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import argparse
import numpy as np
from os import path
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor
from .extra_dimensions.distance_dimension import DistanceDimension
from .extra_dimensions.partition_dimension import PartitionDimension
from .extra_dimensions.extended_dimension import ExtendedDimension
from .grid.builder import build_grid
from .bounds.utils import calculate_convex_hull_bounds
from .io.las_io import read_cloud, write_cloud
from .partition.selector import select_partition_plan
from .point_cloud import PointCloud
EPSILON = 0.00001
def run_rectification(**kwargs):
header, point_cloud = read_cloud(kwargs['input'])
if 'reclassify_plan' in kwargs and kwargs['reclassify_plan'] is not None:
point_cloud = reclassify_cloud(point_cloud, kwargs['reclassify_plan'], kwargs['reclassify_threshold'], kwargs['min_points'], kwargs['min_area'])
if 'extend_plan' in kwargs and kwargs['extend_plan'] is not None:
point_cloud = extend_cloud(point_cloud, kwargs['extend_plan'], kwargs['extend_grid_distance'], kwargs['min_points'], kwargs['min_area'])
write_cloud(header, point_cloud, kwargs['output'], kwargs['debug'])
def reclassify_cloud(point_cloud, plan, threshold, min_points, min_area):
# Get only ground
ground_cloud = point_cloud[point_cloud.classification == 2]
# Get the partition plan, according to the specified criteria
partition_plan = select_partition_plan(plan, ground_cloud)
# Execute the partition plan, and get all the partitions
partitions = [result for result in partition_plan.execute(min_points=min_points, min_area=min_area)]
# Add 'distance to ground' and 'partition number' dimensions to the cloud
for dimension in [DistanceDimension(), PartitionDimension('reclassify_partition')]:
# Calculate new dimension for partition
for partition in partitions:
# Update new data to the original point cloud
# Calculate the points that need to be reclassified
mask = point_cloud.get_extra_dimension_values('distance_to_ground') > threshold
# Reclassify them as 'unclassified'
point_cloud.classification[mask] = 1
return point_cloud
def extend_cloud(point_cloud, plan, distance, min_points, min_area):
# Get only ground
ground_cloud = point_cloud[point_cloud.classification == 2]
# Read the bounds file
bounds = calculate_convex_hull_bounds(ground_cloud.get_xy())
# Generate a grid of 2D points inside the bounds, with a distance of 'distance' between them
grid_2d = build_grid(bounds, ground_cloud, distance)
# Create a new point cloud
grid_3d = PointCloud.with_xy(grid_2d)
# Get the partition plan, according to the specified criteria
partition_plan = select_partition_plan(plan, ground_cloud)
# Execute the partition plan, and get all the partitions
partitions = partition_plan.execute(distance=distance, min_points=min_points, min_area=min_area, bounds=bounds)
# Create dimensions
partition_dimension = PartitionDimension('extend_partition')
extended_dimension = ExtendedDimension()
for partition in partitions:
# Keep the grid point that are inside the partition
grid_inside = partition.bounds.keep_points_inside(grid_3d)
if grid_inside.len() > 0:
# In each partition, calculate the altitude of the grid points
new_points = __calculate_new_points(grid_inside, partition.point_cloud)
# Assign the dimension values
partition_dimension.assign(new_points, partition.point_cloud)
# Update the original 3d grid with the new calculated points
# Assign the original points the correct partition
# Update new information to the original point cloud
# Calculate the bounding box of the original cloud
bbox = point_cloud.get_bounding_box()
# Remove points that might have ended up outside the bbox
grid_3d = bbox.keep_points_inside(grid_3d)
# Add the new grid points to the original cloud
# Add the new points to the original point cloud
return point_cloud
def __calculate_new_points(grid_points_inside, partition_point_cloud):
# Calculate RANSCAC model
model = RANSACRegressor().fit(partition_point_cloud.get_xy(), partition_point_cloud.get_z())
# With the ransac model, calculate the altitude for each grid point
grid_points_altitude = model.predict(grid_points_inside.get_xy())
# Calculate color for new points
[avg_red, avg_green, avg_blue] = np.mean(partition_point_cloud.rgb, axis=0)
red = np.full(grid_points_inside.len(), avg_red)
green = np.full(grid_points_inside.len(), avg_green)
blue = np.full(grid_points_inside.len(), avg_blue)
# Classify all new points as ground
classification = np.full(grid_points_inside.len(), 2, dtype=np.uint8)
# Split xy into columns
[x, y] = np.hsplit(grid_points_inside.get_xy(), 2)
# Return point cloud
return PointCloud.with_dimensions(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), grid_points_altitude, classification, red, green, blue, grid_points_inside.indices)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script takes a pre-classified point cloud, and then it re-clasiffies wrongly classified ground point to non-ground points and finally adds ground points where needed.')
parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='The path where to find the pre-classified point cloud.')
parser.add_argument('output', type=str, help='The path where to save the rectified point cloud.')
parser.add_argument('--reclassify_plan', type=str, help='The partition plan to use reclasiffication. Must be one of(one, uniform, median, surrounding)')
parser.add_argument('--reclassify_threshold', type=float, help='Every point with a distance to the estimated ground that is higher than the threshold will be reclassified as non ground', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--extend_plan', type=str, help='The partition plan to use for extending the ground. Must be one of(one, uniform, median, surrounding)')
parser.add_argument('--extend_grid_distance', type=float, help='The distance between points on the grid that will be added to the point cloud.', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--min_area', type=int, help='Some partition plans need a minimum area as a stopping criteria.', default=750)
parser.add_argument('--min_points', type=int, help='Some partition plans need a minimum number of points as a stopping criteria.', default=500)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.reclassify_plan is None and args.extend_plan is None:
raise Exception("Please set a reclassifying or extension plan. Otherwise there is nothing for me to do.")
run(input=args.input, reclassify_plan=args.reclassify_plan, reclassify_threshold=args.reclassify_threshold, \
extend_plan=args.extend_plan, extend_grid_distance=args.extend_grid_distance, \
output=args.output, min_points=args.min_points, min_area=args.min_area, debug=False)