import sys import os import shutil import glob from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import context from opendm import gsd from opendm import point_cloud from opendm import types from opendm.utils import get_depthmap_resolution from opendm.osfm import OSFMContext from opendm import multispectral from opendm import thermal from opendm import nvm from import find_largest_photo class ODMOpenSfMStage(types.ODM_Stage): def process(self, args, outputs): tree = outputs['tree'] reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction'] photos = if not photos: log.ODM_ERROR('Not enough photos in photos array to start OpenSfM') exit(1) octx = OSFMContext(tree.opensfm) # TODO REMOVE # octx.setup(args, tree.dataset_raw, reconstruction=reconstruction, rerun=False) octx.setup(args, tree.dataset_raw, reconstruction=reconstruction, rerun=self.rerun()) octx.extract_metadata(self.rerun()) self.update_progress(20) octx.feature_matching(self.rerun()) self.update_progress(30) octx.reconstruct(self.rerun()) octx.extract_cameras(tree.path("cameras.json"), self.rerun()) self.update_progress(70) def cleanup_disk_space(): if args.optimize_disk_space: for folder in ["features", "matches", "exif", "reports"]: folder_path = octx.path(folder) if os.path.islink(folder_path): os.unlink(folder_path) else: shutil.rmtree(folder_path) # If we find a special flag file for split/merge we stop right here if os.path.exists(octx.path("split_merge_stop_at_reconstruction.txt")): log.ODM_INFO("Stopping OpenSfM early because we found: %s" % octx.path("split_merge_stop_at_reconstruction.txt")) self.next_stage = None cleanup_disk_space() return # Stats are computed in the local CRS (before geoprojection) if not args.skip_report: # TODO: this will fail to compute proper statistics if # the pipeline is run with --skip-report and is subsequently # rerun without --skip-report a --rerun-* parameter (due to the reconstruction.json file) # being replaced below. It's an isolated use case. octx.export_stats(self.rerun()) self.update_progress(75) # We now switch to a geographic CRS geocoords_flag_file = octx.path("exported_geocoords.txt") if reconstruction.is_georeferenced() and (not io.file_exists(geocoords_flag_file) or self.rerun()):'export_geocoords --reconstruction --proj \'%s\' --offset-x %s --offset-y %s' % (reconstruction.georef.proj4(), reconstruction.georef.utm_east_offset, reconstruction.georef.utm_north_offset)) # Destructive shutil.move(tree.opensfm_geocoords_reconstruction, tree.opensfm_reconstruction) octx.touch(geocoords_flag_file) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Will skip exporting %s" % tree.opensfm_geocoords_reconstruction) self.update_progress(80) updated_config_flag_file = octx.path('updated_config.txt') # Make sure it's capped by the depthmap-resolution arg, # since the undistorted images are used for MVS outputs['undist_image_max_size'] = max( gsd.image_max_size(photos, args.orthophoto_resolution, tree.opensfm_reconstruction, ignore_gsd=args.ignore_gsd, has_gcp=reconstruction.has_gcp()), get_depthmap_resolution(args, photos) ) if not io.file_exists(updated_config_flag_file) or self.rerun(): octx.update_config({'undistorted_image_max_size': outputs['undist_image_max_size']}) octx.touch(updated_config_flag_file) # Undistorted images will be used for texturing / MVS alignment_info = None primary_band_name = None largest_photo = None undistort_pipeline = [] def undistort_callback(shot_id, image): for func in undistort_pipeline: image = func(shot_id, image) return image def resize_thermal_images(shot_id, image): photo = reconstruction.get_photo(shot_id) if photo.is_thermal(): return thermal.resize_to_match(image, largest_photo) else: return image def radiometric_calibrate(shot_id, image): photo = reconstruction.get_photo(shot_id) if photo.is_thermal(): return thermal.dn_to_temperature(photo, image) else: return multispectral.dn_to_reflectance(photo, image, use_sun_sensor=args.radiometric_calibration=="camera+sun") def align_to_primary_band(shot_id, image): photo = reconstruction.get_photo(shot_id) # No need to align if requested by user if args.skip_band_alignment: return image # No need to align primary if photo.band_name == primary_band_name: return image ainfo = alignment_info.get(photo.band_name) if ainfo is not None: return multispectral.align_image(image, ainfo['warp_matrix'], ainfo['dimension']) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot align %s, no alignment matrix could be computed. Band alignment quality might be affected." % (shot_id)) return image if reconstruction.multi_camera: largest_photo = find_largest_photo(photos) undistort_pipeline.append(resize_thermal_images) if args.radiometric_calibration != "none": undistort_pipeline.append(radiometric_calibrate) image_list_override = None if reconstruction.multi_camera: # Undistort only secondary bands image_list_override = [os.path.join(tree.dataset_raw, p.filename) for p in photos] # if p.band_name.lower() != primary_band_name.lower() # We backup the original reconstruction.json, tracks.csv # then we augment them by duplicating the primary band # camera shots with each band, so that exports, undistortion, # etc. include all bands # We finally restore the original files later added_shots_file = octx.path('added_shots_done.txt') if not io.file_exists(added_shots_file) or self.rerun(): primary_band_name = multispectral.get_primary_band_name(reconstruction.multi_camera, args.primary_band) s2p, p2s = multispectral.compute_band_maps(reconstruction.multi_camera, primary_band_name) if not args.skip_band_alignment: alignment_info = multispectral.compute_alignment_matrices(reconstruction.multi_camera, primary_band_name, tree.dataset_raw, s2p, p2s, max_concurrency=args.max_concurrency) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Skipping band alignment") alignment_info = {} log.ODM_INFO("Adding shots to reconstruction") octx.backup_reconstruction() octx.add_shots_to_reconstruction(p2s) octx.touch(added_shots_file) undistort_pipeline.append(align_to_primary_band) octx.convert_and_undistort(self.rerun(), undistort_callback, image_list_override) self.update_progress(95) if reconstruction.multi_camera: octx.restore_reconstruction_backup() # Undistort primary band and write undistorted # reconstruction.json, tracks.csv octx.convert_and_undistort(self.rerun(), undistort_callback, runId='primary') if not io.file_exists(tree.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm) or self.rerun():'export_visualsfm --points') else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM NVM reconstruction file in: %s' % tree.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm) if reconstruction.multi_camera: log.ODM_INFO("Multiple bands found") # Write NVM files for the various bands for band in reconstruction.multi_camera: nvm_file = octx.path("undistorted", "reconstruction_%s.nvm" % band['name'].lower()) if not io.file_exists(nvm_file) or self.rerun(): img_map = {} if primary_band_name is None: primary_band_name = multispectral.get_primary_band_name(reconstruction.multi_camera, args.primary_band) if p2s is None: s2p, p2s = multispectral.compute_band_maps(reconstruction.multi_camera, primary_band_name) for fname in p2s: # Primary band maps to itself if band['name'] == primary_band_name: img_map[fname + '.tif'] = fname + '.tif' else: band_filename = next((p.filename for p in p2s[fname] if p.band_name == band['name']), None) if band_filename is not None: img_map[fname + '.tif'] = band_filename + '.tif' else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot find %s band equivalent for %s" % (band, fname)) nvm.replace_nvm_images(tree.opensfm_reconstruction_nvm, img_map, nvm_file) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Found existing NVM file %s" % nvm_file) # Skip dense reconstruction if necessary and export # sparse reconstruction instead if args.fast_orthophoto: output_file = octx.path('reconstruction.ply') if not io.file_exists(output_file) or self.rerun():'export_ply --no-cameras --point-num-views') else: log.ODM_WARNING("Found a valid PLY reconstruction in %s" % output_file) cleanup_disk_space() if args.optimize_disk_space: os.remove(octx.path("tracks.csv")) if io.file_exists(octx.recon_backup_file()): os.remove(octx.recon_backup_file()) if io.dir_exists(octx.path("undistorted", "depthmaps")): files = glob.glob(octx.path("undistorted", "depthmaps", "*.npz")) for f in files: os.remove(f) # Keep these if using OpenMVS if args.fast_orthophoto: files = [octx.path("undistorted", "tracks.csv"), octx.path("undistorted", "reconstruction.json") ] for f in files: if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f)