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import os
import json
import numpy as np
import math
from repoze.lru import lru_cache
from opendm import log
2021-10-15 02:09:11 +00:00
from opendm.shots import get_origin
def rounded_gsd(reconstruction_json, default_value=None, ndigits=0, ignore_gsd=False):
:param reconstruction_json path to OpenSfM's reconstruction.json
:return GSD value rounded. If GSD cannot be computed, or ignore_gsd is set, it returns a default value.
if ignore_gsd:
return default_value
gsd = opensfm_reconstruction_average_gsd(reconstruction_json)
if gsd is not None:
return round(gsd, ndigits)
return default_value
def image_max_size(photos, target_resolution, reconstruction_json, gsd_error_estimate = 0.5, ignore_gsd=False, has_gcp=False):
:param photos images database
:param target_resolution resolution the user wants have in cm / pixel
:param reconstruction_json path to OpenSfM's reconstruction.json
:param gsd_error_estimate percentage of estimated error in the GSD calculation to set an upper bound on resolution.
:param ignore_gsd if set to True, simply return the largest side of the largest image in the images database.
:return A dimension in pixels calculated by taking the image_scale_factor and applying it to the size of the largest image.
Returned value is never higher than the size of the largest side of the largest image.
max_width = 0
max_height = 0
if ignore_gsd:
isf = 1.0
isf = image_scale_factor(target_resolution, reconstruction_json, gsd_error_estimate, has_gcp=has_gcp)
for p in photos:
max_width = max(p.width, max_width)
max_height = max(p.height, max_height)
return int(math.ceil(max(max_width, max_height) * isf))
def image_scale_factor(target_resolution, reconstruction_json, gsd_error_estimate = 0.5, has_gcp=False):
:param target_resolution resolution the user wants have in cm / pixel
:param reconstruction_json path to OpenSfM's reconstruction.json
:param gsd_error_estimate percentage of estimated error in the GSD calculation to set an upper bound on resolution.
:return A down-scale (<= 1) value to apply to images to achieve the target resolution by comparing the current GSD of the reconstruction.
If a GSD cannot be computed, it just returns 1. Returned scale values are never higher than 1.
gsd = opensfm_reconstruction_average_gsd(reconstruction_json, use_all_shots=has_gcp)
if gsd is not None and target_resolution > 0:
gsd = gsd * (1 + gsd_error_estimate)
return min(1, gsd / target_resolution)
return 1
def cap_resolution(resolution, reconstruction_json, gsd_error_estimate = 0.1, gsd_scaling = 1.0, ignore_gsd=False,
ignore_resolution=False, has_gcp=False):
:param resolution resolution in cm / pixel
:param reconstruction_json path to OpenSfM's reconstruction.json
:param gsd_error_estimate percentage of estimated error in the GSD calculation to set an upper bound on resolution.
:param gsd_scaling scaling of estimated GSD.
:param ignore_gsd when set to True, forces the function to just return resolution.
:param ignore_resolution when set to True, forces the function to return a value based on GSD.
:return The max value between resolution and the GSD computed from the reconstruction.
If a GSD cannot be computed, or ignore_gsd is set to True, it just returns resolution. Units are in cm / pixel.
if ignore_gsd:
return resolution
gsd = opensfm_reconstruction_average_gsd(reconstruction_json, use_all_shots=has_gcp or ignore_resolution)
if gsd is not None:
gsd = gsd * (1 - gsd_error_estimate) * gsd_scaling
if gsd > resolution or ignore_resolution:
log.ODM_WARNING('Maximum resolution set to {} * (GSD - {}%) '
'({:.2f} cm / pixel, requested resolution was {:.2f} cm / pixel)'
.format(gsd_scaling, gsd_error_estimate * 100, gsd, resolution))
return gsd
return resolution
log.ODM_WARNING('Cannot calculate GSD, using requested resolution of {:.2f}'.format(resolution))
return resolution
def opensfm_reconstruction_average_gsd(reconstruction_json, use_all_shots=False):
Computes the average Ground Sampling Distance of an OpenSfM reconstruction.
:param reconstruction_json path to OpenSfM's reconstruction.json
:return Ground Sampling Distance value (cm / pixel) or None if
a GSD estimate cannot be compute
if not os.path.isfile(reconstruction_json):
raise IOError(reconstruction_json + " does not exist.")
with open(reconstruction_json) as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Calculate median height from sparse reconstruction
reconstruction = data[0]
point_heights = []
for pointId in reconstruction['points']:
point = reconstruction['points'][pointId]
ground_height = np.median(point_heights)
gsds = []
for shotImage in reconstruction['shots']:
shot = reconstruction['shots'][shotImage]
2022-06-02 18:47:09 +00:00
if use_all_shots or shot.get('gps_dop', 999999) < 999999:
camera = reconstruction['cameras'][shot['camera']]
2021-10-15 02:09:11 +00:00
shot_origin = get_origin(shot)
shot_height = shot_origin[2]
focal_ratio = camera.get('focal', camera.get('focal_x'))
if not focal_ratio:
log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot parse focal values from %s. This is likely an unsupported camera model." % reconstruction_json)
return None
shot_height - ground_height,
if len(gsds) > 0:
2020-09-28 14:51:35 +00:00
mean = np.mean(gsds)
if mean < 0:
log.ODM_WARNING("Negative GSD estimated, this might indicate a flipped Z-axis.")
return abs(mean)
return None
def calculate_gsd(sensor_width, flight_height, focal_length, image_width):
:param sensor_width in millimeters
:param flight_height in meters
:param focal_length in millimeters
:param image_width in pixels
:return Ground Sampling Distance
>>> round(calculate_gsd(13.2, 100, 8.8, 5472), 2)
>>> calculate_gsd(13.2, 100, 0, 2000)
>>> calculate_gsd(13.2, 100, 8.8, 0)
if sensor_width != 0:
return calculate_gsd_from_focal_ratio(focal_length / sensor_width,
return None
def calculate_gsd_from_focal_ratio(focal_ratio, flight_height, image_width):
:param focal_ratio focal length (mm) / sensor_width (mm)
:param flight_height in meters
:param image_width in pixels
:return Ground Sampling Distance
if focal_ratio == 0 or image_width == 0:
return None
return ((flight_height * 100) / image_width) / focal_ratio