import os from opendm import log from opendm import system from opendm.cropper import Cropper from opendm.concurrency import get_max_memory import math import numpy as np import rasterio import fiona from edt import edt from rasterio.transform import Affine, rowcol from rasterio.mask import mask from opendm import io from opendm.tiles.tiler import generate_orthophoto_tiles from opendm.cogeo import convert_to_cogeo from osgeo import gdal def get_orthophoto_vars(args): return { 'TILED': 'NO' if args.orthophoto_no_tiled else 'YES', 'COMPRESS': args.orthophoto_compression, 'PREDICTOR': '2' if args.orthophoto_compression in ['LZW', 'DEFLATE'] else '1', 'BIGTIFF': 'IF_SAFER', 'BLOCKXSIZE': 512, 'BLOCKYSIZE': 512, 'NUM_THREADS': args.max_concurrency } def build_overviews(orthophoto_file): log.ODM_INFO("Building Overviews") kwargs = {'orthophoto': orthophoto_file} # Run gdaladdo'gdaladdo -r average ' '--config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW IF_SAFER ' '--config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG ' '{orthophoto} 2 4 8 16'.format(**kwargs)) def generate_png(orthophoto_file, output_file=None, outsize=None): if output_file is None: base, ext = os.path.splitext(orthophoto_file) output_file = base + '.png' # See if we need to select top three bands bandparam = "" gtif = gdal.Open(orthophoto_file) if gtif.RasterCount > 4: bands = [] for idx in range(1, gtif.RasterCount+1): bands.append(gtif.GetRasterBand(idx).GetColorInterpretation()) bands = dict(zip(bands, range(1, len(bands)+1))) try: red = bands.get(gdal.GCI_RedBand) green = bands.get(gdal.GCI_GreenBand) blue = bands.get(gdal.GCI_BlueBand) if red is None or green is None or blue is None: raise Exception("Cannot find bands") bandparam = "-b %s -b %s -b %s -a_nodata 0" % (red, green, blue) except: bandparam = "-b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -a_nodata 0" gtif = None osparam = "" if outsize is not None: osparam = "-outsize %s 0" % outsize'gdal_translate -of png "%s" "%s" %s %s ' '--config GDAL_CACHEMAX %s%% ' % (orthophoto_file, output_file, osparam, bandparam, get_max_memory())) def generate_kmz(orthophoto_file, output_file=None, outsize=None): if output_file is None: base, ext = os.path.splitext(orthophoto_file) output_file = base + '.kmz' # See if we need to select top three bands bandparam = "" gtif = gdal.Open(orthophoto_file) if gtif.RasterCount > 4: bandparam = "-b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -a_nodata 0"'gdal_translate -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY -co FORMAT=PNG "%s" "%s" %s ' '--config GDAL_CACHEMAX %s%% ' % (orthophoto_file, output_file, bandparam, get_max_memory())) def post_orthophoto_steps(args, bounds_file_path, orthophoto_file, orthophoto_tiles_dir, resolution): if args.crop > 0 or args.boundary: Cropper.crop(bounds_file_path, orthophoto_file, get_orthophoto_vars(args), keep_original=not args.optimize_disk_space, warp_options=['-dstalpha']) if args.build_overviews and not args.cog: build_overviews(orthophoto_file) if args.orthophoto_png: generate_png(orthophoto_file) if args.orthophoto_kmz: generate_kmz(orthophoto_file) if args.tiles: generate_orthophoto_tiles(orthophoto_file, orthophoto_tiles_dir, args.max_concurrency, resolution) if args.cog: convert_to_cogeo(orthophoto_file, max_workers=args.max_concurrency, compression=args.orthophoto_compression) def compute_mask_raster(input_raster, vector_mask, output_raster, blend_distance=20, only_max_coords_feature=False): if not os.path.exists(input_raster): log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot mask raster, %s does not exist" % input_raster) return if not os.path.exists(vector_mask): log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot mask raster, %s does not exist" % vector_mask) return log.ODM_INFO("Computing mask raster: %s" % output_raster) with, 'r') as rast: with as src: burn_features = src if only_max_coords_feature: max_coords_count = 0 max_coords_feature = None for feature in src: if feature is not None: # No complex shapes if len(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0]) > max_coords_count: max_coords_count = len(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0]) max_coords_feature = feature if max_coords_feature is not None: burn_features = [max_coords_feature] shapes = [feature["geometry"] for feature in burn_features] out_image, out_transform = mask(rast, shapes, nodata=0) if blend_distance > 0: if out_image.shape[0] >= 4: # alpha_band = rast.dataset_mask() alpha_band = out_image[-1] dist_t = edt(alpha_band, black_border=True, parallel=0) dist_t[dist_t <= blend_distance] /= blend_distance dist_t[dist_t > blend_distance] = 1 np.multiply(alpha_band, dist_t, out=alpha_band, casting="unsafe") else: log.ODM_WARNING("%s does not have an alpha band, cannot blend cutline!" % input_raster) with, 'w', BIGTIFF="IF_SAFER", **rast.profile) as dst: dst.colorinterp = rast.colorinterp dst.write(out_image) return output_raster def feather_raster(input_raster, output_raster, blend_distance=20): if not os.path.exists(input_raster): log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot feather raster, %s does not exist" % input_raster) return log.ODM_INFO("Computing feather raster: %s" % output_raster) with, 'r') as rast: out_image = if blend_distance > 0: if out_image.shape[0] >= 4: alpha_band = out_image[-1] dist_t = edt(alpha_band, black_border=True, parallel=0) dist_t[dist_t <= blend_distance] /= blend_distance dist_t[dist_t > blend_distance] = 1 np.multiply(alpha_band, dist_t, out=alpha_band, casting="unsafe") else: log.ODM_WARNING("%s does not have an alpha band, cannot feather raster!" % input_raster) with, 'w', BIGTIFF="IF_SAFER", **rast.profile) as dst: dst.colorinterp = rast.colorinterp dst.write(out_image) return output_raster def merge(input_ortho_and_ortho_cuts, output_orthophoto, orthophoto_vars={}): """ Based on Merge orthophotos around cutlines using a blend buffer. """ inputs = [] bounds=None precision=7 for o, c in input_ortho_and_ortho_cuts: if not io.file_exists(o): log.ODM_WARNING("%s does not exist. Will skip from merged orthophoto." % o) continue if not io.file_exists(c): log.ODM_WARNING("%s does not exist. Will skip from merged orthophoto." % c) continue inputs.append((o, c)) if len(inputs) == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("No input orthophotos, skipping merge.") return with[0][0]) as first: res = first.res dtype = first.dtypes[0] profile = first.profile num_bands = first.meta['count'] - 1 # minus alpha colorinterp = first.colorinterp log.ODM_INFO("%s valid orthophoto rasters to merge" % len(inputs)) sources = [(, for o,c in inputs] # scan input files. # while we're at it, validate assumptions about inputs xs = [] ys = [] for src, _ in sources: left, bottom, right, top = src.bounds xs.extend([left, right]) ys.extend([bottom, top]) if src.profile["count"] < 2: raise ValueError("Inputs must be at least 2-band rasters") dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys) log.ODM_INFO("Output bounds: %r %r %r %r" % (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n)) output_transform = Affine.translation(dst_w, dst_n) output_transform *= Affine.scale(res[0], -res[1]) # Compute output array shape. We guarantee it will cover the output # bounds completely. output_width = int(math.ceil((dst_e - dst_w) / res[0])) output_height = int(math.ceil((dst_n - dst_s) / res[1])) # Adjust bounds to fit. dst_e, dst_s = output_transform * (output_width, output_height) log.ODM_INFO("Output width: %d, height: %d" % (output_width, output_height)) log.ODM_INFO("Adjusted bounds: %r %r %r %r" % (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n)) profile["transform"] = output_transform profile["height"] = output_height profile["width"] = output_width profile["tiled"] = orthophoto_vars.get('TILED', 'YES') == 'YES' profile["blockxsize"] = orthophoto_vars.get('BLOCKXSIZE', 512) profile["blockysize"] = orthophoto_vars.get('BLOCKYSIZE', 512) profile["compress"] = orthophoto_vars.get('COMPRESS', 'LZW') profile["predictor"] = orthophoto_vars.get('PREDICTOR', '2') profile["bigtiff"] = orthophoto_vars.get('BIGTIFF', 'IF_SAFER') profile.update() # create destination file with, "w", **profile) as dstrast: dstrast.colorinterp = colorinterp for idx, dst_window in dstrast.block_windows(): left, bottom, right, top = dstrast.window_bounds(dst_window) blocksize = dst_window.width dst_rows, dst_cols = (dst_window.height, dst_window.width) # initialize array destined for the block dst_count = first.count dst_shape = (dst_count, dst_rows, dst_cols) dstarr = np.zeros(dst_shape, dtype=dtype) # First pass, write all rasters naively without blending for src, _ in sources: src_window = tuple(zip(rowcol( src.transform, left, top, op=round, precision=precision ), rowcol( src.transform, right, bottom, op=round, precision=precision ))) temp = np.zeros(dst_shape, dtype=dtype) temp = out=temp, window=src_window, boundless=True, masked=False ) # pixels without data yet are available to write write_region = np.logical_and( (dstarr[-1] == 0), (temp[-1] != 0) # 0 is nodata ) np.copyto(dstarr, temp, where=write_region) # check if dest has any nodata pixels available if np.count_nonzero(dstarr[-1]) == blocksize: break # Second pass, write all feathered rasters # blending the edges for src, _ in sources: src_window = tuple(zip(rowcol( src.transform, left, top, op=round, precision=precision ), rowcol( src.transform, right, bottom, op=round, precision=precision ))) temp = np.zeros(dst_shape, dtype=dtype) temp = out=temp, window=src_window, boundless=True, masked=False ) where = temp[-1] != 0 for b in range(0, num_bands): blended = temp[-1] / 255.0 * temp[b] + (1 - temp[-1] / 255.0) * dstarr[b] np.copyto(dstarr[b], blended, casting='unsafe', where=where) dstarr[-1][where] = 255.0 # check if dest has any nodata pixels available if np.count_nonzero(dstarr[-1]) == blocksize: break # Third pass, write cut rasters # blending the cutlines for _, cut in sources: src_window = tuple(zip(rowcol( cut.transform, left, top, op=round, precision=precision ), rowcol( cut.transform, right, bottom, op=round, precision=precision ))) temp = np.zeros(dst_shape, dtype=dtype) temp = out=temp, window=src_window, boundless=True, masked=False ) # For each band, average alpha values between # destination raster and cut raster for b in range(0, num_bands): blended = temp[-1] / 255.0 * temp[b] + (1 - temp[-1] / 255.0) * dstarr[b] np.copyto(dstarr[b], blended, casting='unsafe', where=temp[-1]!=0) dstrast.write(dstarr, window=dst_window) return output_orthophoto