kopia lustrzana https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/ODM
Support mixed RGB+Multispec image inputs
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ externalproject_add(dem2points
DEPENDS opencv
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/odm_orthophoto.git
GIT_TAG 288a
GIT_TAG 288b
PREFIX ${SB_BINARY_DIR}/odm_orthophoto
SOURCE_DIR ${SB_SOURCE_DIR}/odm_orthophoto
@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ def generate_png(orthophoto_file, output_file=None, outsize=None):
red = bands.get(gdal.GCI_RedBand)
green = bands.get(gdal.GCI_GreenBand)
blue = bands.get(gdal.GCI_BlueBand)
if red is None or green is None or blue is None:
raise Exception("Cannot find bands")
bandparam = "-b %s -b %s -b %s -a_nodata 0" % (red, green, blue)
bandparam = "-b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -a_nodata 0"
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ class ODM_Reconstruction(object):
self.georef = None
self.gcp = None
self.multi_camera = self.detect_multi_camera()
def detect_multi_camera(self):
@ -64,6 +65,29 @@ class ODM_Reconstruction(object):
return None
def filter_photos(self):
if not self.multi_camera:
return # Nothing to do, use all images
# Sometimes people might try process both RGB + Blue/Red/Green bands
# because these are the contents of the SD card from a drone (e.g. DJI P4 Multispectral)
# But we don't want to process both, so we discard the RGB files in favor
bands = {}
for b in self.multi_camera:
bands[b['name'].lower()] = b['name']
if ('rgb' in bands or 'redgreenblue' in bands) and \
('red' in bands and 'green' in bands and 'blue' in bands):
band_to_remove = bands['rgb'] if 'rgb' in bands else bands['redgreenblue']
self.multi_camera = [b for b in self.multi_camera if b['name'] != band_to_remove]
photos_before = len(self.photos)
self.photos = [p for p in self.photos if p.band_name != band_to_remove]
photos_after = len(self.photos)
log.ODM_WARNING("RGB images detected alongside individual Red/Green/Blue images, we will use individual bands (skipping %s images)" % (photos_before - photos_after))
def is_georeferenced(self):
return self.georef is not None
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class ODMOrthoPhotoStage(types.ODM_Stage):
'corners': tree.odm_orthophoto_corners,
'res': resolution,
'bands': '',
'depth_idx': '',
'verbose': verbose
@ -62,6 +63,21 @@ class ODMOrthoPhotoStage(types.ODM_Stage):
subdir = band['name'].lower()
models.append(os.path.join(base_dir, subdir, model_file))
kwargs['bands'] = '-bands %s' % (','.join([double_quote(b['name']) for b in reconstruction.multi_camera]))
# If a RGB band is present,
# use bit depth of the first non-RGB band
depth_idx = None
all_bands = [b['name'].lower() for b in reconstruction.multi_camera]
for b in ['rgb', 'redgreenblue']:
if b in all_bands:
for idx in range(len(all_bands)):
if all_bands[idx] != b:
depth_idx = idx
if depth_idx is not None:
kwargs['depth_idx'] = '-outputDepthIdx %s' % depth_idx
models.append(os.path.join(base_dir, model_file))
@ -70,7 +86,7 @@ class ODMOrthoPhotoStage(types.ODM_Stage):
# run odm_orthophoto
system.run('"{odm_ortho_bin}" -inputFiles {models} '
'-logFile "{log}" -outputFile "{ortho}" -resolution {res} {verbose} '
'-outputCornerFile "{corners}" {bands}'.format(**kwargs))
'-outputCornerFile "{corners}" {bands} {depth_idx}'.format(**kwargs))
# Create georeferenced GeoTiff
geotiffcreated = False
Reference in New Issue