import shutil, os, glob, math from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import context from opendm import point_cloud from opendm import types from opendm.osfm import OSFMContext class ODMOpenMVSStage(types.ODM_Stage): def process(self, args, outputs): # get inputs tree = outputs['tree'] reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction'] photos = if not photos: log.ODM_ERROR('Not enough photos in photos array to start OpenMVS') exit(1) # check if reconstruction was done before if not io.file_exists(tree.openmvs_model) or self.rerun(): if io.dir_exists(tree.openmvs): shutil.rmtree(tree.openmvs) # export reconstruction from opensfm octx = OSFMContext(tree.opensfm) cmd = 'export_openmvs' if reconstruction.multi_camera: # Export only the primary band primary = reconstruction.multi_camera[0] image_list = os.path.join(tree.opensfm, "image_list_%s.txt" % primary['name'].lower()) cmd += ' --image_list "%s"' % image_list self.update_progress(10) depthmaps_dir = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, "depthmaps") if not io.dir_exists(depthmaps_dir): os.mkdir(depthmaps_dir) resolution_level = int(float(outputs['undist_image_max_size']) / (2*args.depthmap_resolution)) config = [ " --resolution-level %s" % resolution_level, "--min-resolution %s" % args.depthmap_resolution, "--max-resolution %s" % outputs['undist_image_max_size'], "--max-threads %s" % args.max_concurrency, '-w "%s"' % depthmaps_dir, "-v 0", ] log.ODM_INFO("Running dense reconstruction. This might take a while.")'%s "%s" %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene.mvs'), ' '.join(config))) self.update_progress(90) if args.optimize_disk_space: dense_scene = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene_dense.mvs') if os.path.exists(dense_scene): os.remove(dense_scene) shutil.rmtree(depthmaps_dir) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenMVS reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.openmvs_model)