Merge pull request #1556 from pierotofy/300b

GSD scale factor improvements, looser point visibility checks
pull/1558/head v3.0.0
Piero Toffanin 2022-11-27 17:01:46 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit c80d4e0486
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 zmienionych plików z 42 dodań i 9 usunięć

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@ -51,15 +51,19 @@ def image_scale_factor(target_resolution, reconstruction_json, gsd_error_estimat
:param reconstruction_json path to OpenSfM's reconstruction.json
:param gsd_error_estimate percentage of estimated error in the GSD calculation to set an upper bound on resolution.
:return A down-scale (<= 1) value to apply to images to achieve the target resolution by comparing the current GSD of the reconstruction.
If a GSD cannot be computed, it just returns 1. Returned scale values are never higher than 1.
If a GSD cannot be computed, it just returns 1. Returned scale values are never higher than 1 and are always obtained by dividing by 2 (e.g. 0.5, 0.25, etc.)
gsd = opensfm_reconstruction_average_gsd(reconstruction_json, use_all_shots=has_gcp)
if gsd is not None and target_resolution > 0:
gsd = gsd * (1 + gsd_error_estimate)
return min(1, gsd / target_resolution)
isf = min(1.0, abs(gsd) / target_resolution)
ret = 0.5
while ret >= isf:
ret /= 2.0
return ret * 2.0
return 1
return 1.0
def cap_resolution(resolution, reconstruction_json, gsd_error_estimate = 0.1, gsd_scaling = 1.0, ignore_gsd=False,

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@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class ODMOpenMVSStage(types.ODM_Stage):
number_views_fuse = 2
densify_ini_file = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'Densify.ini')
subres_levels = 2 # The number of lower resolutions to process before estimating output resolution depthmap.
filter_point_th = -20
config = [
" --resolution-level %s" % int(resolution_level),
@ -174,8 +175,13 @@ class ODMOpenMVSStage(types.ODM_Stage):
log.ODM_WARNING("Could not compute PLY for subscene %s" % sf)
# Do not filter
os.rename(scene_ply_unfiltered, scene_ply)
# Filter
if args.pc_filter > 0:'"%s" "%s" --filter-point-cloud %s -v 0 %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, scene_dense_mvs, filter_point_th, ' '.join(gpu_config)))
# Just rename
log.ODM_INFO("Skipped filtering, %s --> %s" % (scene_ply_unfiltered, scene_ply))
os.rename(scene_ply_unfiltered, scene_ply)
log.ODM_WARNING("Found existing dense scene file %s" % scene_ply)
@ -191,12 +197,35 @@ class ODMOpenMVSStage(types.ODM_Stage):
# Merge
fast_merge_ply(scene_ply_files, tree.openmvs_model)
scene_dense_ply = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene_dense.ply')
def skip_filtering():
# Just rename
scene_dense_ply = os.path.join(tree.openmvs, 'scene_dense.ply')
if not os.path.exists(scene_dense_ply):
raise system.ExitException("Dense reconstruction failed. This could be due to poor georeferencing or insufficient image overlap.")
if not os.path.exists(scene_dense_ply):
raise system.ExitException("Dense reconstruction failed. This could be due to poor georeferencing or insufficient image overlap.")
log.ODM_INFO("Skipped filtering, %s --> %s" % (scene_dense_ply, tree.openmvs_model))
os.rename(scene_dense_ply, tree.openmvs_model)
os.rename(scene_dense_ply, tree.openmvs_model)
# Filter all at once
if args.pc_filter > 0:
if os.path.exists(scene_dense):
config = [
"--filter-point-cloud %s" % filter_point_th,
'-i "%s"' % scene_dense,
"-v 0"
try:'"%s" %s' % (context.omvs_densify_path, ' '.join(config + gpu_config + extra_config)))
except system.SubprocessException as e:
if e.errorCode == 137 or e.errorCode == 3221226505:
log.ODM_WARNING("OpenMVS filtering ran out of memory, visibility checks will be skipped.")
raise e
raise system.ExitException("Cannot find scene_dense.mvs, dense reconstruction probably failed. Exiting...")