#!/bin/bash if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then processes=$2 else processes=$(nproc) fi install() { ## Set up library paths export PYTHONPATH=$RUNPATH/SuperBuild/install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:$RUNPATH/SuperBuild/src/opensfm:$PYTHONPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$RUNPATH/SuperBuild/install/lib ## Before installing echo "Updating the system" add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable apt-get update echo "Installing Required Requisites" apt-get install -y -qq build-essential \ git \ cmake \ python-pip \ libgdal-dev \ gdal-bin \ libgeotiff-dev \ pkg-config \ libjsoncpp-dev \ python-gdal \ grass-core echo "Getting CMake 3.1 for MVS-Texturing" apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-software-properties add-apt-repository -y ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x apt-get update -y apt-get install -y --only-upgrade cmake echo "Installing OpenCV Dependencies" apt-get install -y -qq libgtk2.0-dev \ libavcodec-dev \ libavformat-dev \ libswscale-dev \ python-dev \ python-numpy \ libtbb2 \ libtbb-dev \ libjpeg-dev \ libpng-dev \ libtiff-dev \ libjasper-dev \ libflann-dev \ libproj-dev \ libxext-dev \ liblapack-dev \ libeigen3-dev \ libvtk6-dev echo "Removing libdc1394-22-dev due to python opencv issue" apt-get remove libdc1394-22-dev ## Installing OpenSfM Requisites echo "Installing OpenSfM Dependencies" apt-get install -y -qq python-networkx \ libgoogle-glog-dev \ libsuitesparse-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev \ libboost-iostreams-dev \ libboost-regex-dev \ libboost-python-dev \ libboost-date-time-dev \ libboost-thread-dev \ python-pyproj pip install -U PyYAML==3.13 \ exifread \ gpxpy \ xmltodict \ appsettings \ loky \ repoze.lru echo "Installing OpenDroneMap Dependencies" apt-get install -y -qq python-scipy \ liblas-bin echo "Installing lidar2dems Dependencies" apt-get install -y -qq swig2.0 \ python-wheel \ libboost-log-dev echo "Installing split-merge Dependencies" pip install -U scipy numpy==1.15.4 shapely pyproj https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/gippy/archive/numpyfix.zip psutil echo "Compiling SuperBuild" cd ${RUNPATH}/SuperBuild mkdir -p build && cd build cmake .. && make -j$processes echo "Compiling build" cd ${RUNPATH} mkdir -p build && cd build cmake .. && make -j$processes echo "Configuration Finished" } uninstall() { echo "Removing SuperBuild and build directories" cd ${RUNPATH}/SuperBuild rm -rfv build src download install cd ../ rm -rfv build } reinstall() { echo "Reinstalling ODM modules" uninstall install } usage() { echo "Usage:" echo "bash configure.sh [nproc]" echo "Subcommands:" echo " install" echo " Installs all dependencies and modules for running OpenDroneMap" echo " reinstall" echo " Removes SuperBuild and build modules, then re-installs them. Note this does not update OpenDroneMap to the latest version. " echo " uninstall" echo " Removes SuperBuild and build modules. Does not uninstall dependencies" echo " help" echo " Displays this message" echo "[nproc] is an optional argument that can set the number of processes for the make -j tag. By default it uses $(nproc)" } if [[ $1 =~ ^(install|reinstall|uninstall|usage)$ ]]; then RUNPATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" "$1" else echo "Invalid instructions." >&2 usage exit 1 fi