import math import re import cv2 import os from opendm import dls import numpy as np from opendm import log from opendm.concurrency import parallel_map from import imread from skimage import exposure from skimage.morphology import disk from skimage.filters import rank, gaussian # Loosely based on def dn_to_radiance(photo, image): """ Convert Digital Number values to Radiance values :param photo ODM_Photo :param image numpy array containing image data :return numpy array with radiance image values """ image = image.astype("float32") if len(image.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("Image should have shape length of 3 (got: %s)" % len(image.shape)) # Handle thermal bands (experimental) if photo.band_name == 'LWIR': image -= (273.15 * 100.0) # Convert Kelvin to Celsius image *= 0.01 return image # All others a1, a2, a3 = photo.get_radiometric_calibration() dark_level = photo.get_dark_level() exposure_time = photo.exposure_time gain = photo.get_gain() photometric_exp = photo.get_photometric_exposure() if a1 is None and photometric_exp is None: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot perform radiometric calibration, no FNumber/Exposure Time or Radiometric Calibration EXIF tags found in %s. Using Digital Number." % photo.filename) return image if a1 is None and photometric_exp is not None: a1 = photometric_exp V, x, y = vignette_map(photo) if x is None: x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(photo.width), np.arange(photo.height)) if dark_level is not None: image -= dark_level # Normalize DN to 0 - 1.0 bit_depth_max = photo.get_bit_depth_max() if bit_depth_max: image /= bit_depth_max if V is not None: # vignette correction V = np.repeat(V[:, :, np.newaxis], image.shape[2], axis=2) image *= V if exposure_time and a2 is not None and a3 is not None: # row gradient correction R = 1.0 / (1.0 + a2 * y / exposure_time - a3 * y) R = np.repeat(R[:, :, np.newaxis], image.shape[2], axis=2) image *= R # Floor any negative radiances to zero (can happend due to noise around blackLevel) if dark_level is not None: image[image < 0] = 0 # apply the radiometric calibration - i.e. scale by the gain-exposure product and # multiply with the radiometric calibration coefficient if gain is not None and exposure_time is not None: image /= (gain * exposure_time) image *= a1 return image def vignette_map(photo): x_vc, y_vc = photo.get_vignetting_center() polynomial = photo.get_vignetting_polynomial() if x_vc and polynomial: # append 1., so that we can call with numpy polyval polynomial.append(1.0) vignette_poly = np.array(polynomial) # perform vignette correction # get coordinate grid across image x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(photo.width), np.arange(photo.height)) # meshgrid returns transposed arrays # x = x.T # y = y.T # compute matrix of distances from image center r = np.hypot((x - x_vc), (y - y_vc)) # compute the vignette polynomial for each distance - we divide by the polynomial so that the # corrected image is image_corrected = image_original * vignetteCorrection vignette = 1.0 / np.polyval(vignette_poly, r) return vignette, x, y return None, None, None def dn_to_reflectance(photo, image, use_sun_sensor=True): radiance = dn_to_radiance(photo, image) irradiance = compute_irradiance(photo, use_sun_sensor=use_sun_sensor) return radiance * math.pi / irradiance def compute_irradiance(photo, use_sun_sensor=True): # Thermal? if photo.band_name == "LWIR": return 1.0 # Some cameras (Micasense) store the value (nice! just return) hirradiance = photo.get_horizontal_irradiance() if hirradiance is not None: return hirradiance # TODO: support for calibration panels if use_sun_sensor and photo.get_sun_sensor(): # Estimate it dls_orientation_vector = np.array([0,0,-1]) sun_vector_ned, sensor_vector_ned, sun_sensor_angle, \ solar_elevation, solar_azimuth = dls.compute_sun_angle([photo.latitude, photo.longitude], photo.get_dls_pose(), photo.get_utc_time(), dls_orientation_vector) angular_correction = dls.fresnel(sun_sensor_angle) # TODO: support for direct and scattered irradiance direct_to_diffuse_ratio = 6.0 # Assumption, clear skies spectral_irradiance = photo.get_sun_sensor() percent_diffuse = 1.0 / direct_to_diffuse_ratio sensor_irradiance = spectral_irradiance / angular_correction # Find direct irradiance in the plane normal to the sun untilted_direct_irr = sensor_irradiance / (percent_diffuse + np.cos(sun_sensor_angle)) direct_irradiance = untilted_direct_irr scattered_irradiance = untilted_direct_irr * percent_diffuse # compute irradiance on the ground using the solar altitude angle horizontal_irradiance = direct_irradiance * np.sin(solar_elevation) + scattered_irradiance return horizontal_irradiance elif use_sun_sensor: log.ODM_WARNING("No sun sensor values found for %s" % photo.filename) return 1.0 def get_photos_by_band(multi_camera, user_band_name): band_name = get_primary_band_name(multi_camera, user_band_name) for band in multi_camera: if band['name'] == band_name: return band['photos'] def get_primary_band_name(multi_camera, user_band_name): if len(multi_camera) < 1: raise Exception("Invalid multi_camera list") # multi_camera is already sorted by band_index if user_band_name == "auto": return multi_camera[0]['name'] for band in multi_camera: if band['name'].lower() == user_band_name.lower(): return band['name'] band_name_fallback = multi_camera[0]['name'] log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot find band name \"%s\", will use \"%s\" instead" % (user_band_name, band_name_fallback)) return band_name_fallback def compute_band_maps(multi_camera, primary_band): """ Computes maps of: - { photo filename --> associated primary band photo } (s2p) - { primary band filename --> list of associated secondary band photos } (p2s) by looking at capture UUID, capture time or filenames as a fallback """ band_name = get_primary_band_name(multi_camera, primary_band) primary_band_photos = None for band in multi_camera: if band['name'] == band_name: primary_band_photos = band['photos'] break # Try using capture time as the grouping factor try: unique_id_map = {} s2p = {} p2s = {} for p in primary_band_photos: uuid = p.get_capture_id() if uuid is None: raise Exception("Cannot use capture time (no information in %s)" % p.filename) # Should be unique across primary band if unique_id_map.get(uuid) is not None: raise Exception("Unreliable UUID/capture time detected (duplicate)") unique_id_map[uuid] = p for band in multi_camera: photos = band['photos'] for p in photos: uuid = p.get_capture_id() if uuid is None: raise Exception("Cannot use UUID/capture time (no information in %s)" % p.filename) # Should match the primary band if unique_id_map.get(uuid) is None: raise Exception("Unreliable UUID/capture time detected (no primary band match)") s2p[p.filename] = unique_id_map[uuid] if band['name'] != band_name: p2s.setdefault(unique_id_map[uuid].filename, []).append(p) return s2p, p2s except Exception as e: # Fallback on filename conventions log.ODM_WARNING("%s, will use filenames instead" % str(e)) filename_map = {} s2p = {} p2s = {} file_regex = re.compile(r"^(.+)[-_]\w+(\.[A-Za-z]{3,4})$") for p in primary_band_photos: filename_without_band = re.sub(file_regex, "\\1\\2", p.filename) # Quick check if filename_without_band == p.filename: raise Exception("Cannot match bands by filename on %s, make sure to name your files [filename]_band[.ext] uniformly." % p.filename) filename_map[filename_without_band] = p for band in multi_camera: photos = band['photos'] for p in photos: filename_without_band = re.sub(file_regex, "\\1\\2", p.filename) # Quick check if filename_without_band == p.filename: raise Exception("Cannot match bands by filename on %s, make sure to name your files [filename]_band[.ext] uniformly." % p.filename) s2p[p.filename] = filename_map[filename_without_band] if band['name'] != band_name: p2s.setdefault(filename_map[filename_without_band].filename, []).append(p) return s2p, p2s def compute_alignment_matrices(multi_camera, primary_band_name, images_path, s2p, p2s, max_concurrency=1, max_samples=30): log.ODM_INFO("Computing band alignment") alignment_info = {} # For each secondary band for band in multi_camera: if band['name'] != primary_band_name: matrices = [] def parallel_compute_homography(p): try: if len(matrices) >= max_samples: # log.ODM_INFO("Got enough samples for %s (%s)" % (band['name'], max_samples)) return # Find good matrix candidates for alignment primary_band_photo = s2p.get(p['filename']) if primary_band_photo is None: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot find primary band photo for %s" % p['filename']) return warp_matrix, dimension, algo = compute_homography(os.path.join(images_path, p['filename']), os.path.join(images_path, primary_band_photo.filename)) if warp_matrix is not None: log.ODM_INFO("%s --> %s good match" % (p['filename'], primary_band_photo.filename)) matrices.append({ 'warp_matrix': warp_matrix, 'eigvals': np.linalg.eigvals(warp_matrix), 'dimension': dimension, 'algo': algo }) else: log.ODM_INFO("%s --> %s cannot be matched" % (p['filename'], primary_band_photo.filename)) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Failed to compute homography for %s: %s" % (p['filename'], str(e))) parallel_map(parallel_compute_homography, [{'filename': p.filename} for p in band['photos']], max_concurrency, single_thread_fallback=False) # Choose winning algorithm (doesn't seem to yield improvements) # feat_count = 0 # ecc_count = 0 # for m in matrices: # if m['algo'] == 'feat': # feat_count += 1 # if m['algo'] == 'ecc': # ecc_count += 1 # algo = 'feat' if feat_count >= ecc_count else 'ecc' # log.ODM_INFO("Feat: %s | ECC: %s | Winner: %s" % (feat_count, ecc_count, algo)) # matrices = [m for m in matrices if m['algo'] == algo] # Find the matrix that has the most common eigvals # among all matrices. That should be the "best" alignment. for m1 in matrices: acc = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0]) e = m1['eigvals'] for m2 in matrices: acc += abs(e - m2['eigvals']) m1['score'] = acc.sum() # Sort matrices.sort(key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=False) if len(matrices) > 0: alignment_info[band['name']] = matrices[0] log.ODM_INFO("%s band will be aligned using warp matrix %s (score: %s)" % (band['name'], matrices[0]['warp_matrix'], matrices[0]['score'])) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot find alignment matrix for band %s, The band will likely be misaligned!" % band['name']) return alignment_info def compute_homography(image_filename, align_image_filename): try: # Convert images to grayscale if needed image = imread(image_filename, unchanged=True, anydepth=True) if image.shape[2] == 3: image_gray = to_8bit(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) else: image_gray = to_8bit(image[:,:,0]) align_image = imread(align_image_filename, unchanged=True, anydepth=True) if align_image.shape[2] == 3: align_image_gray = to_8bit(cv2.cvtColor(align_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) else: align_image_gray = to_8bit(align_image[:,:,0]) def compute_using(algorithm): try: h = algorithm(image_gray, align_image_gray) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot compute homography: %s" % str(e)) return None, (None, None) if h is None: return None, (None, None) det = np.linalg.det(h) # Check #1 homography's determinant will not be close to zero if abs(det) < 0.25: return None, (None, None) # Check #2 the ratio of the first-to-last singular value is sane (not too high) svd = np.linalg.svd(h, compute_uv=False) if svd[-1] == 0: return None, (None, None) ratio = svd[0] / svd[-1] if ratio > 100000: return None, (None, None) return h, (align_image_gray.shape[1], align_image_gray.shape[0]) algo = 'feat' result = compute_using(find_features_homography) if result[0] is None: algo = 'ecc' log.ODM_INFO("Can't use features matching, will use ECC (this might take a bit)") result = compute_using(find_ecc_homography) if result[0] is None: algo = None warp_matrix, dimension = result return warp_matrix, dimension, algo except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Compute homography: %s" % str(e)) return None, None, (None, None) def find_ecc_homography(image_gray, align_image_gray, number_of_iterations=1000, termination_eps=1e-8, start_eps=1e-4): pyramid_levels = 0 h,w = image_gray.shape min_dim = min(h, w) while min_dim > 300: min_dim /= 2.0 pyramid_levels += 1 log.ODM_INFO("Pyramid levels: %s" % pyramid_levels) # Quick check on size if align_image_gray.shape[0] < image_gray.shape[0]: align_image_gray = to_8bit(align_image_gray) image_gray = to_8bit(image_gray) cv2.resize(align_image_gray, None, fx=image_gray.shape[0]/align_image_gray.shape[0], fy=image_gray.shape[0]/align_image_gray.shape[0], interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # Build pyramids image_gray_pyr = [image_gray] align_image_pyr = [align_image_gray] for level in range(pyramid_levels): image_gray_pyr[0] = to_8bit(image_gray_pyr[0], force_normalize=True) image_gray_pyr.insert(0, cv2.resize(image_gray_pyr[0], None, fx=1/2, fy=1/2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)) align_image_pyr[0] = to_8bit(align_image_pyr[0], force_normalize=True) align_image_pyr.insert(0, cv2.resize(align_image_pyr[0], None, fx=1/2, fy=1/2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)) # Define the motion model warp_matrix = np.eye(3, 3, dtype=np.float32) for level in range(pyramid_levels+1): ig = gradient(gaussian(image_gray_pyr[level])) aig = gradient(gaussian(align_image_pyr[level])) if level == pyramid_levels and pyramid_levels == 0: eps = termination_eps else: eps = start_eps - ((start_eps - termination_eps) / (pyramid_levels)) * level # Define termination criteria criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, number_of_iterations, eps) try: log.ODM_INFO("Computing ECC pyramid level %s" % level) _, warp_matrix = cv2.findTransformECC(ig, aig, warp_matrix, cv2.MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY, criteria, inputMask=None, gaussFiltSize=9) except Exception as e: if level != pyramid_levels: log.ODM_INFO("Could not compute ECC warp_matrix at pyramid level %s, resetting matrix" % level) warp_matrix = np.eye(3, 3, dtype=np.float32) else: raise e if level != pyramid_levels: warp_matrix = warp_matrix * np.array([[1,1,2],[1,1,2],[0.5,0.5,1]], dtype=np.float32) return warp_matrix def find_features_homography(image_gray, align_image_gray, feature_retention=0.25): # Detect SIFT features and compute descriptors. detector = cv2.SIFT_create(edgeThreshold=10, contrastThreshold=0.1) kp_image, desc_image = detector.detectAndCompute(image_gray, None) kp_align_image, desc_align_image = detector.detectAndCompute(align_image_gray, None) # Match bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L1,crossCheck=True) try: matches = bf.match(desc_image, desc_align_image) except Exception as e: log.ODM_INFO("Cannot match features") return None # Sort by score matches.sort(key=lambda x: x.distance, reverse=False) # Remove bad matches num_good_matches = int(len(matches) * feature_retention) matches = matches[:num_good_matches] if len(matches) < 4: log.ODM_INFO("Insufficient features: %s" % len(matches)) return None # Debug # imMatches = cv2.drawMatches(im1, kp_image, im2, kp_align_image, matches, None) # cv2.imwrite("matches.jpg", imMatches) # Extract location of good matches points_image = np.zeros((len(matches), 2), dtype=np.float32) points_align_image = np.zeros((len(matches), 2), dtype=np.float32) for i, match in enumerate(matches): points_image[i, :] = kp_image[match.queryIdx].pt points_align_image[i, :] = kp_align_image[match.trainIdx].pt # Find homography h, _ = cv2.findHomography(points_image, points_align_image, cv2.RANSAC) return h def gradient(im, ksize=5): im = local_normalize(im) grad_x = cv2.Sobel(im,cv2.CV_32F,1,0,ksize=ksize) grad_y = cv2.Sobel(im,cv2.CV_32F,0,1,ksize=ksize) grad = cv2.addWeighted(np.absolute(grad_x), 0.5, np.absolute(grad_y), 0.5, 0) return grad def local_normalize(im): width, _ = im.shape disksize = int(width/5) if disksize % 2 == 0: disksize = disksize + 1 selem = disk(disksize) im = rank.equalize(im, selem=selem) return im def align_image(image, warp_matrix, dimension): if warp_matrix.shape == (3, 3): return cv2.warpPerspective(image, warp_matrix, dimension) else: return cv2.warpAffine(image, warp_matrix, dimension) def to_8bit(image, force_normalize=False): if not force_normalize and image.dtype == np.uint8: return image # Convert to 8bit try: data_range = np.iinfo(image.dtype) value_range = float(data_range.max) - float(data_range.min) except ValueError: # For floats use the actual range of the image values value_range = float(image.max()) - float(image.min()) image = image.astype(np.float32) image *= 255.0 / value_range np.around(image, out=image) image[image > 255] = 255 image[image < 0] = 0 image = image.astype(np.uint8) return image