import sys import os from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import context from opendm import gsd from opendm import point_cloud from opendm import types class ODMOpenSfMStage(types.ODM_Stage): def process(self, args, outputs): tree = outputs['tree'] reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction'] photos = if not photos: log.ODM_ERROR('Not enough photos in photos array to start OpenSfM') exit(1) # create working directories system.mkdir_p(tree.opensfm) if args.fast_orthophoto: output_file = io.join_paths(tree.opensfm, 'reconstruction.ply') elif args.use_opensfm_dense: output_file = tree.opensfm_model else: output_file = tree.opensfm_reconstruction # check if reconstruction was done before if not io.file_exists(output_file) or self.rerun(): # create file list list_path = io.join_paths(tree.opensfm, 'image_list.txt') has_alt = True with open(list_path, 'w') as fout: for photo in photos: if not photo.altitude: has_alt = False fout.write('%s\n' % io.join_paths(tree.dataset_raw, photo.filename)) # create config file for OpenSfM config = [ "use_exif_size: %s" % ('no' if not self.params.get('use_exif_size') else 'yes'), "feature_process_size: %s" % self.params.get('feature_process_size'), "feature_min_frames: %s" % self.params.get('feature_min_frames'), "processes: %s" % self.params.get('processes'), "matching_gps_neighbors: %s" % self.params.get('matching_gps_neighbors'), "depthmap_method: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_method, "depthmap_resolution: %s" % args.depthmap_resolution, "depthmap_min_patch_sd: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_min_patch_sd, "depthmap_min_consistent_views: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_min_consistent_views, "optimize_camera_parameters: %s" % ('no' if self.params.get('fixed_camera_params') else 'yes') ] if has_alt: log.ODM_DEBUG("Altitude data detected, enabling it for GPS alignment") config.append("use_altitude_tag: yes") config.append("align_method: naive") else: config.append("align_method: orientation_prior") config.append("align_orientation_prior: vertical") if args.use_hybrid_bundle_adjustment: log.ODM_DEBUG("Enabling hybrid bundle adjustment") config.append("bundle_interval: 100") # Bundle after adding 'bundle_interval' cameras config.append("bundle_new_points_ratio: 1.2") # Bundle when (new points) / (bundled points) > bundle_new_points_ratio config.append("local_bundle_radius: 1") # Max image graph distance for images to be included in local bundle adjustment if args.matcher_distance > 0: config.append("matching_gps_distance: %s" % self.params.get('matching_gps_distance')) if tree.odm_georeferencing_gcp: config.append("bundle_use_gcp: yes") io.copy(tree.odm_georeferencing_gcp, tree.opensfm) # write config file log.ODM_DEBUG(config) config_filename = io.join_paths(tree.opensfm, 'config.yaml') with open(config_filename, 'w') as fout: fout.write("\n".join(config)) # run OpenSfM reconstruction matched_done_file = io.join_paths(tree.opensfm, 'matching_done.txt') if not io.file_exists(matched_done_file) or self.rerun():'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm extract_metadata %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm))'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm detect_features %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm))'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm match_features %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm)) with open(matched_done_file, 'w') as fout: fout.write("Matching done!\n") else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a feature matching done progress file in: %s' % matched_done_file) if not io.file_exists(tree.opensfm_tracks) or self.rerun():'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm create_tracks %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm)) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM tracks file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_tracks) if not io.file_exists(tree.opensfm_reconstruction) or self.rerun():'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm reconstruct %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm)) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_reconstruction) # Check that a reconstruction file has been created if not io.file_exists(tree.opensfm_reconstruction): log.ODM_ERROR("The program could not process this dataset using the current settings. " "Check that the images have enough overlap, " "that there are enough recognizable features " "and that the images are in focus. " "You could also try to increase the --min-num-features parameter." "The program will now exit.") sys.exit(1) # Always export VisualSFM's reconstruction and undistort images # as we'll use these for texturing (after GSD estimation and resizing) if not args.ignore_gsd: image_scale = gsd.image_scale_factor(args.orthophoto_resolution, tree.opensfm_reconstruction) else: image_scale = 1.0 if not io.file_exists(tree.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm) or self.rerun():'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm export_visualsfm --image_extension png --scale_focal %s %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, image_scale, tree.opensfm)) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM NVM reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm) # These will be used for texturing'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm undistort --image_format png --image_scale %s %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, image_scale, tree.opensfm)) # Skip dense reconstruction if necessary and export # sparse reconstruction instead if args.fast_orthophoto:'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm export_ply --no-cameras %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm)) elif args.use_opensfm_dense: # Undistort images at full scale in JPG # (TODO: we could compare the size of the PNGs if they are < than depthmap_resolution # and use those instead of re-exporting full resolution JPGs)'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm undistort %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm))'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm compute_depthmaps %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm)) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_reconstruction) # check if reconstruction was exported to bundler before if not io.file_exists(tree.opensfm_bundle_list) or self.rerun(): # convert back to bundler's format'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/export_bundler %s' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm)) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid Bundler file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_reconstruction) if reconstruction.georef:'PYTHONPATH=%s %s/bin/opensfm export_geocoords %s --transformation --proj \'%s\'' % (context.pyopencv_path, context.opensfm_path, tree.opensfm, reconstruction.georef.projection.srs))