from opendm import log import cv2 def resize_to_match(image, match_photo = None): """ Resize images to match the dimension of another photo :param image numpy array containing image data to resize :param match_photo ODM_Photo whose dimensions should be used for resize :return numpy array with resized image data """ if match_photo is not None: h, w, _ = image.shape if w != match_photo.width or h != match_photo.height: image = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=match_photo.width/w, fy=match_photo.height/h, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) return image def dn_to_temperature(photo, image): """ Convert Digital Number values to temperature (C) values :param photo ODM_Photo :param image numpy array containing image data :param resize_to_photo ODM_Photo that photo should be resized to (to match its dimensions) :return numpy array with temperature (C) image values """ image = image.astype("float32") # Handle thermal bands if photo.is_thermal(): # Every camera stores thermal information differently # The following will work for MicaSense Altum cameras # but not necessarily for others if photo.camera_make == "MicaSense" and photo.camera_model == "Altum": image -= (273.15 * 100.0) # Convert Kelvin to Celsius image *= 0.01 return image else: log.ODM_WARNING("Unsupported camera [%s %s], thermal band will have digital numbers." % (photo.camera_make, photo.camera_model)) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Tried to radiometrically calibrate a non-thermal image with temperature values (%s)" % photo.filename) return image