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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import ecto
from opendm import context
from dataset import ODMLoadDatasetCell
from resize import ODMResizeCell
from opensfm import ODMOpenSfMCell
from pmvs import ODMPmvsCell
from odm_meshing import ODMeshingCell
from odm_texturing import ODMTexturingCell
from odm_georeferencing import ODMGeoreferencingCell
from odm_orthophoto import ODMOrthoPhotoCell
class ODMApp(ecto.BlackBox):
''' ODMApp - a class for ODM Activities
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ecto.BlackBox.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def declare_direct_params(p):
p.declare("args", "The application arguments.", {})
def declare_cells(p):
print p.args
Implement the virtual function from the base class
Only cells from which something is forwarded have to be declared
cells = { 'args': ecto.Constant(value=p.args),
'load_dataset': ODMLoadDatasetCell(),
'resize': ODMResizeCell(),
'opensfm': ODMOpenSfMCell(use_exif_size=False,
'pmvs': ODMPmvsCell(),
'meshing': ODMeshingCell(),
'texturing': ODMTexturingCell(),
'georeferencing': ODMGeoreferencingCell(),
'orthophoto': ODMOrthoPhotoCell()
return cells
def connections(self, _p):
# define initial and final tasks
# TODO: not sure how to manage that
initial_task = _p.args['start_with']
final_task = _p.args['end_with']
run_only = _p.args['run_only']
# define the connections like you would for the plasm
connections = []
# load the dataset
connections = [ self.args[:] >> self.load_dataset['args'] ]
# resize images
connections += [ self.args[:] >> self.resize['args'],
self.load_dataset['photos'] >> self.resize['photos'] ]
# run opensfm
connections += [ self.args[:] >> self.opensfm['args'],
self.load_dataset['photos'] >> self.opensfm['photos'] ]
# run cmvs
connections += [ self.args[:] >> self.pmvs['args'],
self.opensfm['reconstruction_path'] >>
self.pmvs['reconstruction_path'] ]
# create odm mesh
connections += [ self.args[:] >> self.meshing['args'],
self.pmvs['model_path'] >> self.meshing['model_path'] ]
# create odm texture
connections += [ self.args[:] >> self.texturing['args'],
self.meshing['mesh_path'] >> self.texturing['model_path'] ]
# create odm georeference
connections += [ self.args[:] >> self.georeferencing['args'] ]
# create odm orthophoto
connections += [ self.args[:] >> self.orthophoto['args'] ]
return connections