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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
import ecto
from opendm import io
from opendm import log
from opendm import system
from opendm import context
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
from opendm import types
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
class ODMOrthoPhotoCell(ecto.Cell):
def declare_params(self, params):
params.declare("resolution", 'Orthophoto ground resolution in pixels/meter', 20)
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
def declare_io(self, params, inputs, outputs):
inputs.declare("tree", "Struct with paths", [])
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
inputs.declare("args", "The application arguments.", {})
inputs.declare("reconstruction", "list of ODMReconstructions", [])
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
def process(self, inputs, outputs):
2016-02-29 14:45:00 +00:00
# Benchmarking
start_time = system.now_raw()
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
log.ODM_INFO('Running OMD OrthoPhoto Cell')
# get inputs
args = self.inputs.args
tree = self.inputs.tree
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
# define paths and create working directories
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
# check if we rerun cell or not
rerun_cell = (args.rerun is not None and
args.rerun == 'odm_orthophoto') or \
(args.rerun_all) or \
(args.rerun_from is not None and
'odm_orthophoto' in args.rerun_from)
if not io.file_exists(tree.odm_orthophoto_file) or rerun_cell:
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
# odm_orthophoto definitions
kwargs = {
'bin': context.odm_modules_path,
'model_geo': tree.odm_georeferencing_model_obj_geo,
'log': tree.odm_orthophoto_log,
'ortho': tree.odm_orthophoto_file,
'corners': tree.odm_orthophoto_corners,
'res': self.params.resolution
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
# run odm_orthophoto'{bin}/odm_orthophoto -inputFile {model_geo} '
'-logFile {log} -outputFile {ortho} -resolution {res} '
'-outputCornerFile {corners}'.format(**kwargs))
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
# Create georeferenced GeoTiff
geotiffcreated = False
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
georef = types.ODM_GeoRef()
# creates the coord refs # TODO I don't want to have to do this twice- after odm_georef
if georef.epsg and georef.utm_east_offset and georef.utm_north_offset:
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
ulx = uly = lrx = lry = 0.0
with open(tree.odm_orthophoto_corners) as f:
for lineNumber, line in enumerate(f):
if lineNumber == 0:
tokens = line.split(' ')
if len(tokens) == 4:
ulx = float(tokens[0]) + \
lry = float(tokens[1]) + \
lrx = float(tokens[2]) + \
uly = float(tokens[3]) + \
log.ODM_INFO('Creating GeoTIFF')
kwargs = {
'ulx': ulx,
'uly': uly,
'lrx': lrx,
'lry': lry,
'epsg': georef.epsg,
'png': tree.odm_orthophoto_file,
'tiff': tree.odm_orthophoto_tif,
'log': tree.odm_orthophoto_tif_log
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
}'gdal_translate -a_ullr {ulx} {uly} {lrx} {lry} '
'-a_srs \"EPSG:{epsg}\" {png} {tiff} > {log}'.format(**kwargs))
geotiffcreated = True
if not geotiffcreated:
2016-02-23 17:47:43 +00:00
log.ODM_WARNING('No geo-referenced orthophoto created due '
'to missing geo-referencing or corner coordinates.')
log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid orthophoto in: %s' % tree.odm_orthophoto_file)
2015-12-01 16:26:13 +00:00
if args.time:
2016-02-29 14:45:00 +00:00
system.benchmark(start_time, tree.benchmarking, 'Orthophoto')
log.ODM_INFO('Running ODM OrthoPhoto Cell - Finished')
return ecto.OK if args.end_with != 'odm_orthophoto' else ecto.QUIT