## opendm/ ### config.py * test each parameter (min, max, out of bounds, etc.) ### context.py * Each path must be a valid, existing path ### io.py * check each function with a known string ### system.py * (Get_ccd_widths is depreciated) * parse_coordinate_system: * This is also old code - new one is in types ### types.py * ODM_Photos * updated focal equal to known focal length * updated ccd equal to known ccd * ODM_Georef * calculate_epsg needs to be updated, see master * convert_to_las: assert existence of las file output * utm_to_latlon: * * ## scripts/ ### dataset.py * test that supported_extensions works with a variety of file names, even bogus ones * check outputs are all the photos ### resize.py * resulting images are the right size * metadata has been properly updated ### OpenSfM.py * config file is contains info same as params * when matcher_distance > 0 it is written to the config * at least one reconstruction file is generated * check that bundler file is exported (possible to check if valid?) ### CMVS.py * validate params * system.run() command is equal to some known string ### PMVS.py * validate params * system.run() command is equal to some known string ### odm_meshing.py * validate params * system.run() command is equal to some known string ### odm_texturing.py * validate params * system.run() command is equal to some known string ### odm_georeferencing.py * validate params * system.run() command is equal to some known string when using EXIF coords * system.run() when using GCP ### odm_orthophoto.py * validate params * system.run() command is equal to some known string