import sys, platform if sys.platform != 'win32': print("This script is for Windows only! Use instead.") exit(1) if sys.version_info.major != 3 or sys.version_info.minor != 8: print("You need to use Python 3.8.x (due to the requirements.txt). You are using %s instead." % platform.python_version()) exit(1) import argparse import subprocess import os import stat import urllib.request import shutil import zipfile from venv import EnvBuilder parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ODM Windows Configure Script') parser.add_argument('action', type=str, choices=["build", "clean", "dist", "vcpkg_export"], help='Action: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--build-vcpkg', type=bool, help='Build VCPKG environment from scratch instead of downloading prebuilt one.') parser.add_argument('--vcpkg-archive-url', type=str, default='', required=False, help='Path to VCPKG export archive') parser.add_argument('--code-sign-cert-path', type=str, default='', required=False, help='Path to pfx code signing certificate') args = parser.parse_args() def run(cmd, cwd=os.getcwd()): env = os.environ.copy() print(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, env=env, cwd=cwd) retcode = p.wait() if retcode != 0: raise Exception("Command returned %s" % retcode) # def rmtree(top): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False): for name in files: filename = os.path.join(root, name) os.chmod(filename, stat.S_IWUSR) os.remove(filename) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(top) def vcpkg_requirements(): with open("vcpkg-requirements.txt") as f: pckgs = list(filter(lambda l: len(l) > 0, map(str.strip,"\n")))) return pckgs def build(): # Create python virtual env if not os.path.isdir("venv"): print("Creating virtual env --> venv/") ebuilder = EnvBuilder(with_pip=True) ebuilder.create("venv") run("venv\\Scripts\\pip install --ignore-installed -r requirements.txt") # Download / build VCPKG environment if not os.path.isdir("vcpkg"): if args.build_vcpkg: print("TODO") # git clone vcpkg repo # bootstrap # install requirements else: if not os.path.exists(""): print("Downloading %s" % args.vcpkg_archive_url) with urllib.request.urlopen(args.vcpkg_archive_url) as response, open( "", 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) if not os.path.exists("vcpkg"): print("Extracting --> vcpkg/") with zipfile.ZipFile("") as z: top_dir = z.namelist()[0] z.extractall(".") if os.path.exists(top_dir): os.rename(top_dir, "vcpkg") else: print("Warning! Something looks wrong in the VCPKG archive... check the vcpkg/ directory.") safe_remove("") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("SuperBuild", "build")) or not os.path.exists(os.path.join("SuperBuild", "install")): print("Compiling SuperBuild") build_dir = os.path.join("SuperBuild", "build") if not os.path.isdir(build_dir): os.mkdir(build_dir) toolchain_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "vcpkg", "scripts", "buildsystems", "vcpkg.cmake") run("cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=\"%s\"" % toolchain_file, cwd=build_dir) run("cmake --build . --config Release", cwd=build_dir) def vcpkg_export(): if not os.path.exists("vcpkg"): print("vcpkg directory does not exist. Did you build the environment?") exit(1) pkgs = vcpkg_requirements() out = "vcpkg-export-%s" % odm_version().replace(".", "") run("vcpkg\\vcpkg export %s --output=%s --zip" % (" ".join(pkgs), out)) def odm_version(): with open("VERSION") as f: return"\n")[0].strip() def safe_remove(path): if os.path.isdir(path): rmtree(path) elif os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) def clean(): safe_remove("") safe_remove("vcpkg") safe_remove("venv") safe_remove(os.path.join("SuperBuild", "build")) safe_remove(os.path.join("SuperBuild", "download")) safe_remove(os.path.join("SuperBuild", "src")) safe_remove(os.path.join("SuperBuild", "install")) def dist(): if not os.path.exists("SuperBuild\\download"): print("You need to run build before you can run dist") exit(1) # Download VC++ runtime vcredist_path = os.path.join("SuperBuild", "download", "") if not os.path.isfile(vcredist_path): vcredist_url = "" print("Downloading %s" % vcredist_url) with urllib.request.urlopen(vcredist_url) as response, open(vcredist_path, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) print("Extracting --> vc_redist.x64.exe") with zipfile.ZipFile(vcredist_path) as z: z.extractall(os.path.join("SuperBuild", "download")) # Download portable python if not os.path.isdir("python38"): pythonzip_path = os.path.join("SuperBuild", "download", "") python_url = "" if not os.path.exists(pythonzip_path): print("Downloading %s" % python_url) with urllib.request.urlopen(python_url) as response, open( pythonzip_path, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) os.mkdir("python38") print("Extracting --> python38/") with zipfile.ZipFile(pythonzip_path) as z: z.extractall("python38") # Download signtool signtool_path = os.path.join("SuperBuild", "download", "signtool.exe") signtool_url = "" if not os.path.exists(signtool_path): print("Downloading %s" % signtool_url) with urllib.request.urlopen(signtool_url) as response, open(signtool_path, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) # Download innosetup if not os.path.isdir("innosetup"): innosetupzip_path = os.path.join("SuperBuild", "download", "") innosetup_url = "" if not os.path.exists(innosetupzip_path): print("Downloading %s" % innosetup_url) with urllib.request.urlopen(innosetup_url) as response, open(innosetupzip_path, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) os.mkdir("innosetup") print("Extracting --> innosetup/") with zipfile.ZipFile(innosetupzip_path) as z: z.extractall("innosetup") # Run cs_flags = "" if args.code_sign_cert_path: cs_flags = '"/Ssigntool=%s sign /f %s /fd SHA1 /t $f"' % (signtool_path, args.code_sign_cert_path) run("innosetup\\iscc /Qp " + cs_flags + " \"innosetup.iss\"") print("Done! Setup created in dist/") if args.action == 'build': build() elif args.action == 'vcpkg_export': vcpkg_export() elif args.action == 'dist': dist() elif args.action == 'clean': clean() else: args.print_help() exit(1)