import os, shutil, sys, struct from gippy import GeoImage from opendm.dem import commands from opendm import system from opendm import log from scipy import signal def create_25dmesh(inPointCloud, outMesh, dsm_resolution=0.05, depth=8, samples=1, verbose=False): # Create DSM from point cloud # Create temporary directory mesh_directory = os.path.dirname(outMesh) tmp_directory = os.path.join(mesh_directory, 'tmp') if os.path.exists(tmp_directory): shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory) os.mkdir(tmp_directory) log.ODM_INFO('Created temporary directory: %s' % tmp_directory) # Always use just two steps radius_steps = [dsm_resolution, dsm_resolution * 3, dsm_resolution * 9] log.ODM_INFO('Creating DSM for 2.5D mesh') commands.create_dems( [inPointCloud], 'mesh_dsm', radius=map(str, radius_steps), gapfill=True, outdir=tmp_directory, resolution=dsm_resolution, verbose=verbose ) dsm_points = dem_to_points(os.path.join(tmp_directory, 'mesh_dsm.tif'), os.path.join(tmp_directory, 'dsm_points.ply')) mesh = screened_poisson_reconstruction(dsm_points, outMesh, depth=depth, samples=samples, verbose=verbose) # Cleanup tmp if os.path.exists(tmp_directory): shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory) return mesh def dem_to_points(inGeotiff, outPointCloud): log.ODM_INFO('Sampling points from DSM: %s' % inGeotiff) image =[inGeotiff], bandnames=['z'], nodata=-9999) arr = image['z'].read_raw() # Median filter log.ODM_INFO('Applying median filter...') arr = signal.medfilt(arr, 1) log.ODM_INFO('Writing points...') with open(outPointCloud, "wb") as f: f.write("ply\n") f.write("format binary_%s_endian 1.0\n" % sys.byteorder) f.write("element vertex %s\n" % arr.size) f.write("property float x\n") f.write("property float y\n") f.write("property float z\n") f.write("property float nx\n") f.write("property float ny\n") f.write("property float nz\n") f.write("end_header\n") xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = image.extent().x0(), image.extent().x1(), image.extent().y0(), image.extent().y1() ext_width, ext_height = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin arr_height, arr_width = arr.shape for x in range(arr_width): for y in range(arr_height): tx = xmin + (float(x) / float(arr_width)) * ext_width ty = ymax - (float(y) / float(arr_height)) * ext_height f.write(struct.pack('ffffff', tx, ty, arr[y][x], 0, 0, 1)) #f.write('%s %s %s\n' % (tx, ty, z)) log.ODM_INFO('Wrote points to: %s' % outPointCloud) return outPointCloud def screened_poisson_reconstruction(inPointCloud, outMesh, depth = 8, samples = 1, verbose=False): #TODO: @dakotabenjamin adjust path to PoissonRecon program kwargs = { 'bin': '/PoissonRecon/Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon', 'outfile': outMesh, 'infile': inPointCloud, 'depth': depth, 'samples': samples, 'verbose': '--verbose' if verbose else '' } # Run PoissonRecon'{bin} --in {infile} ' '--out {outfile} ' '--depth {depth} ' '--normals --linearFit ' '{verbose}'.format(**kwargs)) return outMesh