from opendm import log from pyodm import Node, exceptions class HybridDistributedExecutor: def __init__(self, nodeUrl): self.node = Node.from_url(nodeUrl) log.ODM_INFO("Initializing hybrid distributed executor using cluster node %s" % nodeUrl) try: odm_version = log.ODM_INFO("Node is online and running ODM version: %s" % odm_version) except exceptions.NodeConnectionError: log.ODM_WARNING("The node seems to be offline! We'll still process the dataset, but it's going to run entirely locally.") except Exception as e: log.ODM_ERROR("An unexpected problem happened while opening the node connection: %s" % str(e)) exit(1) def set_projects(self, paths): self.project_paths = paths def run_reconstruction(self): if not self.project_paths: return def run_toolchain(self): if not self.project_paths: return