kopia lustrzana https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/ODM
Revert "upgrade laspy to 2.2.0 with laszip support, allows to directly read and write laszip file"
This reverts commit 054a4414a1
@ -50,13 +50,36 @@ def rectify(lasFile, debug=False, reclassify_threshold=5, min_area=750, min_poin
start = datetime.now()
# Currently, no Python 2 lib that supports reading and writing LAZ, so we will do it manually until ODM is migrated to Python 3
# When migration is done, we can move to pylas and avoid using PDAL for conversion
tempLasFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lasFile), 'tmp.las')
# Convert LAZ to LAS
cmd = [
'-i %s' % lasFile,
'-o %s' % tempLasFile
system.run(' '.join(cmd))
log.ODM_INFO("Rectifying {} using with [reclassify threshold: {}, min area: {}, min points: {}]".format(lasFile, reclassify_threshold, min_area, min_points))
input=lasFile, output=lasFile, debug=debug, \
input=tempLasFile, output=tempLasFile, debug=debug, \
reclassify_plan='median', reclassify_threshold=reclassify_threshold, \
extend_plan='surrounding', extend_grid_distance=5, \
min_area=min_area, min_points=min_points)
# Convert LAS to LAZ
cmd = [
'-i %s' % tempLasFile,
'-o %s' % lasFile
system.run(' '.join(cmd))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Error rectifying ground in file %s: %s" % (lasFile, str(e)))
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class DistanceDimension(Dimension):
return 'distance_to_ground'
def get_las_type(self):
return 'float64'
return 10
def __calculate_angle(self, model):
"Calculate the angle between the estimated plane and the XY plane"
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ class ExtendedDimension(Dimension):
return 'extended'
def get_las_type(self):
return 'uint16'
return 3
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ class PartitionDimension(Dimension):
return self.name
def get_las_type(self):
return 'uint32'
return 5
@ -1,39 +1,52 @@
# TODO: Move to pylas when project migrates to python3
import laspy
from laspy.file import File
from laspy.header import Header
import numpy as np
from ..point_cloud import PointCloud
def read_cloud(point_cloud_path):
# Open point cloud and read its properties
las_file = laspy.read(point_cloud_path)
header = las_file.header
las_file = File(point_cloud_path, mode='r')
header = (las_file.header.copy(), las_file.header.scale, las_file.header.offset,las_file.header.evlrs, las_file.header.vlrs)
[x_scale, y_scale, z_scale] = las_file.header.scale
[x_offset, y_offset, z_offset] = las_file.header.offset
x = las_file.x.scaled_array()
y = las_file.y.scaled_array()
z = las_file.z.scaled_array()
# Calculate the real coordinates
x = las_file.X * x_scale + x_offset
y = las_file.Y * y_scale + y_offset
z = las_file.Z * z_scale + z_offset
cloud = PointCloud.with_dimensions(x, y, z, las_file.classification.array, las_file.red, las_file.green, las_file.blue)
cloud = PointCloud.with_dimensions(x, y, z, las_file.Classification, las_file.red, las_file.green, las_file.blue)
# Close the file
# Return the result
return header, cloud
def write_cloud(header, point_cloud, output_point_cloud_path, write_extra_dimensions=False):
(h, scale, offset, evlrs, vlrs) = header
# Open output file
output_las_file = laspy.LasData(header)
output_las_file = File(output_point_cloud_path, mode='w', header=h, evlrs=evlrs, vlrs=vlrs)
if write_extra_dimensions:
extra_dims = [laspy.ExtraBytesParams(name=name, type=dimension.get_las_type(), description="Dimension added by Ground Extend") for name, dimension in point_cloud.extra_dimensions_metadata.items()]
# Create new dimensions
for name, dimension in point_cloud.extra_dimensions_metadata.items():
output_las_file.define_new_dimension(name=name, data_type=dimension.get_las_type(), description="Dimension added by Ground Extend")
# Assign dimension values
for dimension_name, values in point_cloud.extra_dimensions.items():
setattr(output_las_file, dimension_name, values)
# Adapt points to scale and offset
[x_scale, y_scale, z_scale] = scale
[x_offset, y_offset, z_offset] = offset
[x, y] = np.hsplit(point_cloud.xy, 2)
output_las_file.x = x.ravel()
output_las_file.y = y.ravel()
output_las_file.z = point_cloud.z
output_las_file.X = (x.ravel() - x_offset) / x_scale
output_las_file.Y = (y.ravel() - y_offset) / y_scale
output_las_file.Z = (point_cloud.z - z_offset) / z_scale
# Set color
[red, green, blue] = np.hsplit(point_cloud.rgb, 3)
@ -42,6 +55,11 @@ def write_cloud(header, point_cloud, output_point_cloud_path, write_extra_dimens
output_las_file.blue = blue.ravel()
# Set classification
output_las_file.classification = point_cloud.classification.astype(np.uint8)
output_las_file.Classification = point_cloud.classification.astype(np.uint8)
# Set header
output_las_file.header.scale = scale
output_las_file.header.offset = offset
# Close files
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ODMExifRead==3.0.4
Fiona==1.8.17 ; sys_platform == 'linux' or sys_platform == 'darwin'
https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/windows-deps/raw/main/Fiona-1.8.19-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl ; sys_platform == 'win32'
Reference in New Issue