import os, traceback, sys from opendm import context from opendm import types from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import log from stages.dataset import ODMLoadDatasetStage from stages.run_opensfm import ODMOpenSfMStage from stages.openmvs import ODMOpenMVSStage from stages.odm_meshing import ODMeshingStage from stages.mvstex import ODMMvsTexStage from stages.odm_georeferencing import ODMGeoreferencingStage from stages.odm_orthophoto import ODMOrthoPhotoStage from stages.odm_dem import ODMDEMStage from stages.odm_filterpoints import ODMFilterPoints from stages.splitmerge import ODMSplitStage, ODMMergeStage from stages.odm_report import ODMReport from stages.odm_postprocess import ODMPostProcess class ODMApp: def __init__(self, args): """ Initializes the application and defines the ODM application pipeline stages """ if args.debug: log.logger.show_debug = True json_log_paths = [os.path.join(args.project_path, "log.json")] if args.copy_to: json_log_paths.append(args.copy_to) log.logger.init_json_output(json_log_paths, args) dataset = ODMLoadDatasetStage('dataset', args, progress=5.0, verbose=args.verbose) split = ODMSplitStage('split', args, progress=75.0) merge = ODMMergeStage('merge', args, progress=100.0) opensfm = ODMOpenSfMStage('opensfm', args, progress=25.0) openmvs = ODMOpenMVSStage('openmvs', args, progress=50.0) filterpoints = ODMFilterPoints('odm_filterpoints', args, progress=52.0) meshing = ODMeshingStage('odm_meshing', args, progress=60.0, max_vertex=args.mesh_size, oct_tree=max(1, min(14, args.mesh_octree_depth)), samples=1.0, point_weight=4.0, max_concurrency=args.max_concurrency, verbose=args.verbose) texturing = ODMMvsTexStage('mvs_texturing', args, progress=70.0) georeferencing = ODMGeoreferencingStage('odm_georeferencing', args, progress=80.0, gcp_file=args.gcp, verbose=args.verbose) dem = ODMDEMStage('odm_dem', args, progress=90.0, max_concurrency=args.max_concurrency, verbose=args.verbose) orthophoto = ODMOrthoPhotoStage('odm_orthophoto', args, progress=98.0) report = ODMReport('odm_report', args, progress=99.0) postprocess = ODMPostProcess('odm_postprocess', args, progress=100.0) # Normal pipeline self.first_stage = dataset dataset.connect(split) \ .connect(merge) \ .connect(opensfm) if args.fast_orthophoto: opensfm.connect(filterpoints) else: opensfm.connect(openmvs) \ .connect(filterpoints) filterpoints \ .connect(meshing) \ .connect(texturing) \ .connect(georeferencing) \ .connect(dem) \ .connect(orthophoto) \ .connect(report) \ .connect(postprocess) def execute(self): try: log.logger.log_json_success() return 0 except system.SubprocessException as e: print("") print("===== Dumping Info for Geeks (developers need this to fix bugs) =====") print(str(e)) stack_trace = traceback.format_exc() print(stack_trace) print("===== Done, human-readable information to follow... =====") print("") code = e.errorCode log.logger.log_json_stage_error(str(e), code, stack_trace) if code == 139 or code == 134 or code == 1 or code == 3221225477: # Segfault log.ODM_ERROR("Uh oh! Processing stopped because of strange values in the reconstruction. This is often a sign that the input data has some issues or the software cannot deal with it. Have you followed best practices for data acquisition? See") elif code == 137 or code == 3221226505: log.ODM_ERROR("Whoops! You ran out of memory! Add more RAM to your computer, if you're using docker configure it to use more memory, for WSL2 make use of .wslconfig (, resize your images, lower the quality settings or process the images using a cloud provider (e.g.") elif code == 132: log.ODM_ERROR("Oh no! It looks like your CPU is not supported (is it fairly old?). You can still use ODM, but you will need to build your own docker image. See") elif code == 3: log.ODM_ERROR("ODM can't find a program that is required for processing to run! Did you do a custom build of ODM? (cool!) Make sure that all programs required by ODM are in the right place and are built correctly.") else: log.ODM_ERROR("The program exited with a strange error code. Please report it at") # TODO: more? return code except system.ExitException as e: log.ODM_ERROR(str(e)) log.logger.log_json_stage_error(str(e), 1, traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: log.logger.log_json_stage_error(str(e), 1, traceback.format_exc()) raise e finally: log.logger.close()