from __future__ import absolute_import import os, shutil, sys, struct, random, math, platform from opendm.dem import commands from opendm import system from opendm import log from opendm import context from opendm import concurrency from opendm import point_cloud from scipy import signal import numpy as np def create_25dmesh(inPointCloud, outMesh, radius_steps=["0.05"], dsm_resolution=0.05, depth=8, samples=1, maxVertexCount=100000, available_cores=None, method='gridded', smooth_dsm=True, max_tiles=None): # Create DSM from point cloud # Create temporary directory mesh_directory = os.path.dirname(outMesh) tmp_directory = os.path.join(mesh_directory, 'tmp') if os.path.exists(tmp_directory): shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory) os.mkdir(tmp_directory) log.ODM_INFO('Created temporary directory: %s' % tmp_directory) log.ODM_INFO('Creating DSM for 2.5D mesh') commands.create_dem( inPointCloud, 'mesh_dsm', output_type='max', radiuses=radius_steps, gapfill=True, outdir=tmp_directory, resolution=dsm_resolution, max_workers=available_cores, apply_smoothing=smooth_dsm, max_tiles=max_tiles ) if method == 'gridded': mesh = dem_to_mesh_gridded(os.path.join(tmp_directory, 'mesh_dsm.tif'), outMesh, maxVertexCount, maxConcurrency=max(1, available_cores)) elif method == 'poisson': dsm_points = dem_to_points(os.path.join(tmp_directory, 'mesh_dsm.tif'), os.path.join(tmp_directory, 'dsm_points.ply')) mesh = screened_poisson_reconstruction(dsm_points, outMesh, depth=depth, samples=samples, maxVertexCount=maxVertexCount, threads=max(1, available_cores - 1)), # poissonrecon can get stuck on some machines if --threads == all cores else: raise 'Not a valid method: ' + method # Cleanup tmp if os.path.exists(tmp_directory): shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory) return mesh def dem_to_points(inGeotiff, outPointCloud): log.ODM_INFO('Sampling points from DSM: %s' % inGeotiff) kwargs = { 'bin': context.dem2points_path, 'outfile': outPointCloud, 'infile': inGeotiff }'"{bin}" -inputFile "{infile}" ' '-outputFile "{outfile}" ' '-skirtHeightThreshold 1.5 ' '-skirtIncrements 0.2 ' '-skirtHeightCap 100 ' '-verbose '.format(**kwargs)) return outPointCloud def dem_to_mesh_gridded(inGeotiff, outMesh, maxVertexCount, maxConcurrency=1): log.ODM_INFO('Creating mesh from DSM: %s' % inGeotiff) mesh_path, mesh_filename = os.path.split(outMesh) # mesh_path = path/to # mesh_filename = odm_mesh.ply basename, ext = os.path.splitext(mesh_filename) # basename = odm_mesh # ext = .ply outMeshDirty = os.path.join(mesh_path, "{}.dirty{}".format(basename, ext)) # This should work without issues most of the times, # but just in case we lower maxConcurrency if it fails. while True: try: kwargs = { 'bin': context.dem2mesh_path, 'outfile': outMeshDirty, 'infile': inGeotiff, 'maxVertexCount': maxVertexCount, 'maxConcurrency': maxConcurrency }'"{bin}" -inputFile "{infile}" ' '-outputFile "{outfile}" ' '-maxTileLength 2000 ' '-maxVertexCount {maxVertexCount} ' '-maxConcurrency {maxConcurrency} ' '-edgeSwapThreshold 0.15 ' '-verbose '.format(**kwargs)) break except Exception as e: maxConcurrency = math.floor(maxConcurrency / 2) if maxConcurrency >= 1: log.ODM_WARNING("dem2mesh failed, retrying with lower concurrency (%s) in case this is a memory issue" % maxConcurrency) else: raise e # Cleanup and reduce vertex count if necessary # (as dem2mesh cannot guarantee that we'll have the target vertex count) cleanupArgs = { 'reconstructmesh': context.omvs_reconstructmesh_path, 'outfile': outMesh, 'infile': outMeshDirty, 'max_faces': maxVertexCount * 2 }'"{reconstructmesh}" -i "{infile}" ' '-o "{outfile}" ' '--archive-type 3 ' '--remove-spikes 0 --remove-spurious 0 --smooth 0 ' '--target-face-num {max_faces} -v 0'.format(**cleanupArgs)) # Delete intermediate results os.remove(outMeshDirty) return outMesh def screened_poisson_reconstruction(inPointCloud, outMesh, depth = 8, samples = 1, maxVertexCount=100000, pointWeight=4, threads=context.num_cores): mesh_path, mesh_filename = os.path.split(outMesh) # mesh_path = path/to # mesh_filename = odm_mesh.ply basename, ext = os.path.splitext(mesh_filename) # basename = odm_mesh # ext = .ply outMeshDirty = os.path.join(mesh_path, "{}.dirty{}".format(basename, ext)) if os.path.isfile(outMeshDirty): os.remove(outMeshDirty) # Since PoissonRecon has some kind of a race condition on ppc64el, and this helps... if platform.machine() == 'ppc64le': log.ODM_WARNING("ppc64le platform detected, forcing single-threaded operation for PoissonRecon") threads = 1 while True: poissonReconArgs = { 'bin': context.poisson_recon_path, 'outfile': outMeshDirty, 'infile': inPointCloud, 'depth': depth, 'samples': samples, 'pointWeight': pointWeight, 'threads': int(threads) } # Run PoissonRecon try:'"{bin}" --in "{infile}" ' '--out "{outfile}" ' '--depth {depth} ' '--pointWeight {pointWeight} ' '--samplesPerNode {samples} ' '--threads {threads} ' '--bType 2 ' '--linearFit '.format(**poissonReconArgs)) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING(str(e)) if os.path.isfile(outMeshDirty): break # Done! else: # PoissonRecon will sometimes fail due to race conditions # on certain machines, especially on Windows threads //= 2 if threads < 1: break else: log.ODM_WARNING("PoissonRecon failed with %s threads, let's retry with %s..." % (threads, threads // 2)) # Cleanup and reduce vertex count if necessary cleanupArgs = { 'reconstructmesh': context.omvs_reconstructmesh_path, 'outfile': outMesh, 'infile':outMeshDirty, 'max_faces': maxVertexCount * 2 }'"{reconstructmesh}" -i "{infile}" ' '-o "{outfile}" ' '--archive-type 3 ' '--remove-spikes 0 --remove-spurious 20 --smooth 0 ' '--target-face-num {max_faces} -v 0'.format(**cleanupArgs)) # Delete intermediate results os.remove(outMeshDirty) return outMesh