from opendm import io from opendm import log from opendm import system import argparse from functools import partial import os from opensfm.large import metadataset from scipy.spatial import Voronoi from shapely.geometry import shape, LineString, Point import shapely.ops import numpy as np import json import pyproj if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Align metadaset submodels') parser.add_argument('dataset', help='path to the dataset to be processed') parser.add_argument('--overwrite', '-o', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force overwrite of generated files') args = parser.parse_args() submodels_path = io.join_paths(args.dataset, 'submodels') sfm_path = io.join_paths(args.dataset, 'opensfm') meta_data = metadataset.MetaDataSet(sfm_path) data = metadataset.DataSet(sfm_path) voronoi_file = io.join_paths(meta_data.data_path, 'voronoi.geojson') proj_path = io.join_paths(args.dataset, "odm_georeferencing/proj.txt") out_tif = io.join_paths(args.dataset, "merged.tif") addo_log = io.join_paths(args.dataset, "gdal_addo.log") bounds_files = {} for folder in os.listdir(io.join_paths(args.dataset, 'submodels')): if 'submodel' in folder: folder_number = '0' if folder.split('_')[1] == '0000' else folder.split('_')[1].lstrip('0') bounds_file = io.join_paths(submodels_path, folder + "/odm_georeferencing/odm_georeferenced_model.bounds.geojson") if io.file_exists(bounds_file): bounds_files[folder_number] = bounds_file # Do voronoi calcs # # load clusters images, positions, labels, centers = meta_data.load_clusters() cluster_proj = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326') with open(proj_path, 'r') as fr: transform_proj = pyproj.Proj( # projection transformation project = partial( pyproj.transform, cluster_proj, transform_proj) # turn this into a list of points pos_transformed = [shapely.ops.transform(project, Point(x[1], x[0])) for x in positions] #back to ndarray positions = np.array([pos_transformed[x].coords[0] for x in range(len(pos_transformed))]) clust = np.concatenate((images, labels, positions), 1) # Run voronoi on the whole cluster vor = Voronoi(clust[:, [2, 3]].astype(float)) lines = [ LineString(vor.vertices[line]) for line in vor.ridge_vertices if -1 not in line ] # # For each part, build a boundary polygon v_poly_dis_intersected = {} for subnum in np.unique(clust[:, 1]): submodel = clust[clust[:, 1] == subnum] polygons = [] for poly in shapely.ops.polygonize(lines): for point in submodel: if poly.contains(Point(point[[2, 3]])): polygons.append(poly) # Todo: this is expensive break # Dissolve list of polyogns voronoi_polygons_dissolved = shapely.ops.unary_union(polygons) # intersect with bounds with open(bounds_files[subnum]) as f: # There should only be one polygon here bounds = shape(json.loads(['features'][0]['geometry']) v_poly_dis_intersected[subnum] = voronoi_polygons_dissolved.intersection(bounds) features = [] for submodel in v_poly_dis_intersected: features.append({ "type": "Feature", "geometry": shapely.geometry.mapping(v_poly_dis_intersected[submodel]), "properties": { "submodel": int(submodel) } }) polygons_layer = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": features, "crs": {"type": "name", "properties": {"name": transform_proj.srs, "type": "proj4"}} } with open(voronoi_file, "w") as f: json.dump(polygons_layer, f) ortho_tifs = {} for folder in os.listdir(io.join_paths(args.dataset, 'submodels')): if 'submodel' in folder: folder_number = folder.split('_')[1] # string extract number tif_file = io.join_paths(submodels_path, folder + "/odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.tif") if io.file_exists(tif_file): ortho_tifs[folder_number] = tif_file kwargs = { 'f_out': out_tif, 'files': ' '.join(ortho_tifs.values()), 'clusters': voronoi_file } if io.file_exists(kwargs['f_out']) and not args.overwrite: log.ODM_ERROR("File {f_out} exists, use --overwrite to force overwrite of file.".format(**kwargs)) else: # use bounds as cutlines (blending)' -o {f_out} ' '-createonly ' '-co "BIGTIFF=YES" ' '-co "BLOCKXSIZE=512" ' '-co "BLOCKYSIZE=512" {files}'.format(**kwargs) ) for tif in ortho_tifs: kwargs['name'] = '0' if tif == '0000' else tif.lstrip('0') # is tif a tuple? kwargs['file'] = ortho_tifs[tif]'gdalwarp -cutline {clusters} ' '-cwhere "submodel = \'{name}\'" ' '-r lanczos -multi -wo NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS ' ' {file} {f_out}'.format(**kwargs) ) log.ODM_INFO("Building Overviews") kwargs = { 'orthophoto': out_tif, 'log': addo_log } # Run gdaladdo'gdaladdo -ro -r average ' '--config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW IF_SAFER ' '--config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG ' '{orthophoto} 2 4 8 16 > {log}'.format(**kwargs))