import sys import os from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import context from opendm import gsd from opendm import point_cloud from opendm import types from opendm import osfm class ODMOpenSfMStage(types.ODM_Stage): def process(self, args, outputs): tree = outputs['tree'] reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction'] photos = if not photos: log.ODM_ERROR('Not enough photos in photos array to start OpenSfM') exit(1) if args.fast_orthophoto: output_file = io.join_paths(tree.opensfm, 'reconstruction.ply') elif args.use_opensfm_dense: output_file = tree.opensfm_model else: output_file = tree.opensfm_reconstruction # check if reconstruction was done before # TODO: more granularity for each step (setup/featurematch/reconstruction/etc.) if not io.file_exists(output_file) or self.rerun(): osfm.setup(args, tree.dataset_raw, tree.opensfm, photos, gcp_path=tree.odm_georeferencing_gcp) osfm.feature_matching(tree.opensfm, self.rerun()) osfm.reconstruction(tree.opensfm, self.rerun()) # Always export VisualSFM's reconstruction and undistort images # as we'll use these for texturing (after GSD estimation and resizing) if not args.ignore_gsd: image_scale = gsd.image_scale_factor(args.orthophoto_resolution, tree.opensfm_reconstruction) else: image_scale = 1.0 if not io.file_exists(tree.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm) or self.rerun():'export_visualsfm --image_extension png --scale_focal %s' % image_scale, tree.opensfm) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM NVM reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm) # These will be used for texturing'undistort --image_format png --image_scale %s' % image_scale, tree.opensfm) # Skip dense reconstruction if necessary and export # sparse reconstruction instead if args.fast_orthophoto:'export_ply --no-cameras' % image_scale, tree.opensfm) elif args.use_opensfm_dense: # Undistort images at full scale in JPG # (TODO: we could compare the size of the PNGs if they are < than depthmap_resolution # and use those instead of re-exporting full resolution JPGs)'undistort', tree.opensfm)'compute_depthmaps', tree.opensfm) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_reconstruction) # check if reconstruction was exported to bundler before osfm.export_bundler(tree.opensfm, tree.opensfm_bundle_list, self.rerun()) if reconstruction.georef:'export_geocoords --transformation --proj \'%s\'' % reconstruction.georef.projection.srs, tree.opensfm)