# Merge Preview Quickly projects drone images on a map by using georeferencing, camera angles and a global DTM. The images are then merged using ODM's split-merge algorithms. Quality is obviously not good, works only for nadir-only images and requires the images to have gimbal/camera angle information (not all drones provide this information). Usage: ``` # Install DDB (required for geoprojection) curl -fsSL https://get.dronedb.app -o get-ddb.sh sh get-ddb.sh # Run python3 mergepreview.py -i images/*.JPG --size 25% ``` ## Example ![screen](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1951843/134249725-e178489a-e271-4244-abed-e624cd510b88.png) [Sheffield Park](https://community.opendronemap.org/t/sheffield-park-1/58) images processed with this script. ## Disclaimer This script is highly experimental. We welcome contributions to improve it.