/* Node-OpenDroneMap Node.js App and REST API to access OpenDroneMap. Copyright (C) 2016 Node-OpenDroneMap Contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const odmRunner = require('./odmRunner'); const config = require('../config'); const async = require('async'); const assert = require('assert'); const logger = require('./logger'); let odmOptions = null; let odmVersion = null; module.exports = { initialize: function(done){ async.parallel([ this.getOptions, this.getVersion ], done); }, getVersion: function(done){ if (odmVersion){ done(null, odmVersion); return; } odmRunner.getVersion(done); }, getOptions: function(done){ if (odmOptions){ done(null, odmOptions); return; } odmRunner.getJsonOptions((err, json) => { if (err) done(err); else{ odmOptions = []; for (let option in json){ // Not all options are useful to the end user // (num cores can be set programmatically, so can gcpFile, etc.) if (["-h", "--project-path", "--cmvs-maxImages", "--time", "--zip-results", "--pmvs-num-cores", "--start-with", "--gcp", "--images", "--rerun-all", "--rerun", "--slam-config", "--video", "--version", "name"].indexOf(option) !== -1) continue; let values = json[option]; let name = option.replace(/^--/, ""); let type = ""; let value = ""; let help = values.help || ""; let domain = values.metavar !== undefined ? values.metavar.replace(/^[<>]/g, "") .replace(/[<>]$/g, "") .trim() : ""; switch((values.type || "").trim()){ case "": type = "int"; value = values['default'] !== undefined ? parseInt(values['default']) : 0; break; case "": type = "float"; value = values['default'] !== undefined ? parseFloat(values['default']) : 0.0; break; default: type = "string"; value = values['default'] !== undefined ? values['default'].trim() : ""; } if (values['default'] === "True"){ type = "bool"; value = true; }else if (values['default'] === "False"){ type = "bool"; value = false; } // If 'choices' is specified, try to convert it to array if (values.choices){ try{ values.choices = JSON.parse(values.choices.replace(/'/g, '"')); // Convert ' to " }catch(e){ logger.warn(`Cannot parse choices: ${values.choices}`); } } // In the end, all values must be converted back // to strings (per OpenAPI spec which doesn't allow mixed types) value = String(value); if (Array.isArray(values.choices)){ type = "enum"; domain = values.choices; // Make sure that the default value // is in the list of choices if (domain.indexOf(value) === -1) domain.unshift(value); } help = help.replace(/^One of: \%\(choices\)s. /, ""); help = help.replace(/\%\(default\)s/g, value); odmOptions.push({ name, type, value, domain, help }); } done(null, odmOptions); } }); }, // Checks that the options (as received from the rest endpoint) // Are valid and within proper ranges. // The result of filtering is passed back via callback // @param options[] filterOptions: function(options, done){ assert(odmOptions !== null, "odmOptions is not set. Have you initialized odmOptions properly?"); try{ if (typeof options === "string") options = JSON.parse(options); if (!Array.isArray(options)) options = []; let result = []; let errors = []; let addError = function(opt, descr){ errors.push({ name: opt.name, error: descr }); }; let typeConversion = { 'float': Number.parseFloat, 'int': Number.parseInt, 'bool': function(value){ if (value === 'true' || value === '1') return true; else if (value === 'false' || value === '0') return false; else if (typeof value === 'boolean') return value; else throw new Error(`Cannot convert ${value} to boolean`); }, 'string': function(value){ return value; // No conversion needed }, 'path': function(value){ return value; // No conversion needed }, 'enum': function(value){ return value; // No conversion needed } }; let domainChecks = [ { regex: /^(positive |negative )?(integer|float)$/, validate: function(matches, value){ if (matches[1] === 'positive ') return value >= 0; else if (matches[1] === 'negative ') return value <= 0; else if (matches[2] === 'integer') return Number.isInteger(value); else if (matches[2] === 'float') return Number.isFinite(value); } }, { regex: /^percent$/, validate: function(matches, value){ return value >= 0 && value <= 100; } }, { regex: /^(float|integer): ([\-\+\.\d]+) <= x <= ([\-\+\.\d]+)$/, validate: function(matches, value){ let [str, type, lower, upper] = matches; let parseFunc = type === 'float' ? parseFloat : parseInt; lower = parseFunc(lower); upper = parseFunc(upper); return value >= lower && value <= upper; } }, { regex: /^(float|integer) (>=|>|<|<=) ([\-\+\.\d]+)$/, validate: function(matches, value){ let [str, type, oper, bound] = matches; let parseFunc = type === 'float' ? parseFloat : parseInt; bound = parseFunc(bound); switch(oper){ case '>=': return value >= bound; case '>': return value > bound; case '<=': return value <= bound; case '<': return value < bound; default: return false; } } }, { regex: /^(json)$/, validate: function(matches, value){ try{ if (typeof value !== 'string') return false; JSON.parse(value); return true; }catch(e){ return false; } } }, { regex: /^(string|path)$/, validate: function(){ return true; // All strings/paths are fine } } ]; let checkDomain = function(domain, value){ if (Array.isArray(domain)){ // Special case for enum checks if (domain.indexOf(value) === -1) throw new Error(`Invalid value ${value} (not in enum)`); }else{ let matches, dc = domainChecks.find(dc => matches = domain.match(dc.regex)); if (dc){ if (!dc.validate(matches, value)) throw new Error(`Invalid value ${value} (out of range)`); }else{ throw new Error(`Domain value cannot be handled: '${domain}' : '${value}'`); } } }; // Scan through all possible options let maxConcurrencyFound = false; let maxConcurrencyIsAnOption = false; for (let odmOption of odmOptions){ if (odmOption.name === 'max-concurrency') maxConcurrencyIsAnOption = true; // Was this option selected by the user? /*jshint loopfunc: true */ let opt = options.find(o => o.name === odmOption.name); if (opt){ try{ // Convert to proper data type let value = typeConversion[odmOption.type](opt.value); // Domain check if (odmOption.domain){ checkDomain(odmOption.domain, value); } // Max concurrency check if (opt.name === 'max-concurrency'){ maxConcurrencyFound = true; // Cap if (config.maxConcurrency){ value = Math.min(value, config.maxConcurrency); } } result.push({ name: odmOption.name, value: value }); }catch(e){ addError(opt, e.message); } } } // If no max concurrency was passed by the user // but our configuration sets a limit, pass it. if (!maxConcurrencyFound && maxConcurrencyIsAnOption && config.maxConcurrency){ result.push({ name: "max-concurrency", value: config.maxConcurrency }); } if (errors.length > 0) done(new Error(JSON.stringify(errors))); else done(null, result); }catch(e){ done(e); } } };