import shutil, os, glob, math, sys from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import context from opendm import point_cloud from opendm import types from opendm.gpu import has_gpu from opendm.utils import get_depthmap_resolution from opendm.osfm import OSFMContext from opendm.multispectral import get_primary_band_name from opendm.point_cloud import fast_merge_ply class ODMOpenMVSStage(types.ODM_Stage): def process(self, args, outputs): # get inputs tree = outputs['tree'] reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction'] photos = octx = OSFMContext(tree.opensfm) if not photos: raise system.ExitException('Not enough photos in photos array to start OpenMVS') # check if reconstruction was done before if not io.file_exists(tree.openmvs_model) or self.rerun(): if self.rerun(): if io.dir_exists(tree.openmvs): shutil.rmtree(tree.openmvs) # export reconstruction from opensfm openmvs_scene_file = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, "scene.mvs") if not io.file_exists(openmvs_scene_file) or self.rerun(): cmd = 'export_openmvs' else: log.ODM_WARNING("Found existing %s" % openmvs_scene_file) self.update_progress(10) depthmaps_dir = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, "depthmaps") if io.dir_exists(depthmaps_dir) and self.rerun(): shutil.rmtree(depthmaps_dir) if not io.dir_exists(depthmaps_dir): os.mkdir(depthmaps_dir) depthmap_resolution = get_depthmap_resolution(args, photos) log.ODM_INFO("Depthmap resolution set to: %spx" % depthmap_resolution) if outputs["undist_image_max_size"] <= depthmap_resolution: resolution_level = 0 else: resolution_level = int(round(math.log(outputs['undist_image_max_size'] / float(depthmap_resolution)) / math.log(2))) log.ODM_INFO("Running dense reconstruction. This might take a while.") log.ODM_INFO("Estimating depthmaps") number_views_fuse = 2 config = [ " --resolution-level %s" % int(resolution_level), "--min-resolution %s" % depthmap_resolution, "--max-resolution %s" % int(outputs['undist_image_max_size']), "--max-threads %s" % args.max_concurrency, "--number-views-fuse %s" % number_views_fuse, '-w "%s"' % depthmaps_dir, "-v 0" ] gpu_config = [] if not has_gpu(): gpu_config.append("--cuda-device -1") if args.pc_tile: config.append("--fusion-mode 1") if not args.pc_geometric: config.append("--geometric-iters 0") def run_densify():'"%s" "%s" %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, openmvs_scene_file, ' '.join(config + gpu_config))) try: run_densify() except system.SubprocessException as e: # If the GPU was enabled and the program failed, # try to run it again without GPU if e.errorCode == 1 and len(gpu_config) == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("OpenMVS failed with GPU, is your graphics card driver up to date? Falling back to CPU.") gpu_config.append("--cuda-device -1") run_densify() else: raise e self.update_progress(85) files_to_remove = [] scene_dense = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene_dense.mvs') if args.pc_tile: log.ODM_INFO("Computing sub-scenes") subscene_densify_ini_file = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'subscene-config.ini') with open(subscene_densify_ini_file, 'w+') as f: f.write("Optimize = 0\n") config = [ "--sub-scene-area 660000", "--max-threads %s" % args.max_concurrency, '-w "%s"' % depthmaps_dir, "-v 0", ]'"%s" "%s" %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, openmvs_scene_file, ' '.join(config + gpu_config))) scene_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(tree.openmvs, "scene_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].mvs")) if len(scene_files) == 0: raise system.ExitException("No OpenMVS scenes found. This could be a bug, or the reconstruction could not be processed.") log.ODM_INFO("Fusing depthmaps for %s scenes" % len(scene_files)) scene_ply_files = [] for sf in scene_files: p, _ = os.path.splitext(sf) scene_ply_unfiltered = p + "_dense.ply" scene_ply = p + "_dense_dense_filtered.ply" scene_dense_mvs = p + "_dense.mvs" files_to_remove += [scene_ply, sf, scene_dense_mvs, scene_ply_unfiltered] scene_ply_files.append(scene_ply) if not io.file_exists(scene_ply) or self.rerun(): # Fuse config = [ '--resolution-level %s' % int(resolution_level), '--min-resolution %s' % depthmap_resolution, '--max-resolution %s' % int(outputs['undist_image_max_size']), '--dense-config-file "%s"' % subscene_densify_ini_file, '--number-views-fuse %s' % number_views_fuse, '--max-threads %s' % args.max_concurrency, '-w "%s"' % depthmaps_dir, '-v 0', ] if not args.pc_geometric: config.append("--geometric-iters 0") try:'"%s" "%s" %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, sf, ' '.join(config + gpu_config))) # Filter if args.pc_filter > 0:'"%s" "%s" --filter-point-cloud -1 -v 0 %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, scene_dense_mvs, ' '.join(gpu_config))) else: # Just rename log.ODM_INFO("Skipped filtering, %s --> %s" % (scene_ply_unfiltered, scene_ply)) os.rename(scene_ply_unfiltered, scene_ply) except: log.ODM_WARNING("Sub-scene %s could not be reconstructed, skipping..." % sf) if not io.file_exists(scene_ply): scene_ply_files.pop() log.ODM_WARNING("Could not compute PLY for subscene %s" % sf) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Found existing dense scene file %s" % scene_ply) # Merge log.ODM_INFO("Merging %s scene files" % len(scene_ply_files)) if len(scene_ply_files) == 0: log.ODM_ERROR("Could not compute dense point cloud (no PLY files available).") if len(scene_ply_files) == 1: # Simply rename os.replace(scene_ply_files[0], tree.openmvs_model) log.ODM_INFO("%s --> %s"% (scene_ply_files[0], tree.openmvs_model)) else: # Merge fast_merge_ply(scene_ply_files, tree.openmvs_model) else: # Filter all at once if args.pc_filter > 0: if os.path.exists(scene_dense): config = [ "--filter-point-cloud -1", '-i "%s"' % scene_dense, "-v 0" ]'"%s" %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, ' '.join(config + gpu_config))) else: raise system.ExitException("Cannot find scene_dense.mvs, dense reconstruction probably failed. Exiting...") else: # Just rename scene_dense_ply = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene_dense.ply') log.ODM_INFO("Skipped filtering, %s --> %s" % (scene_dense_ply, tree.openmvs_model)) os.rename(scene_dense_ply, tree.openmvs_model) # TODO: add support for image masks self.update_progress(95) if args.optimize_disk_space: files = [scene_dense, os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene_dense.ply'), os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene_dense_dense_filtered.mvs'), octx.path("undistorted", "tracks.csv"), octx.path("undistorted", "reconstruction.json") ] + files_to_remove for f in files: if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f) shutil.rmtree(depthmaps_dir) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenMVS reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.openmvs_model)