#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail __dirname=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd -P) cd "${__dirname}" if [ "$1" = "--setup" ]; then export HOME=/home/$2 if [ ! -f .setupdevenv ]; then echo "Recompiling environment... this might take a while." bash configure.sh reinstall touch .setupdevenv apt update && apt install -y vim git chown -R $3:$4 /code chown -R $3:$4 /var/www fi echo "Adding $2 to /etc/passwd" echo "$2:x:$3:$4::/home/$2:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd echo "Adding $2 to /etc/group" echo "$2:x:$4:" >> /etc/group echo "Adding $2 to /etc/shadow" echo "$2:x:14871::::::" >> /etc/shadow echo "$2 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers echo "echo '' && echo '' && echo '' && echo '###################################' && echo 'ODM Dev Environment Ready. Hack on!' && echo '###################################' && echo '' && cd /code" > $HOME/.bashrc # Install qt creator if hash qtcreator 2>/dev/null; then has_qtcreator="YES" fi if [ "$has_qtcreator" != "YES" ] && [ "$5" == "YES" ]; then apt install -y libxrender1 gdb qtcreator fi # Install liquidprompt if [ ! -e "$HOME/liquidprompt" ]; then git clone https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt.git --depth 1 $HOME/liquidprompt fi if [ -e "$HOME/liquidprompt" ]; then echo "source $HOME/liquidprompt/liquidprompt" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "export LP_PS1_PREFIX='(odmdev)'" >> $HOME/.bashrc fi # Colors echo "alias ls='ls --color=auto'" >> $HOME/.bashrc # Python paths echo $(python3 /code/opendm/context.py) >> $HOME/.bashrc # Vim printf "syntax on\nset showmatch\nset ts=4\nset sts=4\nset sw=4\nset autoindent\nset smartindent\nset smarttab\nset expandtab" > $HOME/.vimrc # Misc aliases echo "alias pdal=/code/SuperBuild/install/bin/pdal" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "alias opensfm=/code/SuperBuild/src/opensfm/bin/opensfm" >> $HOME/.bashrc su -c bash $2 exit 0 fi platform="Linux" # Assumed uname=$(uname) case $uname in "Darwin") platform="MacOS / OSX" ;; MINGW*) platform="Windows" ;; esac if [[ $platform != "Linux" ]]; then echo "This script only works on Linux." exit 1 fi if hash docker 2>/dev/null; then has_docker="YES" fi if [ "$has_docker" != "YES" ]; then echo "You need to install docker before running this script." exit 1 fi export PORT="${PORT:=3000}" export QTC="${QTC:=NO}" export IMAGE="${IMAGE:=opendronemap/nodeodm}" export GPU="${GPU:=NO}" if [ -z "$DATA" ]; then echo "Usage: DATA=/path/to/datasets [VARS] $0" echo echo "VARS:" echo " DATA Path to directory that contains datasets for testing. The directory will be mounted in /datasets. If you don't have any, simply set it to a folder outside the ODM repository." echo " PORT Port to expose for NodeODM (default: $PORT)" echo " IMAGE Docker image to use (default: $IMAGE)" echo " GPU Enable GPU support (default: $GPU)" echo " QTC When set to YES, installs QT Creator for C++ development (default: $QTC)" exit 1 fi echo "Starting development environment..." echo "Datasets path: $DATA" echo "Expose port: $PORT" echo "QT Creator: $QTC" echo "Image: $IMAGE" echo "GPU: $GPU" if [ ! -e "$HOME"/.odm-dev-home ]; then mkdir -p "$HOME"/.odm-dev-home fi USER_ID=$(id -u) GROUP_ID=$(id -g) USER=$(id -un) GPU_FLAG="" if [[ "$GPU" != "NO" ]]; then GPU_FLAG="--gpus all" fi xhost + || true docker run -ti --entrypoint bash --name odmdev -v $(pwd):/code -v "$DATA":/datasets -p $PORT:3000 $GPU_FLAG --privileged -e DISPLAY -e LANG=C.UTF-8 -e LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 -v="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -v="$HOME/.odm-dev-home:/home/$USER" $IMAGE -c "/code/start-dev-env.sh --setup $USER $USER_ID $GROUP_ID $QTC" exit 0