import os import shutil from opendm import system from opendm.concurrency import get_max_memory from opendm import io from opendm import log def convert_to_cogeo(src_path, blocksize=256, max_workers=1, compression="DEFLATE"): """ Guarantee that the .tif passed as an argument is a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (cogeo) The file is destructively converted into a cogeo. If the file cannot be converted, the function does not change the file :param src_path: path to GeoTIFF :return: True on success """ if not os.path.isfile(src_path): logger.warning("Cannot convert to cogeo: %s (file does not exist)" % src_path) return False log.ODM_INFO("Optimizing %s as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF" % src_path) tmpfile = io.related_file_path(src_path, postfix='_cogeo') swapfile = io.related_file_path(src_path, postfix='_cogeo_swap') kwargs = { 'threads': max_workers if max_workers else 'ALL_CPUS', 'blocksize': blocksize, 'max_memory': get_max_memory(), 'src_path': src_path, 'tmpfile': tmpfile, 'compress': compression, 'predictor': '2' if compression in ['LZW', 'DEFLATE'] else '1', } try:"gdal_translate " "-of COG " "-co NUM_THREADS={threads} " "-co BLOCKSIZE={blocksize} " "-co COMPRESS={compress} " "-co PREDICTOR={predictor} " "-co BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER " "-co RESAMPLING=NEAREST " "--config GDAL_CACHEMAX {max_memory}% " "--config GDAL_NUM_THREADS {threads} " "\"{src_path}\" \"{tmpfile}\" ".format(**kwargs)) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot create Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF: %s" % str(e)) if os.path.isfile(tmpfile): shutil.move(src_path, swapfile) # Move to swap location try: shutil.move(tmpfile, src_path) except IOError as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot move %s to %s: %s" % (tmpfile, src_path, str(e))) shutil.move(swapfile, src_path) # Attempt to restore if os.path.isfile(swapfile): os.remove(swapfile) return True else: return False