
372 wiersze
14 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import os
import cv2
import pyexiv2
import subprocess
import re
from fractions import Fraction
import log
import io
import system
import context
class ODM_Photo:
""" ODMPhoto - a class for ODMPhotos
def __init__(self, path_file, force_focal, force_ccd):
# general purpose
self.path_file = path_file
self.filename = io.extract_file_from_path_file(path_file)
# useful attibutes
self.width = None
self.height = None
self.ccd_width = None
self.focal_length = None
self.focal_length_px = None
# other attributes
self.camera_make = None
self.camera_model = None
# parse values from metadata
self.parse_pyexiv2_values(self.path_file, force_focal, force_ccd)
# compute focal lenght into pixels
# print log message
log.ODM_DEBUG('Loaded %s | dimensions: %s x %s | focal: %s | ccd: %s' % \
(self.filename, self.width, self.height, self.focal_length, self.ccd_width))
def update_focal(self):
# compute focal length in pixels
if self.focal_length and self.ccd_width:
# take width or height as reference
if self.width > self.height:
# f(px) = w(px) * f(mm) / ccd(mm)
self.focal_length_px = \
self.width * (self.focal_length / self.ccd_width)
# f(px) = h(px) * f(mm) / ccd(mm)
self.focal_length_px = \
self.height * (self.focal_length / self.ccd_width)
def parse_pyexiv2_values(self, _path_file, _force_focal, _force_ccd):
# read image metadata
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(_path_file)
# loop over image tags
for key in metadata:
# try/catch tag value due to weird bug in pyexiv2
# ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
val = metadata[key].value
# parse tag names
if key == 'Exif.Image.Make': self.camera_make = val
elif key == 'Exif.Image.Model': self.camera_model = val
elif key == 'Exif.Photo.FocalLength': self.focal_length = float(val)
except Exception, e:
# needed to do that since sometimes metadata contains wrong data
img = cv2.imread(_path_file)
self.width = img.shape[1]
self.height = img.shape[0]
# force focal and ccd_width with user parameter
if _force_focal: self.focal_length = _force_focal
if _force_ccd: self.ccd_width = _force_ccd
# find ccd_width from file if needed
if self.ccd_width is None and self.camera_model is not None:
# load ccd_widths from file
ccd_widths = system.get_ccd_widths()
# search ccd by camera model
key = [x for x in ccd_widths.keys() if self.camera_model in x]
# convert to float if found
if key: self.ccd_width = float(ccd_widths[key[0]])
# else:
# log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find ccd_width in file')
# TODO: finish this class
class ODM_Reconstruction(object):
"""docstring for ODMReconstruction"""
def __init__(self, arg):
super(ODMReconstruction, self).__init__()
self.arg = arg
class ODM_GCPoint(object):
"""docstring for ODMPoint"""
def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
class ODM_GeoRef(object):
"""docstring for ODMUtmZone"""
def __init__(self):
self.datum = 'WGS84'
self.epsg = None
self.utm_zone = 0
self.utm_pole = 'N'
self.utm_east_offset = 0
self.utm_north_offset = 0
self.gcps = []
def calculate_EPSG(self, _utm_zone, _pole):
"""Calculate and return the EPSG"""
if _pole == 'S':
return 32700 + _utm_zone
elif _pole == 'N':
return 32600 + _utm_zone
log.ODM_ERROR('Unknown pole format %s' % _pole)
def convert_to_las(self, _file):
if not self.epsg:
log.ODM_ERROR('Empty EPSG: Could not convert to LAS')
kwargs = { 'bin': context.txt2las_path,
'f_in': _file,
'f_out': _file + '.laz',
'east': self.utm_east_offset,
'north': self.utm_north_offset,
'epsg': self.epsg }
# call txt2las'{bin}/txt2las -i {f_in} -o {f_out} -skip 30 -parse xyzRGBssss ' \
'-set_scale 0.01 0.01 0.01 -set_offset {east} {north} 0 ' \
'-translate_xyz 0 -epsg {epsg}'.format(**kwargs))
# create pipeline file transform.xml to enable transformation
pipelineXml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
stringXml += '<Pipeline version="1.0">
stringXml += ' <Writer type="writers.las">'
stringXml += ' <Option name="filename">'
stringXml += ' transformed.las'
stringXml += ' </Option>'
stringXml += ' <Filter type="filters.transformation">'
stringXml += ' <Option name="matrix">'
stringXml += ' 1 0 0 {east}'
stringXml += ' 0 1 0 {north}'
stringXml += ' 0 0 1 0'
stringXml += ' 0 0 0 1'
stringXml += ' </Option>'
stringXml += ' <Reader type="readers.ply">'
stringXml += ' <Option name="filename">'
stringXml += ' untransformed.ply'
stringXml += ' </Option>'
stringXml += ' </Reader>'
stringXml += ' </Filter>'
stringXml += ' </Writer>'
stringXml += '</Pipeline>'
with open("filename.xml", 'w') as f:
# call pdal
#'{bin}/pdal pipeline -i transform.xml --readers.ply.filename={f_in}' \
# '--writers.las.filename={f_out}'.format(**kwargs))
def utm_to_latlon(self, _file, _photo, idx):
gcp = self.gcps[idx]
kwargs = { 'datum': self.datum,
'zone': self.utm_zone,
'file': _file,
'x': gcp.x + self.utm_east_offset,
'y': gcp.y + self.utm_north_offset,
'z': gcp.z }
latlon = system.run_and_return('echo {x} {y} | cs2cs +proj=utm ' \
'+datum={datum} +ellps={datum} +zone={zone} +units=m +to ' \
'+proj=latlon +ellps={datum}'.format(**kwargs)).split()
# Example: 83d18'16.285"W
# Example: 41d2'11.789"N
# Example: 0.998
if len(latlon) == 3:
lon_str, lat_str, alt_str = latlon
elif len(latlon) == 2:
lon_str, lat_str = latlon
alt_str = ''
log.ODM_ERROR('Something went wrong %s' % latlon)
tokens = re.split("[d '\"]+", lon_str)
if len(tokens) >= 4:
lon_deg, lon_min, lon_sec = tokens[:3]
lon_sec_frac = Fraction(lon_sec)
lon_sec_numerator = str(lon_sec_frac._numerator)
lon_sec_denominator = str(lon_sec_frac._denominator)
lon_ref = tokens[3]
tokens = re.split("[d '\"]+", lat_str)
if len(tokens) >= 4:
lat_deg, lat_min, lat_sec = tokens[:3]
lat_sec_frac = Fraction(lat_sec)
lat_sec_numerator = str(lat_sec_frac._numerator)
lat_sec_denominator = str(lat_sec_frac._denominator)
lat_ref = tokens[3]
alt_numerator = arc_denominator = 0 # BUG: arc_denominator is never used
if alt_str:
alt_frac = Fraction(alt_str)
alt_numerator = alt_frac._numerator
alt_denominator = alt_frac._denominator
# read image metadata
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(_photo.path_file)
## set values
# GPS latitude
key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude'
value = [Fraction(int(lat_deg), 1), Fraction(int(lat_min), 1), \
Fraction(int(lat_sec_numerator), int(lat_sec_denominator))]
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef'
value = '%s' % lat_ref
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
# GPS longitude
key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude'
value = [Fraction(int(lon_deg), 1), Fraction(int(lon_min), 1), \
Fraction(int(lon_sec_numerator), int(lon_sec_denominator))]
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef'
value = '%s' % lon_ref
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
# GPS altitude
key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude'
value = Fraction(int(gcp.z), 1)
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef'
metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, '0')
## write values
def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
"""Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
# check for coordinate file existence
if not io.file_exists(_file):
log.ODM_ERROR('Could not find file %s' % _file)
with open(_file) as f:
# extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
# We will assume the following format:
# 'WGS84 UTM 17N'
line = f.readline().split(' ')
self.datum = line[0]
self.utm_pole = line[2][len(line)-1]
self.utm_zone = int(line[2][:len(line)-1])
# extract east and west offsets from second line.
# We will assume the following format:
# '440143 4588391'
line = f.readline().split(' ')
self.utm_east_offset = int(line[0])
self.utm_north_offset = int(line[1])
# parse coordinates
lines = f.readlines()
for l in lines:
x, y, z = l.split(' ')[:3]
self.gcps.append(ODM_GCPoint(float(x), float(y), float(z)))
# update EPSG
self.epsg = self.calculate_EPSG(self.utm_zone, self.utm_pole)
class ODM_Tree(object):
def __init__(self, root_path):
### root path to the project
self.root_path = io.absolute_path_file(root_path)
### modules paths
# here are defined where all modules should be located in
# order to keep track all files al directories during the
# whole reconstruction process.
self.dataset_raw = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'images')
self.dataset_resize = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'images_resize')
self.opensfm = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'opensfm')
self.pmvs = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'pmvs')
self.odm_meshing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_meshing')
self.odm_texturing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_texturing')
self.odm_georeferencing = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_georeferencing')
self.odm_orthophoto = io.join_paths(self.root_path, 'odm_orthophoto')
### important files paths
# opensfm
self.opensfm_bundle = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'bundle_r000.out')
self.opensfm_bundle_list = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'list_r000.out')
self.opensfm_image_list = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'image_list.txt')
self.opensfm_reconstruction = io.join_paths(self.opensfm, 'reconstruction.json')
# pmvs
self.pmvs_rec_path = io.join_paths(self.pmvs, 'recon0')
self.pmvs_bundle = io.join_paths(self.pmvs_rec_path, 'bundle.rd.out')
self.pmvs_visdat = io.join_paths(self.pmvs_rec_path, 'vis.dat')
self.pmvs_options = io.join_paths(self.pmvs_rec_path, 'pmvs_options.txt')
self.pmvs_model = io.join_paths(self.pmvs_rec_path, 'models/option-0000.ply')
# odm_meshing
self.odm_mesh = io.join_paths(self.odm_meshing, 'odm_mesh.ply')
self.odm_meshing_log = io.join_paths(self.odm_meshing, 'odm_meshing_log.txt')
# odm_texturing
self.odm_textured_model_obj = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'odm_textured_model.obj')
self.odm_textured_model_mtl = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'odm_textured_model.mtl')
self.odm_textured_model_txt_geo = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'odm_textured_model_geo.txt')
self.odm_textured_model_ply_geo = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'odm_textured_model_geo.ply')
self.odm_textured_model_obj_geo = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'odm_textured_model_geo.obj')
self.odm_textured_model_mtl_geo = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'odm_textured_model_geo.mtl')
self.odm_texuring_log = io.join_paths(
self.odm_texturing, 'odm_texturing_log.txt')
# odm_georeferencing
self.odm_georeferencing_latlon = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'latlon.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_coords = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'coords.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_gcp = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'gcp_list.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_utm_log = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferencing_utm_log.txt')
self.odm_georeferencing_log = io.join_paths(
self.odm_georeferencing, 'odm_georeferencing_log.txt')
# odm_orthophoto
self.odm_orthophoto_file = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthophoto.png')
self.odm_orthophoto_tif = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthophoto.tif')
self.odm_orthophoto_corners = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthphoto_corners.txt')
self.odm_orthophoto_log = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'odm_orthophoto_log.txt')
self.odm_orthophoto_tif_log = io.join_paths(self.odm_orthophoto, 'gdal_translate_log.txt')