Do not exspect more acurate results with these coordinates!! These GCPs are reverse geotagged from an OpenDroneMap created Geotif with WGS84 coordinates in the EXIF tags. I also do not have a height value for the points! (Set to 400m for testing purposes...) ----------- CRS: ---- WGS 84 / UTM zone 17N EPSG: 32617 ----------- GCP point values: ---- GCP_PointNr,X_Coordinate,Y_Coordinate 1,274914.738,4603349.014,400 2,274915.887,4603307.715,400 3,274985.284,4603319.756,400 4,274920.710,4603258.802,400 5,274879.571,4603204.279,400 ----------- ----------- Better human readable gcp_list.txt ----------- EPSG:32617 ## comment: the first line must contain EPSG. ( mandatory ) ## x1 y1 z1 pixelx1 pixely1 imagename1 idGCP ## 0/0 of Pixel Coord = Upper left corner pixelX(column_0..) pixelY(row_0..) # GCP01 274914.738 4603349.014 400 1229.676 514.215 DJI_0068.JPG HV01 274914.738 4603349.014 400 1268.023 31.309 DJI_0104.JPG HV01 274914.738 4603349.014 400 1350.499 1506.619 1JI_0076.JPG HV01 # this is a comment, skip. # GCP02, no idGCP ( old format ) 274915.887 4603307.715 400 1276.695 1043.561 DJI_0068.JPG 274915.887 4603307.715 400 750.239 81.604 DJI_0104.JPG 274915.887 4603307.715 400 336.897 634.845 DJI_0083.JPG 274915.887 4603307.715 400 1344.332 956.654 1JI_0076.JPG # GCP03 274985.284 4603319.756 400 2125.152 841.227 DJI_0068.JPG HV03 274985.284 4603319.756 400 919.044 903.661 DJI_0104.JPG HV03 274985.284 4603319.756 400 483.157 1088.268 1JI_0076.JPG HV03 # GCP04 274920.710 4603258.802 400 1376.513 1662.513 DJI_0068.JPG HV04 274920.710 4603258.802 400 183.508 181.808 DJI_0104.JPG HV04 274920.710 4603258.802 400 919.236 537.724 DJI_0083.JPG HV04 274920.710 4603258.802 400 2202.425 1319.122 DJI_0063.JPG HV04 274920.710 4603258.802 400 604.750 771.373 DJI_0074.JPG HV04 # GCP05 274879.571 4603204.279 400 1617.581 1008.779 DJI_0083.JPG HV05 274879.571 4603204.279 400 1505.237 849.416 DJI_0063.JPG HV05 274879.571 4603204.279 400 1291.725 1257.747 DJI_0074.JPG HV05