import os import shutil from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import concurrency from opendm import get_image_size from opendm import system import math def compute_cutline(orthophoto_file, crop_area_file, destination, max_concurrency=1, tmpdir=None, scale=1): if io.file_exists(orthophoto_file) and io.file_exists(crop_area_file): from opendm.grass_engine import grass log.ODM_INFO("Computing cutline") if tmpdir and not io.dir_exists(tmpdir): system.mkdir_p(tmpdir) scale = max(0.0001, min(1, scale)) scaled_orthophoto = None if scale < 1: log.ODM_INFO("Scaling orthophoto to %s%% to compute cutline" % (scale * 100)) scaled_orthophoto = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(io.related_file_path(orthophoto_file, postfix=".scaled"))) # Scale orthophoto before computing cutline"gdal_translate -outsize {}% 0 " "-co NUM_THREADS={} " "--config GDAL_CACHEMAX {}% " "{} {}".format( scale * 100, max_concurrency, concurrency.get_max_memory(), orthophoto_file, scaled_orthophoto )) orthophoto_file = scaled_orthophoto try: ortho_width,ortho_height = get_image_size.get_image_size(orthophoto_file, fallback_on_error=False) log.ODM_INFO("Orthophoto dimensions are %sx%s" % (ortho_width, ortho_height)) number_lines = int(max(8, math.ceil(min(ortho_width, ortho_height) / 256.0))) except: log.ODM_INFO("Cannot compute orthophoto dimensions, setting arbitrary number of lines.") number_lines = 32 log.ODM_INFO("Number of lines: %s" % number_lines) gctx = grass.create_context({'auto_cleanup' : False, 'tmpdir': tmpdir}) gctx.add_param('orthophoto_file', orthophoto_file) gctx.add_param('crop_area_file', crop_area_file) gctx.add_param('number_lines', number_lines) gctx.add_param('max_concurrency', max_concurrency) gctx.add_param('memory', int(concurrency.get_max_memory_mb(300))) gctx.set_location(orthophoto_file) cutline_file = gctx.execute(os.path.join("opendm", "grass", "compute_cutline.grass")) if cutline_file != 'error': if io.file_exists(cutline_file): shutil.move(cutline_file, destination) log.ODM_INFO("Generated cutline file: %s --> %s" % (cutline_file, destination)) gctx.cleanup() return destination else: log.ODM_WARNING("Unexpected script result: %s. No cutline file has been generated." % cutline_file) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Could not generate orthophoto cutline. An error occured when running GRASS. No orthophoto will be generated.") else: log.ODM_WARNING("We've been asked to compute cutline, but either %s or %s is missing. Skipping..." % (orthophoto_file, crop_area_file))