", "Regularization parameter", 1) params.declare("max_pixels", "max pixels for reconstruction", 1700000) params.declare("output_scale", "scale of optimization", 2) params.declare("shading", "Enable shading-aware model", False) params.declare("gamma_srgb", "Apply inverse SRGB gamma correction", False) params.declare("verbose", "Increase debug level", False) def declare_io(self, params, inputs, outputs): inputs.declare("tree", "Struct with paths", []) inputs.declare("args", "The application arguments.", {}) inputs.declare("reconstruction", "ODMReconstruction", []) outputs.declare("reconstruction", "list of ODMReconstructions", []) def process(self, inputs, outputs): # Benchmarking start_time = system.now_raw() log.ODM_INFO('Running SMVS Cell') # get inputs tree = inputs.tree args = inputs.args reconstruction = inputs.reconstruction photos = if not photos: log.ODM_ERROR('Not enough photos in photos array to start SMVS') return ecto.QUIT # check if we rerun cell or not rerun_cell = (args.rerun is not None and args.rerun == 'smvs') or \ (args.rerun_all) or \ (args.rerun_from is not None and 'smvs' in args.rerun_from) # check if reconstruction was done before if not io.file_exists(tree.smvs_model) or rerun_cell: # make bundle directory if not io.file_exists(tree.mve_bundle): system.mkdir_p(tree.mve_path) #TODO: check permissions/what happens when rerun system.mkdir_p(io.join_paths(tree.mve_path, 'bundle')) io.copy(tree.opensfm_image_list, tree.mve_image_list) io.copy(tree.opensfm_bundle, tree.mve_bundle) # mve makescene wants the output directory # to not exists before executing it (otherwise it # will prompt the user for confirmation) if io.dir_exists(tree.smvs): shutil.rmtree(tree.smvs) # run mve makescene if not io.dir_exists(tree.mve_views):'%s %s %s' % (context.makescene_path, tree.mve_path, tree.smvs)) # config config = [ "-t%s" % self.params.threads, "-a%s" % self.params.alpha, "--max-pixels=%s" % int(self.params.max_pixels), "-o%s" % self.params.output_scale, "--debug-lvl=%s" % ('1' if self.params.verbose else '0'), "%s" % '-S' if self.params.shading else '', "%s" % '-g' if self.params.gamma_srgb and self.params.shading else '', "--force" if rerun_cell else '' ] # run smvs'%s %s %s' % (context.smvs_path, ' '.join(config), tree.smvs)) # find and rename the output file for simplicity smvs_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(tree.smvs, 'smvs-*')) smvs_files.sort(key=os.path.getmtime) # sort by last modified date if len(smvs_files) > 0: old_file = smvs_files[-1] if not (io.rename_file(old_file, tree.smvs_model)): log.ODM_WARNING("File %s does not exist, cannot be renamed. " % old_file) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot find a valid point cloud (smvs-XX.ply) in %s. Check the console output for errors." % tree.smvs) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid SMVS reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.smvs_model) outputs.reconstruction = reconstruction if args.time: system.benchmark(start_time, tree.benchmarking, 'SMVS') log.ODM_INFO('Running ODM SMVS Cell - Finished') return ecto.OK if args.end_with != 'smvs' else ecto.QUIT