import os import shutil import rasterio import fiona import numpy as np import math import sys from opendm import log from opendm import io from opendm import concurrency from opendm import get_image_size from opendm import system from skimage.feature import canny from skimage.draw import line from skimage.graph import route_through_array import shapely from shapely.geometry import LineString, mapping, shape from shapely.ops import polygonize, unary_union if sys.platform == 'win32': # Temporary fix for: ValueError: GEOSGeom_createLinearRing_r returned a NULL pointer # shapely.speedups.disable() def write_raster(data, file): profile = { 'driver': 'GTiff', 'width': data.shape[1], 'height': data.shape[0], 'count': 1, 'dtype': 'float32', 'transform': None, 'nodata': None, 'crs': None } with, 'w', BIGTIFF="IF_SAFER", **profile) as wout: wout.write(data, 1) def compute_cutline(orthophoto_file, crop_area_file, destination, max_concurrency=1, scale=1): if io.file_exists(orthophoto_file) and io.file_exists(crop_area_file): log.ODM_INFO("Computing cutline") scale = max(0.0001, min(1, scale)) scaled_orthophoto = None if scale < 1: log.ODM_INFO("Scaling orthophoto to %s%% to compute cutline" % (scale * 100)) scaled_orthophoto = io.related_file_path(orthophoto_file, postfix=".scaled") # Scale orthophoto before computing cutline"gdal_translate -outsize {}% 0 " "-co NUM_THREADS={} " "--config GDAL_CACHEMAX {}% " '"{}" "{}"'.format( scale * 100, max_concurrency, concurrency.get_max_memory(), orthophoto_file, scaled_orthophoto )) orthophoto_file = scaled_orthophoto # open raster f = rast = # First band only height, width = rast.shape number_lines = int(max(8, math.ceil(min(width, height) / 256.0))) line_hor_offset = int(width / number_lines) line_ver_offset = int(height / number_lines) if line_hor_offset <= 2 or line_ver_offset <= 2: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot compute cutline, orthophoto is too small (%sx%spx)" % (width, height)) return crop_f =, 'r') if len(crop_f) == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("Crop area is empty, cannot compute cutline") return crop_poly = shape(crop_f[1]['geometry']) crop_f.close() linestrings = [] # Compute canny edges on first band edges = canny(rast) def compute_linestrings(direction): log.ODM_INFO("Computing %s cutlines" % direction) # Initialize cost map cost_map = np.full((height, width), 1, dtype=np.float32) # Write edges to cost map cost_map[edges==True] = 0 # Low cost # Write "barrier, floor is lava" costs if direction == 'vertical': lines = [((i, 0), (i, height - 1)) for i in range(line_hor_offset, width - line_hor_offset, line_hor_offset)] points = [] pad_x = int(line_hor_offset / 2.0) for i in range(0, len(lines)): a,b = lines[i] points.append(((a[0] - pad_x , a[1]), (b[0] - pad_x, b[1]))) a,b = lines[-1] points.append(((a[0] + pad_x , a[1]), (b[0] + pad_x, b[1]))) else: lines = [((0, j), (width - 1, j)) for j in range(line_ver_offset, height - line_ver_offset, line_ver_offset)] points = [] pad_y = int(line_ver_offset / 2.0) for i in range(0, len(lines)): a,b = lines[i] points.append(((a[0] , a[1] - pad_y), (b[0], b[1] - pad_y))) a,b = lines[-1] points.append(((a[0] , a[1] + pad_y), (b[0], b[1] + pad_y))) for a, b in lines: rr,cc = line(*a, *b) cost_map[cc, rr] = 9999 # Lava # Calculate route for a, b in points: line_coords, cost = route_through_array(cost_map, (a[1], a[0]), (b[1], b[0]), fully_connected=True, geometric=True) # Convert to geographic geo_line_coords = [f.xy(*c) for c in line_coords] # Simplify ls = LineString(geo_line_coords) linestrings.append(ls.simplify(0.05, preserve_topology=False)) compute_linestrings('vertical') compute_linestrings('horizontal') # Generate polygons and keep only those inside the crop area log.ODM_INFO("Generating polygons... this could take a bit.") polygons = [] for p in polygonize(unary_union(linestrings)): if crop_poly.contains(p): polygons.append(p) # This should never happen if len(polygons) == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("No polygons, cannot compute cutline") return log.ODM_INFO("Merging polygons") cutline_polygons = unary_union(polygons) if not hasattr(cutline_polygons, '__getitem__'): cutline_polygons = [cutline_polygons] largest_cutline = cutline_polygons[0] max_area = largest_cutline.area for p in cutline_polygons: if p.area > max_area: max_area = p.area largest_cutline = p log.ODM_INFO("Largest cutline found: %s m^2" % max_area) meta = { 'crs': {'init': str( }, 'driver': 'GPKG', 'schema': { 'properties': {}, 'geometry': 'Polygon' } } # Remove previous if os.path.exists(destination): os.remove(destination) with, 'w', **meta) as sink: sink.write({ 'geometry': mapping(largest_cutline), 'properties': {} }) f.close() log.ODM_INFO("Wrote %s" % destination) # Cleanup if scaled_orthophoto is not None and os.path.exists(scaled_orthophoto): os.remove(scaled_orthophoto) else: log.ODM_WARNING("We've been asked to compute cutline, but either %s or %s is missing. Skipping..." % (orthophoto_file, crop_area_file))