import time import datetime import os import sys import threading import signal import zipfile import glob from opendm import log from opendm import system from pyodm import Node, exceptions from pyodm.utils import AtomicCounter from pyodm.types import TaskStatus from osfm import OSFMContext, get_submodel_args_dict, get_submodel_argv from pipes import quote try: import queue except ImportError: import Queue as queue class LocalRemoteExecutor: """ A class for performing OpenSfM reconstructions and full ODM pipeline executions using a mix of local and remote processing. Tasks are executed locally one at a time and remotely until a node runs out of available slots for processing. This allows us to use the processing power of the current machine as well as offloading tasks to a network node. """ def __init__(self, nodeUrl, rerun = False): self.node = Node.from_url(nodeUrl) self.params = { 'tasks': [], 'threads': [], 'rerun': rerun } self.node_online = True log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Initializing using cluster node %s:%s" % (, self.node.port)) try: info = log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Node is online and running %s version %s" % (info.engine, info.engine_version)) except exceptions.NodeConnectionError: log.ODM_WARNING("LRE: The node seems to be offline! We'll still process the dataset, but it's going to run entirely locally.") self.node_online = False except Exception as e: log.ODM_ERROR("LRE: An unexpected problem happened while opening the node connection: %s" % str(e)) exit(1) def set_projects(self, paths): self.project_paths = paths def run_reconstruction(self): def run_toolchain(self): def run(self, taskClass): if not self.project_paths: return # Shared variables across threads class nonloc: error = None local_processing = False max_remote_tasks = None calculate_task_limit_lock = threading.Lock() finished_tasks = AtomicCounter(0) remote_running_tasks = AtomicCounter(0) # Create queue q = queue.Queue() for pp in self.project_paths: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Adding to queue %s" % pp) q.put(taskClass(pp, self.node, self.params)) def remove_task_safe(task): try: removed = task.remove() except exceptions.OdmError: removed = False return removed def cleanup_remote_tasks(): if self.params['tasks']: log.ODM_WARNING("LRE: Attempting to cleanup remote tasks") else: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: No remote tasks left to cleanup") for task in self.params['tasks']: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Removing remote task %s... %s" % (task.uuid, 'OK' if remove_task_safe(task) else 'NO')) def handle_result(task, local, error = None, partial=False): def cleanup_remote(): if not partial and task.remote_task: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Cleaning up remote task (%s)... %s" % (task.remote_task.uuid, 'OK' if remove_task_safe(task.remote_task) else 'NO')) self.params['tasks'].remove(task.remote_task) task.remote_task = None if error: log.ODM_WARNING("LRE: %s failed with: %s" % (task, str(error))) # Special case in which the error is caused by a SIGTERM signal # this means a local processing was terminated either by CTRL+C or # by canceling the task. if str(error) == "Child was terminated by signal 15": system.exit_gracefully() task_limit_reached = isinstance(error, NodeTaskLimitReachedException) if task_limit_reached: # Estimate the maximum number of tasks based on how many tasks # are currently running with calculate_task_limit_lock: if nonloc.max_remote_tasks is None: node_task_limit = 0 for t in self.params['tasks']: try: info = if info.status == TaskStatus.RUNNING and info.processing_time >= 0 and len(info.output) >= 3: node_task_limit += 1 except exceptions.OdmError: pass nonloc.max_remote_tasks = max(1, node_task_limit) log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Node task limit reached. Setting max remote tasks to %s" % node_task_limit) # Retry, but only if the error is not related to a task failure if task.retries < task.max_retries and not isinstance(error, exceptions.TaskFailedError): # Put task back in queue # Don't increment the retry counter if this task simply reached the task # limit count. if not task_limit_reached: task.retries += 1 task.wait_until = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=task.retries * task.retry_timeout) cleanup_remote() q.task_done() log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Re-queueing %s (retries: %s)" % (task, task.retries)) q.put(task) if not local: remote_running_tasks.increment(-1) return else: nonloc.error = error finished_tasks.increment() if not local: remote_running_tasks.increment(-1) else: if not partial: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: %s finished successfully" % task) finished_tasks.increment() if not local: remote_running_tasks.increment(-1) cleanup_remote() if not partial: q.task_done() def local_worker(): while True: # Block until a new queue item is available task = q.get() if task is None or nonloc.error is not None: q.task_done() break # Process local try: nonloc.local_processing = True task.process(True, handle_result) except Exception as e: handle_result(task, True, e) finally: nonloc.local_processing = False def remote_worker(): while True: # Block until a new queue item is available task = q.get() if task is None or nonloc.error is not None: q.task_done() break # Yield to local processing if not nonloc.local_processing: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Yielding to local processing, sending %s back to the queue" % task) q.put(task) q.task_done() time.sleep(0.05) continue # If we've found an estimate of the limit on the maximum number of tasks # a node can process, we block until some tasks have completed if nonloc.max_remote_tasks is not None and remote_running_tasks.value >= nonloc.max_remote_tasks: q.put(task) q.task_done() time.sleep(2) continue # Process remote try: remote_running_tasks.increment() task.process(False, handle_result) except Exception as e: handle_result(task, False, e) # Create queue thread local_thread = threading.Thread(target=local_worker) if self.node_online: remote_thread = threading.Thread(target=remote_worker) system.add_cleanup_callback(cleanup_remote_tasks) # Start workers local_thread.start() if self.node_online: remote_thread.start() # block until all tasks are done (or CTRL+C) try: while finished_tasks.value < len(self.project_paths) and nonloc.error is None: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.ODM_WARNING("LRE: CTRL+C") system.exit_gracefully() # stop workers q.put(None) if self.node_online: q.put(None) # Wait for queue thread local_thread.join() if self.node_online: remote_thread.join() # Wait for all remains threads for thrds in self.params['threads']: thrds.join() system.remove_cleanup_callback(cleanup_remote_tasks) cleanup_remote_tasks() if nonloc.error is not None: # Try not to leak access token if isinstance(nonloc.error, exceptions.NodeConnectionError): raise exceptions.NodeConnectionError("A connection error happened. Check the connection to the processing node and try again.") else: raise nonloc.error class NodeTaskLimitReachedException(Exception): pass class Task: def __init__(self, project_path, node, params, max_retries=5, retry_timeout=10): self.project_path = project_path self.node = node self.params = params self.wait_until = # Don't run this task until a certain time self.max_retries = max_retries self.retries = 0 self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout self.remote_task = None def process(self, local, done): def handle_result(error = None, partial=False): done(self, local, error, partial) log.ODM_INFO("LRE: About to process %s %s" % (self, 'locally' if local else 'remotely')) if local: self._process_local(handle_result) # Block until complete else: now = if self.wait_until > now: wait_for = (self.wait_until - now).seconds + 1 log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Waiting %s seconds before processing %s" % (wait_for, self)) time.sleep(wait_for) # TODO: we could consider uploading multiple tasks # in parallel. But since we are using the same node # perhaps this wouldn't be a big speedup. self._process_remote(handle_result) # Block until upload is complete def path(self, *paths): return os.path.join(self.project_path, *paths) def touch(self, file): with open(file, 'w') as fout: fout.write("Done!\n") def create_seed_payload(self, paths, touch_files=[]): paths = filter(os.path.exists, map(lambda p: self.path(p), paths)) outfile = self.path("") with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zf: for p in paths: if os.path.isdir(p): for root, _, filenames in os.walk(p): for filename in filenames: filename = os.path.join(root, filename) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) zf.write(filename, os.path.relpath(filename, self.project_path)) else: zf.write(p, os.path.relpath(p, self.project_path)) for tf in touch_files: zf.writestr(tf, "") return outfile def _process_local(self, done): try: self.process_local() done() except Exception as e: done(e) def _process_remote(self, done): try: self.process_remote(done) done(error=None, partial=True) # Upload is completed, but processing is not (partial) except Exception as e: done(e) def execute_remote_task(self, done, seed_files = [], seed_touch_files = [], outputs = [], ): """ Run a task by creating a seed file with all files in seed_files, optionally creating empty files (for flag checks) specified in seed_touch_files and returning the results specified in outputs. Yeah it's pretty cool! """ seed_file = self.create_seed_payload(seed_files, touch_files=seed_touch_files) # Find all images images = glob.glob(self.path("images/**")) # Add GCP (optional) if os.path.exists(self.path("gcp_list.txt")): images.append(self.path("gcp_list.txt")) # Add seed file images.append(seed_file) class nonloc: last_update = 0 def print_progress(percentage): if (time.time() - nonloc.last_update >= 2) or int(percentage) == 100: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Upload of %s at [%s%%]" % (self, int(percentage))) nonloc.last_update = time.time() # Upload task task = self.node.create_task(images, get_submodel_args_dict(), progress_callback=print_progress, skip_post_processing=True, outputs=outputs) self.remote_task = task # Cleanup seed file os.remove(seed_file) # Keep track of tasks for cleanup self.params['tasks'].append(task) # Check status info = if info.status in [TaskStatus.RUNNING, TaskStatus.COMPLETED]: def monitor(): class nonloc: status_callback_calls = 0 last_update = 0 def status_callback(info): # If a task switches from RUNNING to QUEUED, then we need to # stop the process and re-add the task to the queue. if info.status == TaskStatus.QUEUED: log.ODM_WARNING("LRE: %s (%s) turned from RUNNING to QUEUED. Re-adding to back of the queue." % (self, task.uuid)) raise NodeTaskLimitReachedException("Delayed task limit reached") elif info.status == TaskStatus.RUNNING: # Print a status message once in a while nonloc.status_callback_calls += 1 if nonloc.status_callback_calls > 30: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: %s (%s) is still running" % (self, task.uuid)) nonloc.status_callback_calls = 0 try: def print_progress(percentage): if (time.time() - nonloc.last_update >= 2) or int(percentage) == 100: log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Download of %s at [%s%%]" % (self, int(percentage))) nonloc.last_update = time.time() task.wait_for_completion(status_callback=status_callback) log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Downloading assets for %s" % self) task.download_assets(self.project_path, progress_callback=print_progress) log.ODM_INFO("LRE: Downloaded and extracted assets for %s" % self) done() except exceptions.TaskFailedError as e: # Try to get output try: output_lines = task.output() # Save to file error_log_path = self.path("error.log") with open(error_log_path, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(output_lines) + '\n') msg = "(%s) failed with task output: %s\nFull log saved at %s" % (task.uuid, "\n".join(output_lines[-10:]), error_log_path) done(exceptions.TaskFailedError(msg)) except: log.ODM_WARNING("LRE: Could not retrieve task output for %s (%s)" % (self, task.uuid)) done(e) except Exception as e: done(e) # Launch monitor thread and return t = threading.Thread(target=monitor) self.params['threads'].append(t) t.start() elif info.status == TaskStatus.QUEUED: raise NodeTaskLimitReachedException("Task limit reached") else: raise Exception("Could not send task to node, task status is %s" % str(info.status)) def process_local(self): raise NotImplementedError() def process_remote(self, done): raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self): return os.path.basename(self.project_path) class ReconstructionTask(Task): def process_local(self): octx = OSFMContext(self.path("opensfm")) log.ODM_INFO("==================================") log.ODM_INFO("Local Reconstruction %s" % log.ODM_INFO("==================================") octx.feature_matching(self.params['rerun']) octx.reconstruct(self.params['rerun']) def process_remote(self, done): octx = OSFMContext(self.path("opensfm")) if not octx.is_feature_matching_done() or not octx.is_reconstruction_done() or self.params['rerun']: self.execute_remote_task(done, seed_files=["opensfm/exif", "opensfm/camera_models.json", "opensfm/reference_lla.json"], seed_touch_files=["opensfm/split_merge_stop_at_reconstruction.txt"], outputs=["opensfm/matches", "opensfm/features", "opensfm/reconstruction.json", "opensfm/tracks.csv"]) else: log.ODM_INFO("Already processed feature matching and reconstruction for %s" % done() class ToolchainTask(Task): def process_local(self): completed_file = self.path("toolchain_completed.txt") submodel_name = os.path.basename(self.project_path) if not os.path.exists(completed_file) or self.params['rerun']: log.ODM_INFO("=============================") log.ODM_INFO("Local Toolchain %s" % self) log.ODM_INFO("=============================") submodels_path = os.path.abspath(self.path("..")) project_name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(submodels_path, ".."))) argv = get_submodel_argv(project_name, submodels_path, submodel_name) # Re-run the ODM toolchain on the submodel" ".join(map(quote, argv)), env_vars=os.environ.copy()) # This will only get executed if the command above succeeds self.touch(completed_file) else: log.ODM_INFO("Already processed toolchain for %s" % submodel_name) def process_remote(self, done): completed_file = self.path("toolchain_completed.txt") submodel_name = os.path.basename(self.project_path) def handle_result(error = None): # Mark task as completed if no error if error is None: self.touch(completed_file) done(error=error) if not os.path.exists(completed_file) or self.params['rerun']: self.execute_remote_task(handle_result, seed_files=["opensfm/camera_models.json", "opensfm/reference_lla.json", "opensfm/reconstruction.json", "opensfm/tracks.csv"], seed_touch_files=["opensfm/features/empty", "opensfm/matches/empty", "opensfm/exif/empty"], outputs=["odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.tif", "odm_orthophoto/cutline.gpkg", "odm_dem", "odm_georeferencing"]) else: log.ODM_INFO("Already processed toolchain for %s" % submodel_name) handle_result()