project(odm_meshing) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) # Set pcl dir to the input spedified with option -DPCL_DIR="path" set(PCL_DIR "PCL_DIR-NOTFOUND" CACHE "PCL_DIR" "Path to the pcl installation directory") # Add compiler options. add_definitions(-Wall -Wextra) # Find pcl at the location specified by PCL_DIR find_package(PCL 1.8 HINTS "${PCL_DIR}/share/pcl-1.8") # Add the PCL and Eigen include dirs. # Necessary since the PCL_INCLUDE_DIR variable set by find_package is broken.) include_directories(${PCL_ROOT}/include/pcl-${PCL_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PCL_VERSION_MINOR}) include_directories(${EIGEN_ROOT}) # Add source directory aux_source_directory("./src" SRC_LIST) # Add exectuteable add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_LIST}) # Link target_link_libraries(odm_meshing ${PCL_COMMON_LIBRARIES} ${PCL_IO_LIBRARIES} ${PCL_SURFACE_LIBRARIES})