{"--pc-classify": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Classify the point cloud outputs using a Simple Morphological Filter. You can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. Default: %(default)s"}, "--smrf-scalar": {"default": "1.25", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. \nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--opensfm-depthmap-min-patch-sd": {"default": "1", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "When using PATCH_MATCH or PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE, controls the standard deviation threshold to include patches. Patches with lower standard deviation are ignored. Default: %(default)s"}, "--smrf-window": {"default": "18.0", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). \nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--mesh-octree-depth": {"default": "9", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Oct-tree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s"}, "--sm-cluster": {"default": "None", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s"}, "--min-num-features": {"default": "8000", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features leads to better results but slower execution. Default: %(default)s"}, "--resize-to": {"default": "2048", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Resizes images by the largest side for feature extraction. Set to -1 to disable. This does not affect the final orthophoto resolution quality. Default: %(default)s"}, "--smrf-slope": {"default": "0.15", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). \nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--rerun-from": {"action": "", "choices": "['dataset', 'split', 'merge', 'opensfm', 'mve', 'odm_filterpoints', 'odm_meshing', 'mvs_texturing', 'odm_georeferencing', 'odm_dem', 'odm_orthophoto']", "help": "Can be one of:dataset | split | merge | opensfm | mve | odm_filterpoints | odm_meshing | mvs_texturing | odm_georeferencing | odm_dem | odm_orthophoto", "metavar": ""}, "--use-3dmesh": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas."}, "--orthophoto-compression": {"default": "DEFLATE", "choices": "['JPEG', 'LZW', 'PACKBITS', 'DEFLATE', 'LZMA', 'NONE']", "type": "", "help": "Set the compression to use. Note that this could break gdal_translate if you don't know what you are doing. Options: %(choices)s.\nDefault: %(default)s", "metavar": ""}, "--mve-confidence": {"default": "0.6", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Discard points that have less than a certain confidence threshold. This only affects dense reconstructions performed with MVE. Higher values discard more points. Default: %(default)s"}, "--rerun": {"choices": "['dataset', 'split', 'merge', 'opensfm', 'mve', 'odm_filterpoints', 'odm_meshing', 'mvs_texturing', 'odm_georeferencing', 'odm_dem', 'odm_orthophoto']", "help": "Can be one of:dataset | split | merge | opensfm | mve | odm_filterpoints | odm_meshing | mvs_texturing | odm_georeferencing | odm_dem | odm_orthophoto", "metavar": ""}, "--texturing-skip-hole-filling": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Skip filling of holes in the mesh. Default: %(default)s"}, "--texturing-skip-global-seam-leveling": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Skip global seam leveling. Useful for IR data.Default: %(default)s"}, "--project-path": {"metavar": "", "help": "Path to the project folder"}, "--texturing-nadir-weight": {"default": "16", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Affects orthophotos only. Higher values result in sharper corners, but can affect color distribution and blurriness. Use lower values for planar areas and higher values for urban areas. The default value works well for most scenarios. Default: %(default)s"}, "--texturing-outlier-removal-type": {"default": "gauss_clamping", "choices": "['none', 'gauss_clamping', 'gauss_damping']", "help": "Type of photometric outlier removal method: [none, gauss_damping, gauss_clamping]. Default: %(default)s", "metavar": ""}, "--orthophoto-resolution": {"default": "5", "type": "", "metavar": " 0.0>", "help": "Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel.\nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--dtm": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for finer tuning."}, "--rerun-all": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "force rerun of all tasks"}, "--orthophoto-no-tiled": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Set this parameter if you want a stripped geoTIFF.\nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--dem-resolution": {"default": "5", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel.\nDefault: %(default)s"}, "-h": {"action": "help", "default": "==SUPPRESS==", "help": "show this help message and exit"}, "--mesh-size": {"default": "100000", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s"}, "--ignore-gsd": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality."}, "--build-overviews": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Build orthophoto overviews using gdaladdo."}, "--use-opensfm-dense": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Use opensfm to compute dense point cloud alternatively"}, "--opensfm-depthmap-min-consistent-views": {"default": "3", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Minimum number of views that should reconstruct a point for it to be valid. Use lower values if your images have less overlap. Lower values result in denser point clouds but with more noise. Default: %(default)s"}, "--texturing-skip-local-seam-leveling": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Skip local seam blending. Default: %(default)s"}, "--texturing-keep-unseen-faces": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Keep faces in the mesh that are not seen in any camera. Default: %(default)s"}, "--gcp": {"default": "None", "metavar": "", "help": "path to the file containing the ground control points used for georeferencing. Default: %(default)s. The file needs to be on the following line format: \neasting northing height pixelrow pixelcol imagename"}, "--use-exif": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Use this tag if you have a gcp_list.txt but want to use the exif geotags instead"}, "--mesh-samples": {"default": "1.0", "type": "", "metavar": "= 1.0>", "help": "Number of points per octree node, recommended and default value: %(default)s"}, "--split": {"default": "999999", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates the number of images that each cluster should have on average."}, "--matcher-distance": {"default": "0", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Distance threshold in meters to find pre-matching images based on GPS exif data. Set both matcher-neighbors and this to 0 to skip pre-matching. Default: %(default)s"}, "--split-overlap": {"default": "150", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap."}, "--orthophoto-bigtiff": {"default": "IF_SAFER", "type": "", "help": "Control whether the created orthophoto is a BigTIFF or classic TIFF. BigTIFF is a variant for files larger than 4GiB of data. Options are %(choices)s. See GDAL specs: https://www.gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html for more info. \nDefault: %(default)s", "choices": "['YES', 'NO', 'IF_NEEDED', 'IF_SAFER']"}, "--dem-decimation": {"default": "1", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up generation.\nDefault=%(default)s"}, "--orthophoto-cutline": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s"}, "--pc-filter": {"default": "2.5", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering.\nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--fast-orthophoto": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Experimental."}, "--pc-ept": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. Default: %(default)s"}, "--crop": {"default": "3", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the dataset boundaries, shrinked by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. Default: %(default)s"}, "--images": {"metavar": "", "help": "Path to input images"}, "--pc-las": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s"}, "--version": {"action": "version", "version": "OpenDroneMap 0.8.1", "help": "Displays version number and exits. "}, "--merge": {"default": "all", "choices": "['all', 'pointcloud', 'orthophoto', 'dem']", "help": "Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all available outputs are merged. Default: %(default)s", "metavar": ""}, "--dsm": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer tuning."}, "--dem-gapfill-steps": {"default": "3", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. \nDefault=%(default)s"}, "--mesh-point-weight": {"default": "4", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "This floating point value specifies the importance that interpolation of the point samples is given in the formulation of the screened Poisson equation. The results of the original (unscreened) Poisson Reconstruction can be obtained by setting this value to 0.Default= %(default)s"}, "--max-concurrency": {"default": "4", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: %(default)s"}, "name": {"default": "code", "type": "", "nargs": "?", "metavar": "", "help": "Name of Project (i.e subdirectory of projects folder)"}, "--texturing-tone-mapping": {"default": "none", "choices": "['none', 'gamma']", "help": "Turn on gamma tone mapping or none for no tone mapping. Choices are 'gamma' or 'none'. Default: %(default)s ", "metavar": ""}, "--cameras": {"default": "", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: %(default)s"}, "--dem-euclidean-map": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. Default: %(default)s"}, "--skip-3dmodel": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs."}, "--matcher-neighbors": {"default": "8", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Number of nearest images to pre-match based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to skip pre-matching. Neighbors works together with Distance parameter, set both to 0 to not use pre-matching. OpenSFM uses both parameters at the same time, Bundler uses only one which has value, prefering the Neighbors parameter. Default: %(default)s"}, "--pc-csv": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s"}, "--end-with": {"default": "odm_orthophoto", "choices": "['dataset', 'split', 'merge', 'opensfm', 'mve', 'odm_filterpoints', 'odm_meshing', 'mvs_texturing', 'odm_georeferencing', 'odm_dem', 'odm_orthophoto']", "help": "Can be one of:dataset | split | merge | opensfm | mve | odm_filterpoints | odm_meshing | mvs_texturing | odm_georeferencing | odm_dem | odm_orthophoto", "metavar": ""}, "--depthmap-resolution": {"default": "640", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Controls the density of the point cloud by setting the resolution of the depthmap images. Higher values take longer to compute but produce denser point clouds. Default: %(default)s"}, "--texturing-data-term": {"default": "gmi", "choices": "['gmi', 'area']", "help": "Data term: [area, gmi]. Default: %(default)s", "metavar": ""}, "--texturing-skip-visibility-test": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Skip geometric visibility test. Default: %(default)s"}, "--opensfm-depthmap-method": {"default": "PATCH_MATCH", "choices": "['PATCH_MATCH', 'BRUTE_FORCE', 'PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE']", "help": "Raw depthmap computation algorithm. PATCH_MATCH and PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE are faster, but might miss some valid points. BRUTE_FORCE takes longer but produces denser reconstructions. Default: %(default)s", "metavar": ""}, "--use-fixed-camera-params": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundler"}, "--time": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Generates a benchmark file with runtime info\nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--smrf-threshold": {"default": "0.5", "type": "", "metavar": "", "help": "Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). \nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--verbose": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Print additional messages to the console\nDefault: %(default)s"}, "--use-hybrid-bundle-adjustment": {"action": "store_true", "default": "False", "help": "Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very large datasets."}}