/* Node-OpenDroneMap Node.js App and REST API to access OpenDroneMap. Copyright (C) 2016 Node-OpenDroneMap Contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const fs = require('fs'); const config = require('./config.js'); const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json')); const logger = require('./libs/logger'); const async = require('async'); const mime = require('mime'); const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const multer = require('multer'); const TaskManager = require('./libs/TaskManager'); const odmInfo = require('./libs/odmInfo'); const si = require('systeminformation'); const S3 = require('./libs/S3'); const auth = require('./libs/auth/factory').fromConfig(config); const authCheck = auth.getMiddleware(); const taskNew = require('./libs/taskNew'); app.use(express.static('public')); app.use('/swagger.json', express.static('docs/swagger.json')); const formDataParser = multer().none(); const urlEncodedBodyParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}); let taskManager; let server; /** @swagger * /task/new/init: * post: * description: Initialize the upload of a new task. If successful, a user can start uploading files via /task/new/upload. The task will not start until /task/new/commit is called. * tags: [task] * parameters: * - * name: name * in: formData * description: An optional name to be associated with the task * required: false * type: string * - * name: options * in: formData * description: 'Serialized JSON string of the options to use for processing, as an array of the format: [{name: option1, value: value1}, {name: option2, value: value2}, ...]. For example, [{"name":"cmvs-maxImages","value":"500"},{"name":"time","value":true}]. For a list of all options, call /options' * required: false * type: string * - * name: skipPostProcessing * in: formData * description: 'When set, skips generation of map tiles, derivate assets, point cloud tiles.' * required: false * type: boolean * - * name: webhook * in: formData * description: Optional URL to call when processing has ended (either successfully or unsuccessfully). * required: false * type: string * - * name: outputs * in: formData * description: 'An optional serialized JSON string of paths relative to the project directory that should be included in the all.zip result file, overriding the default behavior.' * required: false * type: string * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * - * name: set-uuid * in: header * description: 'An optional UUID string that will be used as UUID for this task instead of generating a random one.' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Success * schema: * type: object * required: [uuid] * properties: * uuid: * type: string * description: UUID of the newly created task * default: * description: Error * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.post('/task/new/init', authCheck, taskNew.assignUUID, formDataParser, taskNew.handleInit); /** @swagger * /task/new/upload/{uuid}: * post: * description: Adds one or more files to the task created via /task/new/init. It does not start the task. To start the task, call /task/new/commit. * tags: [task] * consumes: * - multipart/form-data * parameters: * - * name: uuid * in: path * description: UUID of the task * required: true * type: string * - * name: images * in: formData * description: Images to process, plus an optional GCP file (*.txt) and/or an optional seed file (seed.zip). If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents. * required: true * type: file * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: File Received * schema: * $ref: "#/definitions/Response" * default: * description: Error * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.post('/task/new/upload/:uuid', authCheck, taskNew.getUUID, taskNew.preUpload, taskNew.uploadImages, taskNew.handleUpload); /** @swagger * /task/new/commit/{uuid}: * post: * description: Creates a new task for which images have been uploaded via /task/new/upload. * tags: [task] * parameters: * - * name: uuid * in: path * description: UUID of the task * required: true * type: string * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Success * schema: * type: object * required: [uuid] * properties: * uuid: * type: string * description: UUID of the newly created task * default: * description: Error * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.post('/task/new/commit/:uuid', authCheck, taskNew.getUUID, taskNew.handleCommit, taskNew.createTask); /** @swagger * /task/new: * post: * description: Creates a new task and places it at the end of the processing queue. For uploading really large tasks, see /task/new/init instead. * tags: [task] * consumes: * - multipart/form-data * parameters: * - * name: images * in: formData * description: Images to process, plus an optional GCP file (*.txt) and/or an optional seed file (seed.zip). If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents. * required: false * type: file * - * name: zipurl * in: formData * description: URL of the zip file containing the images to process, plus an optional GCP file. If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension * required: false * type: string * - * name: name * in: formData * description: An optional name to be associated with the task * required: false * type: string * - * name: options * in: formData * description: 'Serialized JSON string of the options to use for processing, as an array of the format: [{name: option1, value: value1}, {name: option2, value: value2}, ...]. For example, [{"name":"cmvs-maxImages","value":"500"},{"name":"time","value":true}]. For a list of all options, call /options' * required: false * type: string * - * name: skipPostProcessing * in: formData * description: 'When set, skips generation of map tiles, derivate assets, point cloud tiles.' * required: false * type: boolean * - * name: webhook * in: formData * description: Optional URL to call when processing has ended (either successfully or unsuccessfully). * required: false * type: string * - * name: outputs * in: formData * description: 'An optional serialized JSON string of paths relative to the project directory that should be included in the all.zip result file, overriding the default behavior.' * required: false * type: string * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * - * name: set-uuid * in: header * description: 'An optional UUID string that will be used as UUID for this task instead of generating a random one.' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Success * schema: * type: object * required: [uuid] * properties: * uuid: * type: string * description: UUID of the newly created task * default: * description: Error * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.post('/task/new', authCheck, taskNew.assignUUID, taskNew.uploadImages, (req, res, next) => { req.body = req.body || {}; if ((!req.files || req.files.length === 0) && !req.body.zipurl) req.error = "Need at least 1 file or a zip file url."; else if (config.maxImages && req.files && req.files.length > config.maxImages) req.error = `${req.files.length} images uploaded, but this node can only process up to ${config.maxImages}.`; next(); }, taskNew.createTask); let getTaskFromUuid = (req, res, next) => { let task = taskManager.find(req.params.uuid); if (task) { req.task = task; next(); } else res.json({ error: `${req.params.uuid} not found` }); }; /** @swagger * /task/{uuid}/info: * get: * description: Gets information about this task, such as name, creation date, processing time, status, command line options and number of images being processed. See schema definition for a full list. * tags: [task] * parameters: * - * name: uuid * in: path * description: UUID of the task * required: true * type: string * - * name: options * in: formData * description: 'Serialized JSON string of the options to use for processing, as an array of the format: [{name: option1, value: value1}, {name: option2, value: value2}, ...]. For example, [{"name":"cmvs-maxImages","value":"500"},{"name":"time","value":true}]. For a list of all options, call /options' * required: false * type: string * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * - * name: with_output * in: query * description: Optionally retrieve the console output for this task. The parameter specifies the line number that the console output should be truncated from. For example, passing a value of 100 will retrieve the console output starting from line 100. By default no console output is added to the response. * default: 0 * required: false * type: integer * responses: * 200: * description: Task Information * schema: * title: TaskInfo * type: object * required: [uuid, name, dateCreated, processingTime, status, options, imagesCount, progress] * properties: * uuid: * type: string * description: UUID * name: * type: string * description: Name * dateCreated: * type: integer * description: Timestamp * processingTime: * type: integer * description: Milliseconds that have elapsed since the task started being processed. * status: * type: object * required: [code] * properties: * code: * type: integer * description: Status code (10 = QUEUED, 20 = RUNNING, 30 = FAILED, 40 = COMPLETED, 50 = CANCELED) * enum: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] * options: * type: array * description: List of options used to process this task * items: * type: object * required: [name, value] * properties: * name: * type: string * description: 'Option name (example: "odm_meshing-octreeDepth")' * value: * type: string * description: 'Value (example: 9)' * imagesCount: * type: integer * description: Number of images * progress: * type: float * description: Percentage progress (estimated) of the task * output: * type: array * description: Console output for the task (only if requested via ?output=) * items: * type: string * default: * description: Error * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.get('/task/:uuid/info', authCheck, getTaskFromUuid, (req, res) => { const info = req.task.getInfo(); if (req.query.with_output !== undefined) info.output = req.task.getOutput(req.query.with_output); res.json(info); }); /** @swagger * /task/{uuid}/output: * get: * description: Retrieves the console output of the OpenDroneMap's process. Useful for monitoring execution and to provide updates to the user. * tags: [task] * parameters: * - * name: uuid * in: path * description: UUID of the task * required: true * type: string * - * name: line * in: query * description: Optional line number that the console output should be truncated from. For example, passing a value of 100 will retrieve the console output starting from line 100. Defaults to 0 (retrieve all console output). * default: 0 * required: false * type: integer * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Console Output * schema: * type: string * default: * description: Error * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.get('/task/:uuid/output', authCheck, getTaskFromUuid, (req, res) => { res.json(req.task.getOutput(req.query.line)); }); /** @swagger * /task/{uuid}/download/{asset}: * get: * description: Retrieves an asset (the output of OpenDroneMap's processing) associated with a task * tags: [task] * produces: [application/zip] * parameters: * - name: uuid * in: path * type: string * description: UUID of the task * required: true * - name: asset * in: path * type: string * description: Type of asset to download. Use "all.zip" for zip file containing all assets. * required: true * enum: * - all.zip * - orthophoto.tif * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Asset File * schema: * type: file * default: * description: Error message * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.get('/task/:uuid/download/:asset', authCheck, getTaskFromUuid, (req, res) => { let asset = req.params.asset !== undefined ? req.params.asset : "all.zip"; let filePath = req.task.getAssetsArchivePath(asset); if (filePath) { if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', `attachment; filename=${asset}`); res.setHeader('Content-Type', mime.getType(filePath)); res.setHeader('Content-Length', fs.statSync(filePath).size); const filestream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); filestream.pipe(res); } else { res.json({ error: "Asset not ready" }); } } else { res.json({ error: "Invalid asset" }); } }); /** @swagger * definition: * Error: * type: object * required: * - error * properties: * error: * type: string * description: Description of the error * Response: * type: object * required: * - success * properties: * success: * type: boolean * description: true if the command succeeded, false otherwise * error: * type: string * description: Error message if an error occured */ let uuidCheck = (req, res, next) => { if (!req.body.uuid) res.json({ error: "uuid param missing." }); else next(); }; let successHandler = res => { return err => { if (!err) res.json({ success: true }); else res.json({ success: false, error: err.message }); }; }; /** @swagger * /task/cancel: * post: * description: Cancels a task (stops its execution, or prevents it from being executed) * parameters: * - * name: uuid * in: body * description: UUID of the task * required: true * schema: * type: string * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Command Received * schema: * $ref: "#/definitions/Response" */ app.post('/task/cancel', urlEncodedBodyParser, authCheck, uuidCheck, (req, res) => { taskManager.cancel(req.body.uuid, successHandler(res)); }); /** @swagger * /task/remove: * post: * description: Removes a task and deletes all of its assets * parameters: * - * name: uuid * in: body * description: UUID of the task * required: true * schema: * type: string * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Command Received * schema: * $ref: "#/definitions/Response" */ app.post('/task/remove', urlEncodedBodyParser, authCheck, uuidCheck, (req, res) => { taskManager.remove(req.body.uuid, successHandler(res)); }); /** @swagger * /task/restart: * post: * description: Restarts a task that was previously canceled, that had failed to process or that successfully completed * parameters: * - * name: uuid * in: body * description: UUID of the task * required: true * schema: * type: string * - * name: options * in: body * description: 'Serialized JSON string of the options to use for processing, as an array of the format: [{name: option1, value: value1}, {name: option2, value: value2}, ...]. For example, [{"name":"cmvs-maxImages","value":"500"},{"name":"time","value":true}]. For a list of all options, call /options. Overrides the previous options set for this task.' * required: false * schema: * type: string * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Command Received * schema: * $ref: "#/definitions/Response" */ app.post('/task/restart', urlEncodedBodyParser, authCheck, uuidCheck, (req, res, next) => { if (req.body.options){ odmInfo.filterOptions(req.body.options, (err, options) => { if (err) res.json({ error: err.message }); else { req.body.options = options; next(); } }); } else next(); }, (req, res) => { taskManager.restart(req.body.uuid, req.body.options, successHandler(res)); }); /** @swagger * /options: * get: * description: Retrieves the command line options that can be passed to process a task * parameters: * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * tags: [server] * responses: * 200: * description: Options * schema: * type: array * items: * title: Option * type: object * required: [name, type, value, domain, help] * properties: * name: * type: string * description: Command line option (exactly as it is passed to the OpenDroneMap process, minus the leading '--') * type: * type: string * description: Datatype of the value of this option * enum: * - int * - float * - string * - bool * value: * type: string * description: Default value of this option * domain: * type: string * description: Valid range of values (for example, "positive integer" or "float > 0.0") * help: * type: string * description: Description of what this option does */ app.get('/options', authCheck, (req, res) => { odmInfo.getOptions((err, options) => { if (err) res.json({ error: err.message }); else res.json(options); }); }); /** @swagger * /info: * get: * description: Retrieves information about this node * parameters: * - * name: token * in: query * description: 'Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).' * required: false * type: string * tags: [server] * responses: * 200: * description: Info * schema: * type: object * required: [version, taskQueueCount, maxImages, engineVersion, engine] * properties: * version: * type: string * description: Current API version * taskQueueCount: * type: integer * description: Number of tasks currently being processed or waiting to be processed * availableMemory: * type: integer * description: Amount of RAM available in bytes * totalMemory: * type: integer * description: Amount of total RAM in the system in bytes * cpuCores: * type: integer * description: Number of CPU cores (virtual) * maxImages: * type: integer * description: Maximum number of images allowed for new tasks or null if there's no limit. * maxParallelTasks: * type: integer * description: Maximum number of tasks that can be processed simultaneously * engineVersion: * type: string * description: Current version of processing engine * engine: * type: string * description: Lowercase identifier of processing engine */ app.get('/info', authCheck, (req, res) => { async.parallel({ cpu: cb => si.cpu(data => cb(null, data)), mem: cb => si.mem(data => cb(null, data)), engineVersion: odmInfo.getVersion }, (_, data) => { const { cpu, mem, engineVersion } = data; // For testing if (req.query._debugUnauthorized){ res.writeHead(401, "unauthorized") res.end(); return; } res.json({ version: packageJson.version, taskQueueCount: taskManager.getQueueCount(), totalMemory: mem.total, availableMemory: mem.available, cpuCores: cpu.cores, maxImages: config.maxImages, maxParallelTasks: config.parallelQueueProcessing, engineVersion: engineVersion, engine: 'odm' }); }); }); /** @swagger * /auth/info: * get: * description: Retrieves login information for this node. * tags: [auth] * responses: * 200: * description: LoginInformation * schema: * type: object * required: [message, loginUrl, registerUrl] * properties: * message: * type: string * description: Message to be displayed to the user prior to login/registration. This might include instructions on how to register or login, or to communicate that authentication is not available. * loginUrl: * type: string * description: URL (absolute or relative) where to make a POST request to obtain a token, or null if login is disabled. * registerUrl: * type: string * description: URL (absolute or relative) where to make a POST request to register a user, or null if registration is disabled. */ app.get('/auth/info', (req, res) => { res.json({ message: "Authentication not available on this node", loginUrl: null, registerUrl: null }); }); /** @swagger * /auth/login: * post: * description: Retrieve a token from a username/password pair. * parameters: * - * name: username * in: body * description: Username * required: true * schema: * type: string * - * name: password * in: body * description: Password * required: true * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Login Succeeded * schema: * type: object * required: [token] * properties: * token: * type: string * description: Token to be passed as a query parameter to other API calls. * default: * description: Error * schema: * $ref: '#/definitions/Error' */ app.post('/auth/login', (req, res) => { res.json({error: "Not available"}); }); /** @swagger * /auth/register: * post: * description: Register a new username/password. * parameters: * - * name: username * in: body * description: Username * required: true * schema: * type: string * - * name: password * in: body * description: Password * required: true * type: string * responses: * 200: * description: Response * schema: * $ref: "#/definitions/Response" */ app.post('/auth/register', (req, res) => { res.json({error: "Not available"}); }); app.use((err, req, res, next) => { logger.error(err.stack); res.json({error: err.message}); }); let gracefulShutdown = done => { async.series([ cb => taskManager.dumpTaskList(cb), cb => auth.cleanup(cb), cb => { logger.info("Closing server"); server.close(); logger.info("Exiting..."); process.exit(0); } ], done); }; // listen for TERM signal .e.g. kill process.on('SIGTERM', gracefulShutdown); // listen for INT signal e.g. Ctrl-C process.on('SIGINT', gracefulShutdown); // Startup if (config.test) { logger.info("Running in test mode"); if (config.testSkipOrthophotos) logger.info("Orthophotos will be skipped"); if (config.testSkipDems) logger.info("DEMs will be skipped"); if (config.testDropUploads) logger.info("Uploads will drop at random"); } let commands = [ cb => odmInfo.initialize(cb), cb => auth.initialize(cb), cb => S3.initialize(cb), cb => { TaskManager.initialize(cb); taskManager = TaskManager.singleton(); }, cb => { server = app.listen(config.port, err => { if (!err) logger.info('Server has started on port ' + String(config.port)); cb(err); }); } ]; if (config.powercycle) { commands.push(cb => { logger.info("Power cycling is set, application will shut down..."); process.exit(0); }); } async.series(commands, err => { if (err) { logger.error("Error during startup: " + err.message); process.exit(1); } });