import os, sys, shutil, tempfile, math, json from opendm import system from opendm import log from opendm import context from opendm.system import run from opendm import entwine from opendm import io from opendm.concurrency import parallel_map from opendm.utils import double_quote from opendm.boundary import as_polygon, as_geojson from opendm.dem.pdal import run_pipeline def ply_info(input_ply): if not os.path.exists(input_ply): raise IOError("%s does not exist" % input_ply) # Read PLY header, check if point cloud has normals has_normals = False has_views = False vertex_count = 0 with open(input_ply, 'r', errors='ignore') as f: line = f.readline().strip().lower() i = 0 while line != "end_header": line = f.readline().strip().lower() props = line.split(" ") if len(props) == 3: if props[0] == "property" and props[2] in ["nx", "normalx", "normal_x"]: has_normals = True if props[0] == "property" and props[2] in ["views"]: has_views = True elif props[0] == "element" and props[1] == "vertex": vertex_count = int(props[2]) i += 1 if i > 100: raise IOError("Cannot find end_header field. Invalid PLY?") return { 'has_normals': has_normals, 'vertex_count': vertex_count, 'has_views': has_views, 'header_lines': i + 1 } def split(input_point_cloud, outdir, filename_template, capacity, dims=None): log.ODM_INFO("Splitting point cloud filtering in chunks of {} vertices".format(capacity)) if not os.path.exists(input_point_cloud): log.ODM_ERROR("{} does not exist, cannot split point cloud. The program will now exit.".format(input_point_cloud)) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(outdir): system.mkdir_p(outdir) if len(os.listdir(outdir)) != 0: log.ODM_ERROR("%s already contains some files. The program will now exit.".format(outdir)) sys.exit(1) cmd = 'pdal split -i "%s" -o "%s" --capacity %s ' % (input_point_cloud, os.path.join(outdir, filename_template), capacity) if filename_template.endswith(".ply"): cmd += ("--writers.ply.sized_types=false " "--writers.ply.storage_mode=\"little endian\" ") if dims is not None: cmd += '--writers.ply.dims="%s"' % dims return [os.path.join(outdir, f) for f in os.listdir(outdir)] def filter(input_point_cloud, output_point_cloud, standard_deviation=2.5, meank=16, sample_radius=0, boundary=None, max_concurrency=1): """ Filters a point cloud """ if not os.path.exists(input_point_cloud): log.ODM_ERROR("{} does not exist. The program will now exit.".format(input_point_cloud)) sys.exit(1) args = [ '--input "%s"' % input_point_cloud, '--output "%s"' % output_point_cloud, '--concurrency %s' % max_concurrency ] if sample_radius > 0: log.ODM_INFO("Sampling points around a %sm radius" % sample_radius) args.append('--radius %s' % sample_radius) if standard_deviation > 0 and meank > 0: log.ODM_INFO("Filtering {} (statistical, meanK {}, standard deviation {})".format(input_point_cloud, meank, standard_deviation)) args.append('--meank %s' % meank) args.append('--std %s' % standard_deviation) if boundary is not None: log.ODM_INFO("Boundary {}".format(boundary)) fd, boundary_json_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.boundary.json') os.close(fd) with open(boundary_json_file, 'w') as f: f.write(as_geojson(boundary)) args.append('--boundary "%s"' % boundary_json_file)'"%s" %s' % (context.fpcfilter_path, " ".join(args))) if not os.path.exists(output_point_cloud): log.ODM_WARNING("{} not found, filtering has failed.".format(output_point_cloud)) def export_info_json(pointcloud_path, info_file_path):'pdal info --dimensions "X,Y,Z" "{0}" > "{1}"'.format(pointcloud_path, info_file_path)) def export_summary_json(pointcloud_path, summary_file_path):'pdal info --summary "{0}" > "{1}"'.format(pointcloud_path, summary_file_path)) def get_extent(input_point_cloud): fd, json_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.json') os.close(fd) # Get point cloud extent fallback = False # We know PLY files do not have --summary support if input_point_cloud.lower().endswith(".ply"): fallback = True run('pdal info "{0}" > "{1}"'.format(input_point_cloud, json_file)) try: if not fallback: run('pdal info --summary "{0}" > "{1}"'.format(input_point_cloud, json_file)) except: fallback = True run('pdal info "{0}" > "{1}"'.format(input_point_cloud, json_file)) bounds = {} with open(json_file, 'r') as f: result = json.loads( if not fallback: summary = result.get('summary') if summary is None: raise Exception("Cannot compute summary for %s (summary key missing)" % input_point_cloud) bounds = summary.get('bounds') else: stats = result.get('stats') if stats is None: raise Exception("Cannot compute bounds for %s (stats key missing)" % input_point_cloud) bbox = stats.get('bbox') if bbox is None: raise Exception("Cannot compute bounds for %s (bbox key missing)" % input_point_cloud) native = bbox.get('native') if native is None: raise Exception("Cannot compute bounds for %s (native key missing)" % input_point_cloud) bounds = native.get('bbox') if bounds is None: raise Exception("Cannot compute bounds for %s (bounds key missing)" % input_point_cloud) if bounds.get('maxx', None) is None or \ bounds.get('minx', None) is None or \ bounds.get('maxy', None) is None or \ bounds.get('miny', None) is None or \ bounds.get('maxz', None) is None or \ bounds.get('minz', None) is None: raise Exception("Cannot compute bounds for %s (invalid keys) %s" % (input_point_cloud, str(bounds))) os.remove(json_file) return bounds def merge(input_point_cloud_files, output_file, rerun=False): num_files = len(input_point_cloud_files) if num_files == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("No input point cloud files to process") return if io.file_exists(output_file): log.ODM_WARNING("Removing previous point cloud: %s" % output_file) os.remove(output_file) kwargs = { 'all_inputs': " ".join(map(double_quote, input_point_cloud_files)), 'output': output_file }'lasmerge -i {all_inputs} -o "{output}"'.format(**kwargs)) def fast_merge_ply(input_point_cloud_files, output_file): # Assumes that all input files share the same header/content format # As the merge is a naive byte stream copy num_files = len(input_point_cloud_files) if num_files == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("No input point cloud files to process") return if io.file_exists(output_file): log.ODM_WARNING("Removing previous point cloud: %s" % output_file) os.remove(output_file) vertex_count = sum([ply_info(pcf)['vertex_count'] for pcf in input_point_cloud_files]) master_file = input_point_cloud_files[0] with open(output_file, "wb") as out: with open(master_file, "r", errors="ignore") as fhead: # Copy header line = fhead.readline() out.write(line.encode('utf8')) i = 0 while line.strip().lower() != "end_header": line = fhead.readline() # Intercept element vertex field if line.lower().startswith("element vertex "): out.write(("element vertex %s\n" % vertex_count).encode('utf8')) else: out.write(line.encode('utf8')) i += 1 if i > 100: raise IOError("Cannot find end_header field. Invalid PLY?") for ipc in input_point_cloud_files: i = 0 with open(ipc, "rb") as fin: # Skip header line = fin.readline() while line.strip().lower() != b"end_header": line = fin.readline() i += 1 if i > 100: raise IOError("Cannot find end_header field. Invalid PLY?") # Write fields out.write( return output_file def merge_ply(input_point_cloud_files, output_file, dims=None): num_files = len(input_point_cloud_files) if num_files == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("No input point cloud files to process") return cmd = [ 'pdal', 'merge', '--writers.ply.sized_types=false', '--writers.ply.storage_mode="little endian"', ('--writers.ply.dims="%s"' % dims) if dims is not None else '', ' '.join(map(double_quote, input_point_cloud_files + [output_file])), ]' '.join(cmd)) def post_point_cloud_steps(args, tree, rerun=False): # XYZ point cloud output if args.pc_csv: log.ODM_INFO("Creating CSV file (XYZ format)") if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_georeferencing_xyz_file) or rerun:"pdal translate -i \"{}\" " "-o \"{}\" " "--writers.text.format=csv " "--writers.text.order=\"X,Y,Z\" " "--writers.text.keep_unspecified=false ".format( tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz, tree.odm_georeferencing_xyz_file)) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Found existing CSV file %s" % tree.odm_georeferencing_xyz_file) # LAS point cloud output if args.pc_las: log.ODM_INFO("Creating LAS file") if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_georeferencing_model_las) or rerun:"pdal translate -i \"{}\" " "-o \"{}\" ".format( tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz, tree.odm_georeferencing_model_las)) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Found existing LAS file %s" % tree.odm_georeferencing_xyz_file) # EPT point cloud output if args.pc_ept: log.ODM_INFO("Creating Entwine Point Tile output")[tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz], tree.entwine_pointcloud, max_concurrency=args.max_concurrency, rerun=rerun) # COPC point clouds if args.pc_copc: log.ODM_INFO("Creating Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC)") copc_output = io.related_file_path(tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz, postfix=".copc") entwine.build_copc([tree.odm_georeferencing_model_laz], copc_output)