from psutil import virtual_memory import os try: import Queue as queue except: import queue import threading import time from opendm import log def get_max_memory(minimum = 5, use_at_most = 0.5): """ :param minimum minimum value to return (return value will never be lower than this) :param use_at_most use at most this fraction of the available memory. 0.5 = use at most 50% of available memory :return percentage value of memory to use (75 = 75%). """ return max(minimum, (100 - virtual_memory().percent) * use_at_most) def get_max_memory_mb(minimum = 100, use_at_most = 0.5): """ :param minimum minimum value to return (return value will never be lower than this) :param use_at_most use at most this fraction of the available memory. 0.5 = use at most 50% of available memory :return value of memory to use in megabytes. """ return max(minimum, (virtual_memory().available / 1024 / 1024) * use_at_most) def parallel_map(func, items, max_workers=1): """ Our own implementation for parallel processing which handles gracefully CTRL+C and reverts to single thread processing in case of errors :param items list of objects :param func function to execute on each object """ global error error = None def process_one(q): func(q) def worker(): global error while True: (num, q) = pq.get() if q is None or error is not None: pq.task_done() break try: process_one(q) except Exception as e: error = e finally: pq.task_done() if max_workers > 1: use_single_thread = False pq = queue.PriorityQueue() threads = [] for i in range(max_workers): t = threading.Thread(target=worker) t.start() threads.append(t) i = 1 for t in items: pq.put((i, t.copy())) i += 1 def stop_workers(): for i in range(len(threads)): pq.put((-1, None)) for t in threads: t.join() # block until all tasks are done try: while pq.unfinished_tasks > 0: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("CTRL+C terminating...") stop_workers() sys.exit(1) stop_workers() if error is not None: # Try to reprocess using a single thread # in case this was a memory error log.ODM_WARNING("Failed to run process in parallel, retrying with a single thread...") use_single_thread = True else: use_single_thread = True if use_single_thread: # Boring, single thread processing for q in items: process_one(q)