import os, math from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import system from opendm import context from opendm import mesh from opendm import gsd from opendm import types class ODMeshingStage(types.ODM_Stage): def process(self, args, outputs): tree = outputs['tree'] reconstruction = outputs['reconstruction'] # define paths and create working directories system.mkdir_p(tree.odm_meshing) # Create full 3D model unless --skip-3dmodel is set if not args.skip_3dmodel: if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_mesh) or self.rerun(): log.ODM_INFO('Writing ODM Mesh file in: %s' % tree.odm_mesh) mesh.screened_poisson_reconstruction(tree.filtered_point_cloud, tree.odm_mesh, depth=self.params.get('oct_tree'), samples=self.params.get('samples'), maxVertexCount=self.params.get('max_vertex'), pointWeight=self.params.get('point_weight'), threads=max(1, self.params.get('max_concurrency') - 1), # poissonrecon can get stuck on some machines if --threads == all cores verbose=self.params.get('verbose')) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid ODM Mesh file in: %s' % tree.odm_mesh) self.update_progress(50) # Always generate a 2.5D mesh # unless --use-3dmesh is set. if not args.use_3dmesh: if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_25dmesh) or self.rerun(): log.ODM_INFO('Writing ODM 2.5D Mesh file in: %s' % tree.odm_25dmesh) ortho_resolution = gsd.cap_resolution(args.orthophoto_resolution, tree.opensfm_reconstruction, ignore_gsd=args.ignore_gsd, ignore_resolution=not reconstruction.is_georeferenced(), has_gcp=reconstruction.has_gcp()) / 100.0 dsm_multiplier = max(1.0, gsd.rounded_gsd(tree.opensfm_reconstruction, default_value=4, ndigits=3, ignore_gsd=args.ignore_gsd)) # A good DSM size depends on the flight altitude. # Flights at low altitude need more details (higher resolution) # Flights at higher altitude benefit from smoother surfaces (lower resolution) dsm_resolution = ortho_resolution * dsm_multiplier dsm_radius = dsm_resolution * math.sqrt(2) # Sparse point clouds benefits from using # a larger radius interolation --> less holes if args.fast_orthophoto: dsm_radius *= 2 log.ODM_INFO('ODM 2.5D DSM resolution: %s' % dsm_resolution) mesh.create_25dmesh(tree.filtered_point_cloud, tree.odm_25dmesh, dsm_radius=dsm_radius, dsm_resolution=dsm_resolution, depth=self.params.get('oct_tree'), maxVertexCount=self.params.get('max_vertex'), samples=self.params.get('samples'), verbose=self.params.get('verbose'), available_cores=args.max_concurrency, method='poisson' if args.fast_orthophoto else 'gridded', smooth_dsm=not args.fast_orthophoto) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid ODM 2.5D Mesh file in: %s' % tree.odm_25dmesh)