/* Node-OpenDroneMap Node.js App and REST API to access OpenDroneMap. Copyright (C) 2016 Node-OpenDroneMap Contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const assert = require('assert'); const config = require('../config'); const rmdir = require('rimraf'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const logger = require('./logger'); const Task = require('./Task'); const statusCodes = require('./statusCodes'); const async = require('async'); const schedule = require('node-schedule'); const Directories = require('./Directories'); const TASKS_DUMP_FILE = path.join(Directories.data, "tasks.json"); const CLEANUP_TASKS_IF_OLDER_THAN = 1000 * 60 * config.cleanupTasksAfter; // minutes module.exports = class TaskManager{ constructor(done){ this.tasks = {}; this.runningQueue = []; async.series([ cb => this.restoreTaskListFromDump(cb), cb => this.removeOldTasks(cb), cb => this.removeOrphanedDirectories(cb), cb => { this.processNextTask(); cb(); }, cb => { // Every hour schedule.scheduleJob('0 * * * *', () => { this.removeOldTasks(); this.dumpTaskList(); }); cb(); } ], done); } // Removes old tasks that have either failed, are completed, or // have been canceled. removeOldTasks(done){ let list = []; let now = new Date().getTime(); logger.debug("Checking for old tasks to be removed..."); for (let uuid in this.tasks){ let task = this.tasks[uuid]; if ([statusCodes.FAILED, statusCodes.COMPLETED, statusCodes.CANCELED].indexOf(task.status.code) !== -1 && now - task.dateCreated > CLEANUP_TASKS_IF_OLDER_THAN){ list.push(task.uuid); } } async.eachSeries(list, (uuid, cb) => { logger.info(`Cleaning up old task ${uuid}`); this.remove(uuid, cb); }, done); } // Removes directories that don't have a corresponding // task associated with it (maybe as a cause of an abrupt exit) removeOrphanedDirectories(done){ logger.info("Checking for orphaned directories to be removed..."); fs.readdir(Directories.data, (err, entries) => { if (err) done(err); else{ async.eachSeries(entries, (entry, cb) => { let dirPath = path.join(Directories.data, entry); if (fs.statSync(dirPath).isDirectory() && entry.match(/^[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+$/) && !this.tasks[entry]){ logger.info(`Found orphaned directory: ${entry}, removing...`); rmdir(dirPath, cb); }else cb(); }, done); } }); } // Load tasks that already exists (if any) restoreTaskListFromDump(done){ fs.readFile(TASKS_DUMP_FILE, (err, data) => { if (!err){ let tasks; try{ tasks = JSON.parse(data.toString()); }catch(e){ done(new Error(`Could not load task list. It looks like the ${TASKS_DUMP_FILE} is corrupted (${e.message}). Please manually delete the file and try again.`)); return; } async.each(tasks, (taskJson, done) => { Task.CreateFromSerialized(taskJson, (err, task) => { if (err) done(err); else{ this.tasks[task.uuid] = task; done(); } }); }, err => { logger.info(`Initialized ${tasks.length} tasks`); if (done !== undefined) done(); }); }else{ logger.info("No tasks dump found"); if (done !== undefined) done(); } }); } // Finds the first QUEUED task. findNextTaskToProcess(){ for (let uuid in this.tasks){ if (this.tasks[uuid].getStatus() === statusCodes.QUEUED){ return this.tasks[uuid]; } } } // Finds the next tasks, adds them to the running queue, // and starts the tasks (up to the limit). processNextTask(){ if (this.runningQueue.length < config.parallelQueueProcessing){ let task = this.findNextTaskToProcess(); if (task){ this.addToRunningQueue(task); task.start(() => { task.callWebhooks(); this.removeFromRunningQueue(task); this.processNextTask(); }); if (this.runningQueue.length < config.parallelQueueProcessing) this.processNextTask(); } }else{ // Do nothing } } addToRunningQueue(task){ assert(task.constructor.name === "Task", "Must be a Task object"); this.runningQueue.push(task); } removeFromRunningQueue(task){ assert(task.constructor.name === "Task", "Must be a Task object"); this.runningQueue = this.runningQueue.filter(t => t !== task); } addNew(task){ assert(task.constructor.name === "Task", "Must be a Task object"); this.tasks[task.uuid] = task; this.processNextTask(); } // Stops the execution of a task // (without removing it from the system). cancel(uuid, cb){ let task = this.find(uuid, cb); if (task){ if (!task.isCanceled()){ task.cancel(err => { this.removeFromRunningQueue(task); this.processNextTask(); cb(err); }); }else{ cb(null); // Nothing to be done } } } // Removes a task from the system. // Before being removed, the task is canceled. remove(uuid, cb){ this.cancel(uuid, err => { if (!err){ let task = this.find(uuid, cb); if (task){ task.cleanup(err => { if (!err){ delete(this.tasks[uuid]); this.processNextTask(); cb(null); }else cb(err); }); }else; // cb is called by find on error }else cb(err); }); } // Restarts (puts back into QUEUED state) // a task that is either in CANCELED or FAILED state. // When options is set, the task's options are overriden restart(uuid, options, cb){ let task = this.find(uuid, cb); if (task){ task.restart(options, err => { if (!err) this.processNextTask(); cb(err); }); } } // Finds a task by its UUID string. find(uuid, cb){ let task = this.tasks[uuid]; if (!task && cb) cb(new Error(`${uuid} not found`)); return task; } // Serializes the list of tasks and saves it // to disk dumpTaskList(done){ let output = []; for (let uuid in this.tasks){ output.push(this.tasks[uuid].serialize()); } fs.writeFile(TASKS_DUMP_FILE, JSON.stringify(output), err => { if (err) logger.error(`Could not dump tasks: ${err.message}`); else logger.debug("Dumped tasks list."); if (done !== undefined) done(); }); } getQueueCount(){ let count = 0; for (let uuid in this.tasks){ let task = this.tasks[uuid]; if ([statusCodes.QUEUED, statusCodes.RUNNING].indexOf(task.status.code) !== -1){ count++; } } return count; } };