import argparse import json from opendm import context from opendm import io from opendm import log from appsettings import SettingsParser from pyodm import Node, exceptions import os import sys # parse arguments processopts = ['dataset', 'split', 'merge', 'opensfm', 'openmvs', 'odm_filterpoints', 'odm_meshing', 'mvs_texturing', 'odm_georeferencing', 'odm_dem', 'odm_orthophoto', 'odm_report', 'odm_postprocess'] with open(os.path.join(context.root_path, 'VERSION')) as version_file: __version__ = def path_or_json_string(string): try: return io.path_or_json_string_to_dict(string) except ValueError as e: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{0}".format(str(e))) # Django URL validation regex def url_string(string): import re regex = re.compile( r'^(?:http|ftp)s?://' # http:// or https:// r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.?)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|' #domain... r'localhost|' #localhost... r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port r'(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE) if re.match(regex, string) is None: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s is not a valid URL. The URL must be in the format: http(s)://host[:port]/[?token=]" % string) return string class RerunFrom(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, processopts[processopts.index(values):]) setattr(namespace, self.dest + '_is_set', True) class StoreTrue(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, True) setattr(namespace, self.dest + '_is_set', True) class StoreValue(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) setattr(namespace, self.dest + '_is_set', True) args = None def config(argv=None, parser=None): global args if args is not None and argv is None: return args if sys.platform == 'win32': usage_bin = 'run' else: usage_bin = '' if parser is None: parser = SettingsParser(description='ODM is a command line toolkit to generate maps, point clouds, 3D models and DEMs from drone, balloon or kite images.', usage='%s [options] ' % usage_bin, yaml_file=open(context.settings_path)) parser.add_argument('--project-path', metavar='', action=StoreValue, help='Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders for each dataset. Each dataset should have an "images" folder.') parser.add_argument('name', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=str, default='code', nargs='?', help='Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--resize-to', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=2048, type=int, help='Legacy option (use --feature-quality instead). Resizes images by the largest side for feature extraction purposes only. ' 'Set to -1 to disable. This does not affect the final orthophoto ' 'resolution quality and will not resize the original images. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--end-with', '-e', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='odm_postprocess', choices=processopts, help='End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s') rerun = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() rerun.add_argument('--rerun', '-r', metavar='', action=StoreValue, choices=processopts, help=('Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s')) rerun.add_argument('--rerun-all', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline.') rerun.add_argument('--rerun-from', action=RerunFrom, metavar='', choices=processopts, help=('Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--min-num-features', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=8000, type=int, help=('Minimum number of features to extract per image. ' 'More features can be useful for finding more matches between images, ' 'potentially allowing the reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. ' 'More features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--feature-type', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='sift', choices=['sift', 'orb', 'hahog'], help=('Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. ' 'Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--feature-quality', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='high', choices=['ultra', 'high', 'medium', 'low', 'lowest'], help=('Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, but requires more memory and takes longer. ' 'Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--matcher-type', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='flann', choices=['flann', 'bow'], help=('Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes miss valid matches. ' 'Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--matcher-neighbors', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=8, type=int, help='Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS ' 'exif data. Set to 0 to skip pre-matching. ' 'Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, ' 'set both to 0 to not use pre-matching. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--matcher-distance', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=0, type=int, help='Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching ' 'images based on GPS exif data. Set both ' 'matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip ' 'pre-matching. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--use-fixed-camera-params', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--cameras', default='', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=path_or_json_string, help='Use the camera parameters computed from ' 'another dataset instead of calculating them. ' 'Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or as a ' 'JSON string representing the contents of a ' 'cameras.json file. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--camera-lens', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='auto', choices=['auto', 'perspective', 'brown', 'fisheye', 'spherical'], help=('Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value ' 'can help improve geometric undistortion. By default the application ' 'tries to determine a lens type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-calibration', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='none', choices=['none', 'camera', 'camera+sun'], help=('Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. ' 'When processing multispectral and thermal images you should set this option ' 'to obtain reflectance/temperature values (otherwise you will get digital number values). ' '[camera] applies black level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate EXIF tags are found) and computes absolute temperature values. ' '[camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of the sun. ' 'Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-offset-exposuretime', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.000100, help=('radiometric-offset-exposuretime')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-offset-darklevel-blue', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0, help=('radiometric-offset-darklevel-blue')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-offset-darklevel-green', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0, help=('radiometric-offset-darklevel-green')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-offset-darklevel-red', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0, help=('radiometric-offset-darklevel-red')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-offset-darklevel-rededge', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0, help=('radiometric-offset-darklevel-rededge')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-offset-darklevel-nir', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0, help=('radiometric-offset-darklevel-nir')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-factor-reflectance-blue', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.5, help=('radiometric-factor-reflectance-blue')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-factor-reflectance-green', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.5, help=('radiometric-factor-reflectance-green')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-factor-reflectance-red', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.5, help=('radiometric-factor-reflectance-red')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-factor-reflectance-rededge', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.5, help=('radiometric-factor-reflectance-rededge')) parser.add_argument('--radiometric-factor-reflectance-nir', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.5, help=('radiometric-factor-reflectance-nir')) parser.add_argument('--max-concurrency', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=context.num_cores, type=int, help=('The maximum number of processes to use in various ' 'processes. Peak memory requirement is ~1GB per ' 'thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--depthmap-resolution', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=640, help=('Legacy option (use --pc-quality instead). Controls the density of the point cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take longer to compute ' 'but produce denser point clouds. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--use-hybrid-bundle-adjustment', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and a global ' 'adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very large datasets. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--use-3dmesh', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--skip-3dmodel', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--skip-report', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don\'t need a report. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--ignore-gsd', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD ' 'caps the maximum resolution of image outputs and ' 'resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster processing and ' 'lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--mesh-size', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=200000, type=int, help=('The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--mesh-octree-depth', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=11, type=int, help=('Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, ' 'increase to get more vertices, recommended ' 'values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--fast-orthophoto', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. ' 'It generates an orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. ' 'If you just need an orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--crop', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=3, type=float, help=('Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer ' 'around the dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. ' 'Use 0 to disable cropping. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--pc-quality', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='medium', choices=['ultra', 'high', 'medium', 'low', 'lowest'], help=('Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.' 'Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--pc-classify', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. ' 'You can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. ' 'Default: ' '%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pc-csv', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pc-las', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pc-ept', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pc-filter', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=2.5, help='Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pc-sample', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0, help='Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point cloud and remove duplicate points. Set to 0 to disable sampling. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pc-tile', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Reduce the memory usage needed for depthmap fusion by splitting large scenes into tiles. Turn this on if your machine doesn\'t have much RAM and/or you\'ve set --pc-quality to high or ultra. Experimental. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--pc-geometric', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Improve the accuracy of the point cloud by computing geometrically consistent depthmaps. This increases processing time, but can improve results in urban scenes. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--smrf-scalar', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=1.25, help='Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--smrf-slope', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.15, help='Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--smrf-threshold', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=0.5, help='Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--smrf-window', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=18.0, help='Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--texturing-data-term', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='gmi', choices=['gmi', 'area'], help=('When texturing the 3D mesh, for each triangle, choose to prioritize images with sharp features (gmi) or those that cover the largest area (area). Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-outlier-removal-type', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='gauss_clamping', choices=['none', 'gauss_clamping', 'gauss_damping'], help=('Type of photometric outlier removal method. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-skip-global-seam-leveling', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help=('Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing radiometric data. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-skip-local-seam-leveling', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--texturing-keep-unseen-faces', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help=('Keep faces in the mesh that are not seen in any camera. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--texturing-tone-mapping', metavar='', action=StoreValue, choices=['none', 'gamma'], default='none', help='Turn on gamma tone mapping or none for no tone ' 'mapping. Can be one of %(choices)s. ' 'Default: %(default)s ') parser.add_argument('--gcp', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=None, help=('Path to the file containing the ground control ' 'points used for georeferencing. ' 'The file needs to ' 'use the following format: \n' 'EPSG: or <+proj definition>\n' 'geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2]\n' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--geo', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=None, help=('Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates used for georeferencing. ' 'Note that omega/phi/kappa are currently not supported (you can set them to 0). ' 'The file needs to ' 'use the following format: \n' 'EPSG: or <+proj definition>\n' 'image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [omega (degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert accuracy (meters)]\n' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--use-exif', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help=('Use this tag if you have a GCP File but ' 'want to use the EXIF information for georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--dtm', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a simple ' 'morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dsm', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using a progressive ' 'morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dem-gapfill-steps', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=3, type=int, help='Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap filling. ' 'Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different DEMs are generated with ' 'progressively bigger radius using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) algorithm ' 'and merged together. Remaining gaps are then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dem-resolution', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=float, default=5, help='DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also.' ' Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dem-decimation', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=1, type=int, help='Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full quality). ' '100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dem-euclidean-map', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. ' 'The map reports the distance from each cell to the nearest ' 'NODATA value (before any hole filling takes place). ' 'This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. ' 'Default: ' '%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-resolution', metavar=' 0.0>', action=StoreValue, default=5, type=float, help=('Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-no-tiled', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-png', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the orthophoto. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-kmz', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Set this parameter if you want to generate a Google Earth (KMZ) rendering of the orthophoto. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-compression', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=str, choices=['JPEG', 'LZW', 'PACKBITS', 'DEFLATE', 'LZMA', 'NONE'], default='DEFLATE', help='Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--orthophoto-cutline', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Generates a polygon around the cropping area ' 'that cuts the orthophoto around the edges of features. This polygon ' 'can be useful for stitching seamless mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. ' 'Default: ' '%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--tiles', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are ' 'suitable for viewers like Leaflet or OpenLayers. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--build-overviews', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--cog', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Create Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs instead of normal GeoTIFFs. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Print additional messages to the console. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--copy-to', metavar='', action=StoreValue, help='Copy output results to this folder after processing.') parser.add_argument('--time', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Generates a benchmark file with runtime info. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--debug', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help='Print debug messages. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='ODM {0}'.format(__version__), help='Displays version number and exits. ') parser.add_argument('--split', type=int, action=StoreValue, default=999999, metavar='', help='Average number of images per submodel. When ' 'splitting a large dataset into smaller ' 'submodels, images are grouped into clusters. ' 'This value regulates the number of images that ' 'each cluster should have on average. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--split-overlap', type=float, action=StoreValue, metavar='', default=150, help='Radius of the overlap between submodels. ' 'After grouping images into clusters, images ' 'that are closer than this radius to a cluster ' 'are added to the cluster. This is done to ensure ' 'that neighboring submodels overlap. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--split-image-groups', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default=None, help=('Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into groups. ' 'The file needs to use the following format: \n' 'image_name group_name\n' 'Default: %(default)s')) # parser.add_argument('--split-multitracks', # action=StoreTrue, # nargs=0, # default=False, # help='Split multi-track reconstructions.') parser.add_argument('--sm-cluster', metavar='', action=StoreValue, type=url_string, default=None, help='URL to a ClusterODM instance ' 'for distributing a split-merge workflow on ' 'multiple nodes in parallel. ' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--merge', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default='all', choices=['all', 'pointcloud', 'orthophoto', 'dem'], help=('Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. ' 'By default all available outputs are merged. ' 'Options: %(choices)s. Default: ' '%(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--force-gps', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help=('Use images\' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present.' 'This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. ' 'If there are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--gps-accuracy', type=float, action=StoreValue, metavar='', default=10, help='Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) ' 'information for all images. If your images are tagged ' 'with high precision GPS information (RTK), this value will be automatically ' 'set accordingly. You can use this option to manually set it in case the reconstruction ' 'fails. Lowering this option can sometimes help control bowling-effects over large areas. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--optimize-disk-space', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help=('Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This ' 'affects the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, ' 'but allows datasets to be processed on machines that don\'t have sufficient ' 'disk space available. Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--pc-rectify', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help=('Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly classified ground ' 'points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. Useful for generating DTMs. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--primary-band', metavar='', action=StoreValue, default="auto", type=str, help=('When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the primary band that will be used for reconstruction. ' 'It\'s recommended to choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) parser.add_argument('--skip-band-alignment', action=StoreTrue, nargs=0, default=False, help=('When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the images for each band. ' 'If the images have been postprocessed and are already aligned, use this option. ' 'Default: %(default)s')) args = parser.parse_args(argv) # check that the project path setting has been set properly if not args.project_path: log.ODM_ERROR('You need to set the project path in the ' 'settings.yaml file before you can run ODM, ' 'or use `--project-path `. Run `python3 ' ' --help` for more information. ') sys.exit(1) if args.fast_orthophoto: log.ODM_INFO('Fast orthophoto is turned on, automatically setting --skip-3dmodel') args.skip_3dmodel = True if args.pc_rectify and not args.pc_classify: log.ODM_INFO("Ground rectify is turned on, automatically turning on point cloud classification") args.pc_classify = True if args.dtm and not args.pc_classify: log.ODM_INFO("DTM is turned on, automatically turning on point cloud classification") args.pc_classify = True if args.skip_3dmodel and args.use_3dmesh: log.ODM_WARNING('--skip-3dmodel is set, but so is --use-3dmesh. --skip-3dmodel will be ignored.') args.skip_3dmodel = False if args.orthophoto_cutline and not args.crop: log.ODM_WARNING("--orthophoto-cutline is set, but --crop is not. --crop will be set to 0.01") args.crop = 0.01 if args.sm_cluster: try: Node.from_url(args.sm_cluster).info() except exceptions.NodeConnectionError as e: log.ODM_ERROR("Cluster node seems to be offline: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) # if args.radiometric_calibration != "none" and not args.texturing_skip_global_seam_leveling: # log.ODM_WARNING("radiometric-calibration is turned on, automatically setting --texturing-skip-global-seam-leveling") # args.texturing_skip_global_seam_leveling = True return args